Cropwell Bishop

Parish Council – Minutes of Meeting

4th November 2014

7.30pm -The Old School

(The meeting started at 7.33pm and finished at 9.10pm)

Present: Cllrs. C. Bryan, J. Gelsthorpe, J. Greenwood, H. Kendall, J. Page, A. Wilson - Chairman

In Attendance: Mrs J. Towndrow (Clerk), 3 Local Residents, Cllr. G. Moore (Rushcliffe Borough Council)


Apologies Approved

203. Cllrs. B. Stanley, J. Wroughton & M. Wright. NCC Cllr. R. Butler & RBC Cllr. S. Bailey

Declarations of Interest & Confirmation of Agenda

204. DOI – Non Received

The Agenda was confirmed.

205. Standing Orders were suspended at 7.35pm to allow the order of business to be amended to enable attendees to speak to the meeting.

Parishioners’ Question Time & Policing Report

There were no comments received from residents

Crime figures for October:

None Received – put onto the website when received

206. Standing Orders resumed at 7.40pm

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

207. Resolved: “That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th October 2014, be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman”.


208. M.102 1/7/14 Roll out of Fibre Optic Broadband

Resolved: Completed.

The two Fibre Optic Cabinets went live on 24th October 2014. Individuals and business owners to contact their

service providers to ask to be switched to fibre.

209. M.189 7/10/14 – To Consider Centenary Gardens in conjunction with Royal British Legion

Resolved: Completed.

A Grant has been received from Cllr. G. Moore for £100 thank you. Two trees purchased a Copper Beech for

The Memorial Hall grounds and a Cherry, Bird Watereri for at The Old School.

210. M.198 – 7/10/14 – Anaerobic Digester and Grain Store at Russell Price Farms

To Note: A meeting took place with Paul Chatterton and Russell Price at Barnstone to view an Anaerobic

Digester in operation. The meeting was attended by Cllrs. C. Bryan, J. Greenwood & A. Wilson & RBC Cllr.

G. Moore. It appears to be an efficient system with potential for local generation of electricity. Councillors

would like the community to benefit in some way from the instatllation.

Planning Matters & Applications

211. RBC Grant Permission: 14/01710/FUL – Two storey and single storey rear extension – 59 Church Street,

Cropwell Bishop, NG12 3BY - NOTED

212. RBC New Application: 14/02159/FUL – Single storey front extension and part garage conversion – 9 Smiths

Close, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3DU


213. RBC New Application: 14/02237/FUL – Proposed Conservatory – 18 Brownhill Close, Cropwell Bishop

NG12 3DN


214. RBC New Application: 14/02280/AGRIC – Machinery and feed building – Limestone House, Colston Road,

Cropwell Bishop, NG12 3BN.


215. RBC New Application: 14/02281/FUL – First floor extension & balcony – Limestone House, Colston Road,

Cropwell Bishop, NG12 3BN.



216. a) Financial Statement up to 31st October 2014

It was:

Resolved: “To approve the financial statement.”

217. b) Payments Made up to 31st October 2014

It was:

Resolved: “To approve all payments as reproduced on payments document 95.”

218. c) To Consider Lease Invoice for Memorial Hall

It was:

Resolved: “To approve the Lease Invoice.”

219. d) To Consider Purchase of New Table Tops

It was:

Resolved: “To approve purchase of 4 table tops cost £247.20.”

Correspondence for Action

220. To Consider Date and Film for Senior Citizens Christmas Party

Resolved: Date to be Tuesday 16th December 2014 and the film will be “The Butler”.

To Note: Buffet to be supplied by DeLucy’s Deli.

221. To Consider Dog Fouling Policy for Memorial Hall Caravan Club

Resolved: Dog Fouling Policy for Caravan Clubs adopted on 4th November 2014

222. To Consider Re-Siting of Commemorative Plaque from School Grounds to Memorial Hall

Resolved: Councillors present took a vote and the unanimous decision was that the plaque would be removed

from the school grounds and re-homed at The Old School.

Community Luncheon Event 2015

223. Clerk issued the outline proposal for this event to take place on 2nd June 2014. The aim of the event is to

keep people aged 60 plus safe and well in their own homes through signposting to existing services available.

Local and external services would exhibit at the event.

Resolved: To proceed with this event on 2nd June 2014.

Action: Clerk to source funding for the event nearer the time.

Village Ranger/Lengthsman Inspections

224. The Village Ranger/Lengthsman reported to the Clerk he had received a number of complaints about a resident

removing fence panels from his property and allowing his dogs to run free on the village green and not clean up

his dog fouling.

Resolved: The Chairman wrote to the resident regarding this behaviour and it has been followed up with

a visit from our local PCSO.

225. The Village Ranger/Lengthsman reported fencing had been damaged at the Memorial Hall

Resolved: Repair works completed – 2 wooden slats replaced.

226. To Note: Ranger/Lengthsman has now reverted to his winter hours.

The Old School

227. Entertainments, Activities & User Update

Village Ventures – Spultmilk Say Dance our first village ventures event of this season is on 7th October and at this point has sold 50 tickets. Victor & Albert our second village ventures performance on the 13th December has already sold 30 tickets.

Cinema – Chef was well attended with mixed reviews on the film, the children’s matinee film Maleficent was well attended. Next film showing is Boyhood on the 21st November.

Highways & Footpaths Defects/Issues

228. Cllr Bryan reported on “Report a Fault” website two street lights out on Cooper Close and Parkin Close

Resolved: Completed – System works well repairs done quick and efficiently

To Draw Competition Winner – June 2014 Edition Cropwell News

229. A Parishioner made the draw – Winner Mrs. M. Barlow

Councillors Reports

230. Cllr. Wilson made the meeting aware that the Local Government Boundary Commission for England has

formally commenced an electoral review of NCC.

Resolved: Clerk to put copy of letters in the Correspondence folder and to issue e-mail from NALC to all


231. Cllr. Bryan informed the meeting he had undertaken a recent visit to the Waste Recycling Centre in West

Bridgford. The centre was a very poor design compared to the Langar site and was inefficient in both speed

and efficiency.

232. Cllr. Kendal has been approached by parishioners asking what the progress is with the cabin.

To Note: Investigations ongoing.

233. Cllr. Greenwood emailed Ian Wakefield to ask at tonight’s AGM of the Grantham Canal Society when we could expect to see water in the Cropwell Bishop dry section of the Canal. Cllr. Greenwood had a return e-mail from Mike Stone, Chairman of the society requesting the Parish Council formerly request this section be restored. There were some liability issues which would have to be answered in the correct manner.

Action: Clerk to ask Paul Cox at RBC advice on how we should deal with this request and a suitable response to Mike Stone then be formulated.

234. Cllr. Greenwood asked the meeting if they were happy for him to complete the current County questionnaire on “Integrated ticketing on buses”.

Resolved: Cllr. Greenwood would complete the questionnaire.

235. Cllr. Paige raised the point the Youth Group in Radcliffe have a mini bus we can use if we require it. Cllr.

Wilson advised the meeting that Cropwell Bishop will be having a bus via the Scout Association to use as a Community Bus.

Resolved: A Working Group to be formed to ensure the process is carried out swiftly and correctly.

236. Cllr. G. Moore advised the meeting that the planning application by Chris Allsop Properties at Canalside Industrial Park on Kinoulton Road was ongoing. The Highways Agency have objected and the application has been returned to the applicant to provide a Traffic and Transport Plan.

Correspondence for Information

122. Folder Issued to Cllr. A. Wilson for Circulation

Date of Next Meeting

113. 2nd December 2014

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm

Chairman’s Signature…………………………………………………..Date………………