Tuesday 28 June 20119.30am – 4.00pm

Present:Sarah Doust- Crown Institute, Mark Ewen - Northtec, Nicole Domett – Aviation & Travel Training Group, Cherie Freeman - Weltec, , Sue Bartlett – MIT, Jenny Robertson – EIT, Dee Kennedy – Quantum, Sara Refoy – Wintec, , Noelle Liddy – Otago Polytechnic, Julie Kerry – BOPP, Mark Bruce-Miller – NMIT, Kerry Priestley – ITC, Debbie Martindale – ATTTO, Joy Saunders – ATTTO, Stuart Horner – ATTTO, Lara Franklin – ATTTO, Gavin Redpath – ATTTO, Nikki Rogers – ATTTO, Mark Doyle - QRC, Dan Forsman – Academy of Diving, Sydney Fernando – Royal Business College, Liz Waterhouse - Whitereia,

Apologies:Charlie Phillips – QRC, Juliet Chilton – Avonmore, Alan Collier – MIT, Terry Meechang- Aoraki, Julie Vaughan – Sir George Seymour,Katrina Marwick – NMIT,Dave Ritchie – Tai Poutini, Rod Turner – Tai Poutini,Suhail Rizwy – NZSTT,Julia Nepia – Waiariki,Julie Poole – UCOL,Karen Te Puke – CPIT,Hazel Shuttleworth – Air New Zealand, Richard Smith – AIS,

Purpose of the meeting / Debbie Martindale recapped on the meeting of the 9th June and outlined the purpose of the day – to explore the Portfolio of Qualifications for the Tourism sector.
The minutes of the last meeting were passed as true and accurate once clarification was sort on the facilitation of the Tourism TRoQ Governance Group (TRGG)– final minutes are attached with this amendment.
At the ITP Forum day the nominations for ITP representation on the Tourism TRoQ Governance Group had been made with Julie Kerry (BOPP) and Sara Refoy (Wintec) were first nominations with backups of Cherie Freeman(Weltec) and Julia Nepia (Waiariki).
PTEs hadn’t reached this stage but would work together to provide the nominations.
The ITPS had also discussed the possibility of having an extra representative on the TRGG who would be a Quality/Academic Manager.
A vote was taken to agree the above inclusion – no-one was against, all in favour. / ITPs to provide nomination for the Academic Manager to be on the TRGG
PTEs to provide two nominations for representation on the Steering group
Workforce Development Issues / Joy gave an outline of the indicative results coming through from the Workforce survey currently underway:
  • Age groups of workers – majority in the ages of 25 – 44 years
  • Customer service skills were needed to support the NZ Visitor experience
  • Seasonality was identified as an issue with training and qualification impacts
  • Areas of training included marketing, sales, finance and languages
Other areas of significance brainstormed from Provider Forum attendees:
  • IT skills – both web development and social media
  • Multi skilling
  • Story telling/drama
  • Interpreting statistical information for businesses operations
  • Media liaison
  • LLN
  • Visitor experience
  • Work ethics/attitudes
  • Dealing with conflict/complaints
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Cultural awareness
  • World geography
  • Manaakitanga and Kaitiakitanga
  • Product knowledge (inbound and outbound)
  • Statutory compliance
  • Business skills – environmental scan across Tourism and Hospitality showed 68% of businesses had no staff
Employers are looking for people who are punctual and have people skills such as attitude, aptitude and good communication skills
Drivers / The drivers for Tertiary Providers:
  • Level 4 up is the way the TES was pushing provision
  • Encouraging under 24 year old’s into Tertiary study
  • Maori and PI participation and success is important
  • ITOs – funded to oragnise training for workplace/employed learners
  • International students – recognition and portability
  • Low paid industry – career attractiveness
  • Levels 1 -3 are in the school environment but they need to transition through to work or training
  • University entry/exit points and pathways

Portfolio workshops / Each of the three groups presented back their proposed portfolio of NZ qualifications for Tourism– there were a lot of similarities. See chart attached.
There was discussion around the graduate profile descriptors and pre-requisites for entry at each level. This will be the role of the IPAGs and Steering Group to ensure good pathways.
Next Steps of consultation / ATTTO had provisionally organised two industry forums following the Provider forums to ensure that industry had a say in the process, portfolio, etc. However the discussion around further consultation led to more of a regional approach involving Providers and their advisory groups.. Sara Refoy (Wintec) offered for ATTTO to facilitate a meeting with her Advisory Group and this was felt to be a good way to proceed with the ITPs and PTEs in key regions hosting their advisory group members and ATTTO Facilitating the forums and also inviting other industry participants. The following regions were chosen:
Auckland – 1st August
MIT or TCT to host with Crown Institute and Royal Business College attending. (decision by TCT and MIT post meeting is that TCT will host )
Waikato/Rorota/BOP/Taupo – post meeting provisional date is 2nd August TBC
Wintec to host with Waiariki, BOPP, TCT/Sir George Seymour to attend
Dunedin/Lower South Island and Christchurch – post meeting provisional date is 5th August TBC
Otago Poly to host with CPIT, SIT, QRC, TCT/Sir George Seymour and Aoraki to attend
Hawkes Bay/Manawatu – awaiting confirmation of meeting needs
EIT to host with UCOL attending
Nelson/West Coast – post meeting provisional date 8th August TBC
NMIT to host with TPP to attend
Wellington – Post meeting date is 4th August – confirmed and venue is ATTTO
Whitereia or Weltec to host with TCT/Sir George Seymour and Quantum to attend (decision post meeting is that ATTTO will host due to venue difficulties)
Northland – Possibly the 3rd or 4thAugust to coincide with the Tourism Conference in Paihia
Northtec to host (decision from Northtec post meeting is that Northland will join Akld Forum)
Forums to be three hours long and follow a consistent agenda. ATTTO to collate responses and provide feedback to all Providers. (decision post meeting in discussions with TCT on Akld Forum is 9.00am to 12.30 for the Forums as this will reduce catering costs) / Host organisations to confirm venue and date of meeting and organise and fund catering.
Each region to organise invitations to their advisory groups with ATTTO inviting their key clients. RSVPs to be sent to ATTTO for NZQA consultation log.
Invite to be sent from all clearly outlining the importance of the TRoQ process – to be sent to all for sign off.
Priorities for review / All attendees agreed that the Provider recommendation is that Tourism Level 3 qualificationneeded to be addressed first.

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