1)  I agree to comply with the requirements of the Intensive Supervision and

Surveillance Programme (ISSP) as imposed by the Court.

2) If for any reason I am unable to keep an appointment made for me by the ISSP team I understand that I must contact ISSP staff immediately and provide an acceptable reason for any absence.

3(a) I understand that I must advise my Supervising Officer of any change of address during the time I am subject to the Programme.

3(b) If subject to a Detention and Training Order Notice of Supervision I understand that I must live at the address shown on that Notice of Supervision. Any proposed change of address must be agreed by the YOI Governor and I understand I must advise my Supervising Officer of any proposed change of address so that permission may be sought on my behalf.

4) I understand that any absence due to illness must be reported on the first day of absence, and that I must provide a medical certificate from my doctor for any such absence of 2 or more days.

5) It has been explained to me that I must not attend appointments under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, and I agree not to do so.

6) I agree to arrive for appointments on time and alone. I understand that I must not bring friends.

7) I understand that Mobile phones must not be used during sessions and must be switched off at the start of each session, but that I may check for messages and/or make calls during breaks. When requested by staff to switch off mobile phones I will do so immediately. If I do not switch my mobile phone off when requested I understand I will be asked to leave and this will be recorded as a failure to comply with the requirements of the programme. If abuse becomes a problem then the mobile phone will be taken from me and returned after the session.

8) All ISSP clients may be searched for weapons and I understand that this will be done on entering Bank House and before any ISSP session.


9) Our staff are here to help you successfully complete your period of Supervision and will do everything they can to assist you. Staff are entitled to work in a safe and pleasant environment and we will not tolerate any behaviour which puts them at risk. Physical violence towards staff will not be tolerated in any circumstances and will always be reported to the Police. You will also be breached.

10) Threatening and/or abusive behaviour, including racist abuse, is unacceptable. If you threaten or abuse our staff, including Reception staff at Bank House, or our colleagues in the agencies with whom we work, the sessions will be terminated and you will be instructed to leave. If you refuse to leave, staff will call the Police if necessary. Any such incident will be recorded as a Failure to Comply and may lead to breach proceedings.

11) We will not condone criminal behaviour. Any incidence of criminal damage, graffiti, theft etc. will lead to exclusion and be reported to the Police. Attempts to enter secured premises, interfere with locks or fire extinguishers or any act which puts staff and other service users at risk will mean your immediate exclusion from the session.

12) For everyone’s benefit the following instructions also apply:

No-one must behave badly towards or speak offensively to other people on supervision, visitors to our buildings, YOT staff, volunteers or staff from any other agency supervising you on behalf of the YOT or members of the public.

In particular no-one must behave in any way that is designed to frustrate your supervision, or the supervision of other people (for example, by behaving badly in a group session). Any such behaviour will mean that:

·  you will be required to leave the session

·  the session will not count as completed

·  The Police will be called if you have committed an offence


13) ISSP will timetable you to attend various projects or partner agencies as part

of your order. ISSP knows that this would mean you having to regularly spend money on travel to get to these appointments.

14) To help you in getting to your appointments ISSP are prepared to buy you a travel pass on a weekly basis. However, ISSP are NOT required by law to do this.

15) If however you lose, damage or otherwise do not have your travel pass available, ISSP will NOT replace your pass until the time it would run out.

16) In this situation you will have to pay for your own travel to and from ISSP appointments, and claim back the costs by giving ISSP staff the bus or train tickets.

17) If you regularly lose, damage or otherwise do not have your travel pass available, ISSP may keep you on a refund of travel tickets system.

You will sign below to confirm that you have received a copy of this notice, that it has been explained to you by a member of staff, and that you undertake to behave in an acceptable manner when attending the programme.

I understand that if I fail to comply with the requirements of the programme, under normal circumstances I would be given a final warning and that further persistent non-compliance will result in breach action being instigated, and I will be returned to Court.

Name (YP): …………………………………………………… DOB………..…………….

Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………….………………………..

July 2009