DMASTR: A Summary of Its Components

dm/dmtg (for Dos) / dmdx (for Windows)
[command if differ] / What does it do / File created, extension / Program / What does it do / Files created, ext
cl or any
text editor
dm, dmtg
[unload filename a:]
pqraov / creates a file that determines what and how stimuli are to be presented
presents the stimuli and records responses
creates a format for coding data (data from which items go under what condition)
transfers .dtp files to drive a & save a .rdb (raw data backup) file on drive c. (the data are added to the existing .dtp file on drive a , but the previous .rdb file on drive c will be rewritten.)
incorporates the data in a .dtp file into a .dat file and computes subject and item mean RTs and error rates in each condition.
[update output>name.out, then type filename, y, y, y]
collapses data from several .dat files into one ascii data file to be used by pqraov.
analyzes data / item file, .itm
binary temporary raw data file, .dtp
a data format file, .dat
raw data file, .dtp
a loaded data file, .das
a data backup file on drive c, .dbk (copy of .dat file)
this command creates an asci data file, .out
collapsed data file, .das, .cat
ANOVA results, .aov / timedx
any word processor
img2bmp / sets and checks software and hardware features for running dmdx
constructs an item file in rich text format for presenting stimuli
presents stimuli and record responses
converts .azk output files to binary .dtp format
converts .dtp files to .azk format
converts DMTG .img files to Windows .bmp / item file, .rtf
ascii data file, .azk
inum / put item and dat file together
interleave items in an itm file
icheck the syntax of an itm file.

Steps involved in Using DMASTR for psycholinguistic experimentation


use cl or any text editor use a word processor

to create a text file, .itm construct an item filesuch as Word to create

a rich text format file, .rtf

run dm for text only and run the experiment run dmdx

dmtg for graphics and save data

create a dat file for coding prepare the data1. convert .azk into .dtp

data for analysisfile and follow the dm/dmtg

procedures on the left, or

use unload, update, concat

to prepare data for statistic 2. use Excel to prepare data

analysis sets for a statistic software

use pqraov to do ANOVA analyze the datause a statistic software to
analyze the data, e.g. SPSS