Excellent 41-50 points / Good 31-40 points / Poor 21-30 points / Failed 0-20 points
20 points / The assignment file follows the required technical specifications:
Document dimensions (550 X 300 pixels)
Background color: Any except white
file name: “3_myname_framebyframe.fla”
frame rate: 15 f/s
Duration: minimum 60 frames long.
The animations appears in the context of a background scene. Elements are organized on layers.
Still parts and moving portions of the animation are not sharing a same layer. /
The assignment file DOES NOT follow the required technical specifications*
All the elements of a given frame are stored in the same keyframe: still parts and moving parts of the animation all together in the same layer. /
The file hasn’t been submitted.
The assignment file DOES NOT follow the required technical specifications*
Layers have not been used to organize the animation.
The assignment file has been submitted by attaching the “fla” file.
The text has been broken apart in those cases where an unusual font is being used,.
You have a back-up copy with you that you can quickly locate when needed.
The assignment file has been labeled properly, with no spaces, included the student’s name. /
The assignment file has been submitted by attaching the “fla” file.
The font is not working correctly because it doesn’t exist in the class lab font folder, and you haven’t broken apart the text. As a result it is not located on the right space on Stage or disappears when we export a swf file.
The assignment file has been labeled properly, with no spaces, included the student’s name. /
The assignment file has been submitted by attaching the “fla” file but the file is corrupted (it doesn’t have an icon and the file-size is only a few k big).
Only the swf document has been submitted, so we cannot see how the project was built.
The file does not include :
_the student’s name or
_the “.fla” extension /
The assignment hasn’t been submitted
the deadline
10 points /
The assignment file has been submitted before Sunday midnight of week 3. /
The assignment file gets submitted AFTER Sunday midnight of week 3.
But we receive it within the next 3 weeks (week 4, 5 or 6)
The 10 points get cut back. / The student tries to send the assignment file a month after the week has ended. The assignment window does not accept the submission anymore.
20 points / We can recognize a story or idea behind the animation. The timing is good, with frequent keyframes along the timeline, so when the movie gets played we can perceive movement and rhythm through the animation.
There are changes in rhythm, with sections of action and pauses, and the distribution of both is creating a nice pace to the story.
Progressive changes through keyframes in scale, rotation and location on Stage are contributing to the expressiveness of the scene.
Shape transformation and deformation (something becomes something else) are used in the animation to tell a story that couldn’t have been told through Live action (shooting the scene with a video camera), This makes the story unique and appealing
There is a nice composition, and the motion of elements through the Stage describe an interesting direction, contributing to the rhythm and expressiveness of the piece. / We can recognize a story or idea behind the animation, but the timing is so inappropriate that we cannot perceive changes as movement when we play it.
There are no clear differences between action and pauses through the animation, and the lack of rhythm is cutting effectiveness to the story.
The changes in scale, rotation and location are a bit too sudden or way too slow, so motion and changes look jerky over time.
Shape transformation and/or deformation has been tested, but they have not been carried to the right level of effectiveness.
The Changes are either too shy or haven’t been carried away in a progressive fashion through consecutive keyframes.
Elements haven’t been positioned well on Stage according to composition or story, as a result the story is loosing part of its impact and effect on the audience. / There is no idea, story or organizing factor behind the animation: it looks like a simple test with geometric shapes.
There are no pauses through the animation, everything seems to happen at the same speed. The animation ends suddenly with a last keyframe in the last frame, so no end or resolution to the story is perceived.
The changes in scale, rotation and location are so sudden that we don’t perceive a motion, only a sudden change.
Shape transformation and/or deformation have not been used as animation devices.
Elements haven’t been organized on Stage, their location and movement look random and unjustified.

Rubric. MAT_116 Flash I. Assignment n 3. Frame by Frame animation in Flash. Total: 50 points.