Intel® Teach Program

Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

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Unit Author
First and Last Name / George Fotinakes
School District / Ocean View School District
School Name / Marine View Middle School
School City, State / Huntington Beach, CA
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Flower Power
Unit Summary
Students will become aware of plant reproduction through flower pollination, fruiting, seed production and sprouting. Students will learn the major parts of the flower through activities including labeling, flower model construction, a flower “Nature Guide” book production, and flower dissection.
Subject Area
The anatomy and physiology of plants illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function of flowers, seeds, and germination. Students will be able to understand the flower’s relationship to plant reproduction through:
·  Labeling and color coding flower parts
·  Gender differentiation of flower parts
·  Colored paper flower construction
·  Student constructed online flower encyclopedia
·  Flower dissection
·  Seed propagation
Grade Level
Grade 7
Approximate Time Needed
8 - 72 minute science blocks
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
7th Grade Standards
5. a. The anatomy and physiology of plants and animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function.
f. Students know the structures and processes by which flowering plants generate pollen, ovules, seeds, and fruit.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / Is there any life form without value?
Unit Questions / Can you imagine our world if plants stopped flowering?
Content Questions / Explain how flowers are the foundation to much of our food supply.
Describe how food production can be enhanced by prolific pollinators.
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Before project work begins / Students work on projects and complete tasks / After project work is completed
Post Assessments / Post
See online assessment Link:
Survey / Students will write in their journals and pair share their responses to the following Question: How do plants use flowers, fruits and seeds to reproduce themselves? / Daily journal question with student response. Pair share of journal thoughts with random student sharing with the class. / Students respond to “Survey Monkey” daily quizzes. ‘Survey Monkey” results immediately posted to classroom “Smartboard” for student review. / ·  / · 
Assessment Summary
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Instructional Procedures
1.  Prior to starting this unit, students will have completed a unit on the classification system of living things.
2.  2. Each student will be familiar with organizing living things into the categories of Kingdom, Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.
3.  Students will be guided through the following lessons prior to the construction of a student lost and found poster on a flower and the attributes of that particular plant:
·  Labeling and color coding flower parts
·  Gender differentiation of flower parts
·  Colored paper flower construction
·  Flower dissection
·  Seed propagation
·  Student on-line lost and found poster for their chosen flower.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Needs Students / Special Needs Students:
Each student will be required to upload a Powerpoint page to the classroom website. This Powerpoint page can be formed by downloading the template prepared by the instructor and inserting individual student information form their personal flower choice.
Special needs students may be accommodated in any of the following ways:
The computer lab will be open to students needing special assistance. Trained student peer helpers will be available to assist special needs students and EL students in the search for flower information, pictures, document preparation and uploading to the website.
Nonnative Speakers / EL Student assistance:
The computer lab will be open to students needing special assistance. Trained student peer helpers will be available to assist special needs students and EL students in the search for flower information, pictures, document preparation and uploading to the website.
Gifted/Talented Students / Gifted / Talented Students:
Gifted, talented, and highly motivated students will be challenge with any of the following extension projects:
Using a GPS unit the student will map out the coordinates of particular flower and plant species around the school. The student will then create a “Geosearch” guidebook that will become a botanical “Geo cache” self guided tour of the school.
Using a GPS unit the student will map out the coordinates of particular flower and plant species around the city. The student will then create a “Geosearch” guidebook that will become a botanical “Geo cache” self guided tour of the city.
With a digital camera, students can photograph plants and flowers on the school property. Using their own photos the student can create a nature handbook to tour the school.
With a digital camera, students can photograph plants and flowers in their home gardens. Using their own photos the student can create a nature handbook for their garden.
With a digital camera, students can photograph plants and flowers in a local park. Using their own photos the student can create a nature handbook to tour their local park.
With a digital camera, students can photograph flowers at a local florist. Using their own photos the student can create a flower handbook of the local florist.
Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

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Intel® Teach Program

Essentials Course

Digital Camera
DVD Player
Internet Connection / Laser Disk
Projection System
Television / VCR
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM / Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Multimedia / Web Page Development
Word Processing

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Intel® Teach Program

Essentials Course

Printed Materials / Classroom textbook
Coolidge-Stolz, M.D., Elizabeth, Jan Jenner, Ph.d., and Jay Pasachoff, Ph.D. Focus on Life Science (California Edition). Boston: Prentice Hall, 2008. 388-97. Print.
Supplies / Colored Pencils
Hand held pencil sharpeners
Colored construction paper
Glue sticks
Old telephone books for flower press
Seeds for planting (radish, bean, & mimosa)
Peat pots
Potting soil
Classroom grow lights
Internet Resources / A Beginner’s Guide to Pressing Flowers
Flower Dissection
Glossary of Flowers
Glossary of Wildflowers
Wikipedia “Flowers”
Making a Dichotomous Key
Germination Activities in Middle School
Making a Flower Press
Other Resources / Classroom Textbook, “Focus on Life Science”
Coolidge-Stolz, M.D., Elizabeth, Jan Jenner, Ph.d., and Jay Pasachoff, Ph.D. Focus on Life Science (California Edition). Boston: Prentice Hall, 2008. 388-97. Print.

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