February 2-3, 2015 - Sunny Southeast Regional Workshop, Puerto Rico


This is the first time for at least two board members so we plan some Board orientation on a number of subject areas. It will be a review for some and a refresher for others. Included might be but not limited to how to read NAI financial statements, responsibilities, obligations, ethics statements, Roberts Rules, board management, monthly conference calls, etc.


1.  Review, adjust and approve agenda – President Amy Lethbridge

2.  Approve revised minutes of August 2014 BOD meeting – Amy Lethbridge

3.  Approve Minutes of November 2014 BOD meeting – Amy Leftbridge


1.  Treasurers/Budget Report on the past fiscal year. Financial Management overview with Margo Carlock and Theresa Coble 30 minutes

Move to accept

Seconded by

2.  Report from the Leadership Development Task Force (if none, it drops down to Discussion Items) Jay Miller 15 minutes

Move to accept recommendations

Seconded by

3.  Approval of National Committee Chairs 30 minutes

Approval of National Nominations and

Election Committee Chair –Alan Leftridge , Committee Members Sara Lustbader, Jeremiah Hyslop, Nancy Stimson and Jim Covel

Approval of National Personnel Committee - ______

Moved by the Cem Basman, VP Administration

Seconded by

Approval of National Ethics Committee Chair - ______

Approval of National Awards Committee Chair ______

Approval of National Development Committee Chair______

Motion to accept slate of nominees for the National Ethics, National Awards and National Development Committee Chairs

Seconded by______


4.  Strategic Plan – Update on plans for implementation, task forces 60 minutes

5.  Development Committee Update and plans for 2015 15 minutes

6.  Advisory Council Update and Report – Kevin Damstra and Pepe Chavez 30 minutes

7.  Report on the National Workshop including a discussion on the concurrent session review process and workshop locations for years not already designated 30 minutes

8.  Update on the new Awards Program implementation 10 minutes

9.  International Workshop update 15 minutes

10.  Membership Task Force Update 10 minutes

11.  Discussion of Board Nominated Members of the Board of Directors process. Review process and the board skills matrix update 15 minutes

12.  Update on International efforts and projects 15 minutes

13.  Leadership Task Force update (if there are no action items forwarded, then it drops down to here as a discussion item) 30 minutes

14.  The role of Research in the Association 30 minutes

15.  2016 Board Meeting Schedule

16.  Scholarship Policy 20 minutes

17.  Association of Missouri Interpreters Update 15 minutes

INFORMATION ITEMS: Available on website under Resources/NAI Admin Docs/Board Meeting Materials

·  Board Officer reports

·  Office report

·  Committee reports

·  Treasurers report

·  Minutes November 2014 & August 2014 board meeting

·  Financials (on Financial Information page )

·  Book of Motions

Mission: Inspiring leadership and excellence to advance heritage interpretation as a profession.