South East Local Land Services Rural Landscape Program

Landholder funding availability

The Rural Landscape Program is a joint initiative between South East Local Land Services and WaterNSW (formerly Sydney Catchment Authority).

The program is aimed at protecting and improving water quality within targeted Sydney drinking water catchment areas. This is achieved by providing funding assistance to landholders for a range of land and water management practices.


Funding is available for a range of on-ground works designed to control gully erosion and stream bed/bank erosion. Project activities may include soil conservation earthworks, streambed and bank works, fencing of vulnerable areas, alternate stock water supply and stable stock/vehicle crossings as part of an overall erosion control plan. Works are generally complemented with the regeneration of existing native vegetation and revegetation. Subject to an on-site assessment (involving rating a range of site characteristics relevant to erosion processes) landholders with:

·  moderate to severe erosion may be eligible for a subsidy of 50–90%, or

·  minor erosion may be eligible for a subsidy of 25%.


Funding is available for the provision of fencing materials, native trees and shrubs, alternate stock water, stock crossings and minor erosion control activities which will result in the protection and enhancement of native riparian areas. To be eligible for funding all projects must include waterway fencing that controls stock access with a minimum setback average of 10 metres from the top of the bank (this may be varied to deal with geographic constraints). Funding for crossings will be available when fencing has intensified stock usage at particular sites along waterways. Upgrades and relocation of existing stock crossings will not be funded unless failure to do so will be detrimental to water quality. Properties which are not running stock are not eligible for funding.


Funding is available for the provision of permanent stock-proof fencing which enables the management of stock by either sub-dividing large paddocks or dividing paddocks according to land capability. Alternate stock water supplies will be funded where stock water access has been cut off. Each project must influence an area of at least 20 hectares of grazing land. Landholders must have demonstrated capacity to implement positive change in land management practices through the promotion of perennial species and maximising groundcover. Eligibility for funding must be demonstrated by completion of training in courses such as LANDSCANTM, PROGRAZETM, or equivalent, or successful participation and achievement in past incentive programs relevant to these objectives. Participants should also have a Property Management Plan or demonstrate their commitment to preparing such a plan. Properties which are not running stock are not eligible for funding.

Projects that address multiple practices are particularly encouraged.


·  South East Local Land Services will provide support to landholders in project development. Landholders will be expected to enter into a 10 year management agreement and will be required to undertake agreed management activities relevant to the funding they receive. All works associated with the project must be completed within an 18 month period. Landowner co-contributions for Riparian and Grazing projects are expected to match the level of public investment through a cash or labour contribution.

·  Eligibility for incentive projects will be considered based on: (i) the landholder’s ability to meet any matching criteria for funding provided; (ii) any training completed and/or plans prepared that may assist the landholder in overall property management; (iii) the landholder’s ability to complete necessary works within an agreed time frame, (iv) the landholder’s willingness to maintain and monitor project sites, and (v) how the project rates from an environmental perspective.

·  If you would like to apply for funding or discuss opportunities with South East Local Land Services, please complete the attached Expression of Interest form and return it to your local office.

·  South East Local Land Services is committed to the protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage. All project applications are assessed to determine if a known (registered) Aboriginal site is in close proximity to the project site. In the instances where this occurs, South East Land Services Aboriginal officer will inspect the project site to ensure that the proposed activities do not impact on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.

Expressions of Interest are valid for 12 months only.

South East Local Land Services Rural Landscape Program


Is the site located within the Sydney drinking water catchment? (See map over page)

Yes No

Applicant/s name:
Applicant/s postal address:
Applicant/s telephone no. / Home: Mobile:
Applicant/s email address:
Property owner’s name
(if different from applicant):
Property owner’s contact no: / Home: Mobile:
Length of time owning property:
Property name:
Property address:
Property ID or Lot/s and DP/s:
Property enterprise/s (type of enterprise
and approx. number of stock):
Have you applied for funding through the Catchment Management Authority/Local Land Services previously?
Yes No
If yes, please indicate what project(s) you have done in the past and under what program:
Please indicate what training you have done:

Please indicate the type of training you are interested in and if you would like to receive the South East Local Land Services newsletter (a monthly e-newsletter which you can unsubscribe from at any time):

o PROGRAZETM o Grazing management o LANDSCANTM

o Holistic Management o Soil health o South East Circular

(South East LLS newsletter)

South East Local Land Services
Contact details

PO Box 9
T: 02 4842 2594
Locked Bag 2048
T: 02 4824 1916
PO Box 957
T: 02 4877 3206

Sydney drinking water catchment area