Town of Dillwyn

Town Council and Planning Commission

Comprehensive Plan Work Session


February 4, 2008

6:00 p.m.

Dillwyn Town Hall


Mr. Sam Ranson, Mayor

Ms. Peggy Johnson, Town Clerk

Mr. Ervin Toney, Town Council

Ms. Linda Paige, Town Council

Ms. Diane Holman-James, Town Council

Mr. Donald Smith, Town Council

Mr. Ossie Harris, Town Council

Mr. Todd Fortune, Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC)


Mayor Samuel Ranson called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. at the Dillwyn Town Hall, Dillwyn, Virginia.


There were no corrections to the minutes from the prior meeting, held on November 5, 2007.


There was no prior business to be addressed by the group.


-Summary of Survey Results

Mr. Fortune went over results of the Citizen Surveys, which were distributed in late November to residents in the Town of Dillwyn. Surveys were mailed to households within the Town, and additional copies were made available at the Dillwyn Town Hall and Buckingham Branch Library. The survey could also be downloaded off of the Town’s web site. Surveys were due in December.

A total of 29 completed surveys were returned to either the Town Office or the CRC office, out of 175 that were mailed out – for a response rate of 16.6%.

A few patterns stuck out from the survey responses. First, the age of the respondents was of interest. More than half of the respondents are 50 and older, and have been living in the Town for more than 10 years. This presents a need for the Town, in terms of providing care for elderly individuals (medical care, adult day care, etc.). However, it also provides an economic opportunity for businesses or entities that provide such services.

Related to economics, another issue that was prevalent in the survey responses was a concern over lack of commerce/business and employment opportunities. A large majority of respondents gave the Town high marks on quality of life and said they are not likely to leave within the next five years. Additionally, shopping and convenience to stores, banks, and other amenities were cited as main reasons for people to visit downtown. However, at the same time, survey responses indicated a noticeable amount of concern about the lack of commerce/business and employment opportunities in the Town.Along the same lines, residents cited vacant and/or dilapidated buildings and the ability of the town to continue as an incorporated municipality as related concerns. The Town can address these issues to some degree with the help of other programs (VDOT Enhancement, CDBG, etc.), but there may be some level of local investment required.

The other main issue that arose from survey responses centered on traffic and road conditions. Survey respondents had mixed responses on these issues, and some respondents also cited the need for a parking area to accommodate visitors. There was some discussion among the group on traffic. The group agreed that there are safety issues related to traffic in some areas of Town – mainly, the area around Dairy Freeze and Farmer’s Foods. The summary report recommended continued and increased dialogue with VDOT and the County to address road/transportation issues within the Town.

-Discussion of Survey from Family Outside Town Limits

After going over the survey results, Mr. Fortune asked the group for guidance on how to address a survey submitted by someone who lives outside the Town Limits. The survey was submitted by the Kennedy Family. Mayor Ranson said they were the original owners of a tree farm located a few miles outside of Town.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Toney said this survey applies to the County. He said people may be getting confused because of the 23936 zip code. The group agreed that Mr. Fortune should submit this survey to the County, to see if they want to use it for their Comprehensive Plan (which is also under development).


Mr. Fortune asked for guidance from the group on how to get feedback from business and commercial property owners in the Town. During the Citizen Survey process, a number of business and commercial property owners expressed concern about the citizen surveys, noting that they did not live within the Town limits.

There was a brief discussion on the matter. It was the consensus of those present that the CRC would draft a brief survey for business and commercial property owners in the Town. Mr. Fortune said he would bring this draft survey to the next work session.


The next Comprehensive Plan Work Session was scheduled for March 3, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. at the Dillwyn Town Hall. A draft Business/Commercial Property Owner Survey Summary will be presented for review and discussion, along with a draft of Phase I of the Plan.


The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Prepared by: Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) 2-4-08 minutes