AP Extra Credit- Quarter 3

Writing a Satire (An alternative to rewriting essays)

You have 1 of 2 options for extra credit this quarter. You MUST complete in a formal and neat manner (no handwritten, thrown together work will be accepted for extra credit).

Option 1: Futuristic Satire

Directions: Choose an issue that is prevalent in our current society, and which in the future may be a bigger issue or a non-issue. After brainstorming and choosing an issue, now you must choose how to use the elements and devices of satire to portray the problem, and suggest (although probably not outright) the solution.

Devices to use: Hyperbole, irony, sarcasm, understatement, reversal, incongruity, stock characters

Your final draft of this “futuristic satire” must include at least 3 of the elements of satire (refer to your class notes on satire.

(Remember, parody, high burlesque, low burlesque, Juvenalian, and Horatian options!)

Option 2: Basha Tales

Directions: You are creating pilgrims on a journey. Your pilgrims may be based on a stereotypes (e.g. tech freaks, athletes, cheerleaders, band members, preppies, skaters, cowboys, princesses, musicians, seniors, etc.). You will then write a prologue that introduces your characters and describes your journey. The characters you create must be well described in the prologue. All characters in your group must be from different “classes”. You should include a minimum of 4 characters

You are to develop:

1) a general prologue to introduce your characters (10 lines per character description)

2) a ten-line minimum intro of where you are going on the pilgrimage and when, and why

3) use rhyming couplets (iambic pentameter) with a serious ATTEMPT at 10 beats per line

In the prologue, please describe your characters’ personalities, professions, dress, and physical features, just as Chaucer did. It may be in 1st person or 3rd person. You must also address where you are traveling, when, and for what reasons.

Some things to remember:

1) You may not directly or specifically represent any student you are writing about; no using this assignment as a way to get back at people who you are fighting with.

2) Your poem or story MUST REMAIN school appropriate.

3) Poem or story must be free from spelling/punctuation errors (don't just spell check - proofread!)

4) Due by Wednesday if you want full credit!

WORTH: 10-20 Extra Credit Points, depending on quality, in your WRITING section.