Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy NJHS Candidate Form

Dear Student,

Thank you for your interest in Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy’s chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Attached to this letter you will find information about NJHS membership obligations, selection criteria, and the candidate information form with instructions. Please discuss your interest in NJHS with your parents. The individual service hours NJHS members must complete often require a commitment of time from parents as well as members; therefore, a parent signature is required on the candidate information form.

Selection Criteria – Membership in NJHS is not automatic upon completion of the candidate information form. The information form,teacher recommendations, transcripts, and other school records for each student are reviewed and rated by the Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy NJHS Faculty Council. The rating scale takes into account all five pillars of the NJHS – Scholarship, Citizenship, Character, Service, and Leadership. Be sure your information materials offer an accurate reflection of your accomplishments in each of these areas.

In order to be considered for membership in the Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy’s Virgil T. Blossom chapter of NJHS, all materials must be submitted to Mrs. Moore by Wednesday, March 8, 2017. Late forms will not be considered, so be sure to allow plenty of time to complete the process. Specifically, provide recommendation forms to the adults you have chosen at least one week before the deadline.

The Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy Faculty Council will review all materials and make recommendations for membership. All students will be notified of their status after the end of second quarter. Students who have been selected for NJHS membership will be invited to an NJHS Induction Ceremony to be held Monday, the twenty-seventh of March.

Thank you again for your interest in joining NJHS!


Faculty Council

National Junior Honor Society

Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy


Membership in NJHS is an honor; in fact, to prove worthy of the honor, members of this

national society must meet the following obligations:

1. Service

a. Chapter Service Projects – All members participate and promote the NJHS Group

Service Projects. We will have a minimum of one group project each school year.

b. Individual Service Projects – All members independently complete twenty additional hours of service, averaging ten hours per semester. This service may be completed through a church group, a scout group, a community volunteer effort, and/or opportunities offered at Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy.

Please note: Activities done for any other club or organization may or may not also be counted for NJHS. Those activities should get approval from the Advisor prior to submitting the hours.

2. Scholarship – As an Honor Society, we have high expectations for academic

performance. NJHS members must maintain a cumulative middle school grade with a minimum of 90% and no single course average below 80%.

3. Leadership – Members of NJHS act as student leaders, providing a positive role model to other Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy students and within the community.

4. Citizenship - All members comply with school rules. Code of Conduct referrals, detentions, ISS, or suspension for behavior issues are not acceptable for members of NJHS.

5. Character- Members of NJHS strive to develop the following character traits:

responsibility, respect, patience, courage, caring, integrity, self-control, cooperation,

and perseverance.

Further Obligations:

1. Dues – NJHS members pay annual chapter dues of $20.00. These dues help fund

Chapter activities.

2. Meeting Attendance - Members are expected to attend all scheduled membership meetings. Members who cannot attend a scheduled meeting must provide a written excuse to the Chapter advisors via a Missed Meeting Form.


NJHS is a student-run organization; the officers hold positions of great responsibility. In

addition to the regular meetings, officers meet during lunch earlier in the week to set the agenda and discuss the coming meeting. The officers will be elected by the membership at a meeting in May of each year. The following jobs will be filled:


●  Calls and presides over meetings

●  Provides leadership skills

●  Organizes fundraisers in conjunction with the Vice-President

●  Meets with adviser prior to each meeting to review agenda

●  Participates in annual induction ceremony


●  Helps preside over chapter meetings in the absence of the President

●  Records service hours for members

●  Organizes fundraisers for the chapter

●  Participates in annual induction ceremony


●  Records minutes at all group meetings

●  Submits meeting minutes via email to the adviser and members within one or two days

●  Helps adviser with organization at meetings

●  Assists Vice-President with recording service hours

●  Obtains service opportunities and reports at meetings

●  Works with the adviser to make any necessary changes to chapter bylaws

●  Participates in annual induction ceremony


●  Keeps track of all expenses, dues, and other financial transactions

●  Participates in annual induction ceremony


●  Keeps bulletin board current with events, pictures, etc. and create a scrapbook of events throughout the year

●  Participates in annual induction ceremony


●  Ensures that all meetings are being governed and following Robert’s Rules of Order

●  Coordinates a parliamentarian training at the beginning of the school year

●  Participates in annual induction ceremony

When membership obligations are not met:

Students who have been unable to fulfill obligations of our NJHS’ Chapter are notified in writing that they are on probationary status. Those on probation for scholarship will have the next nine weeks to demonstrate their ability and willingness to fulfill all obligations of membership in order to be considered a member in good standing. If they are unable to maintain membership obligations, the Faculty Council will hold a hearing to consider the student’s dismissal from the Chapter.

With questions, please consult the Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy National Junior Honor Society Bylaws located on the National Junior Honor Society website or contact Mrs. Moore

NAME ______


2016 NJHS Candidate Information Form

Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy Chapter of the

National Junior Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) looks for students who show outstanding qualities in scholarship, character, citizenship, leadership, and service. Take a minute to consider all you have done in these areas. Please complete all sections. Print clearly in blue or black ink. Do not be modest. Every bit of information will be used by the Faculty Council to assist with the selection process. Completion of this form does not guarantee selection.

I. Scholarship

Scholarship is one of the qualifying factors for acceptance into NJHS. Students are required to maintain a cumulative middle school grade with a minimum of 90% and no single course average below 80%.

List your 1st Semester Cumulative Average (2016) ______

NAME ______


II. Character

Your character is the combination of qualities that distinguishes you from another person. It is your combined moral and ethical make-up. National Junior Honor Society determines character by trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. For this section of the information form, you must obtain two different letters of recommendation from adults, attesting to your good character. You may not ask any current middle school teacher at Nimitz Middle School/STEM Academy. Only one letter from someone related to you is allowed. You may ask neighbors, clergy, or another adult who knows you well. Ask them to write a letter of recommendation stating how long they have known you, their relationship to you, and have them supply evidence of your good character. Give each letter writer an envelope to seal their letter into and include the sealed recommendations with this form. It is recommended NOT to ask a parent.

III. Citizenship

Good citizenship encompasses your behavior. It also includes your duties, rights, and privileges as a citizen of Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy.

Please provide your signature below to attest you have not had any Code of Conduct referrals nor any in-school suspensions while attending

Nimitz Middle School STEM Academy.


(your signature)

If you are unable to sign this portion of the application, but would still like to join National Junior Honor Society, please attach a written explanation of the situation. This letter must be signed and dated by the student.

IV. Leadership

NJHS aims to develop good leaders. Your leadership ability is shown by the “extra” activities you are involved in, whether you hold an office or not. Please list activities in which you have participated and note any major accomplishments in each since beginning sixth grade. (You may include sports teams, scouting, clubs, etc.)

Activity Leadership Position Grade/Year






If more space is needed, add a separate sheet of paper.

V. Service

Service to the community is the major activity of our NJHS. List any service activities you have done with school, church, family, or community groups while in middle school (no earlier than the start of sixth grade). Do NOT list anything in which you may have received any compensation (monetary or otherwise).

Activity Your Role in Activity Hours of Service






If more space is needed, add a separate sheet of paper.

VI. Commitment

I have read and understand the obligations of NJHS membership. If selected as a member, I will commit to fulfilling those obligations.


Student Signature

I have read and understand the obligations of NJHS membership, and I support my child’s decision to apply for membership.


Parent Signature