Benicia Outlaw Player-Parent-Coach Contract 2016
Mission Statement:
The Benicia Outlaws continue to enjoy playing competitive traveling softball. Our goal is to provide a positive environment in which our girls can enjoy the sport, learn its rules, and develop their skills, while traveling & bonding together.
Expectation of Players:
1) Be on time and call if you will be late or can’t attend
2) Listen to instruction and follow team rules
3) Be willing to be coached
4) Show respect and loyalty towards coaches, players, and authority figures you encounter
5) Strive to be a good student and show leadership
6) Maintain uniform and equipment
7) Do not use drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any other controlled substance that may harm your body
8) Report all injuries to coach as soon as possible
9) Refrain from abusive or foul language and always remain positive to those around you
10) Demonstrate good SPORTSMANSHIP!! It can’t be stressed enough. Any unsportsmanlike conduct may result in dismissal from the Outlaws.
Expectation of Parents:
1) Remember that my daughter plays for her enjoyment, not mine
2) Have player at each scheduled practice
3) Have awareness of the travel schedule and understand the commitment to make all scheduled practices and tournaments
4) Treat coaches, fellow parents, game officials, opponents, and spectators with respect
5) Influence my child to abide by the contract they have signed
6) Contact the coaches peacefully with any concerns or comments at appropriate time and place
7) Provide transportation and lodging when necessary
8) Support the program by volunteering 4 hours per home tournament to help with all aspects
9) Pay all fees to Benicia Outlaws for uniforms, tournament costs, insurance, and miscellaneous items necessary to the organization
Expectation of Coaches:
1) Treat every player with respect
2) Show effective leadership
3) Make reasonable demands and have reasonable expectations
4) Conduct organized and meaningful practices
5) Provide a safe and healthy environment to play in
6) Teach players to work hard and do their best
Player Signature Parent Signature Coach Signature Date