Funded resources for 2017-18 Academic Year

Dear Headteacher,

Congratulations, your school now has the chance to be part of an exciting, nationalactive travel initiative,Living Streets’ WOW – year-round walk to school challenge, courtesy of funding from Oxfordshire Council Public Health.

WOW is run by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, as part of their Walk to School Campaign. WOW is the leading walk to school initiative in the UK and it has been proven to make pupils healthier and happier, as well as reducing congestion around school gates.

How does WOW work?

  • Children who walk to school at least once a week, are rewarded a monthly collectible badge (made from recycled yoghurt pots).
  • Each year there are 11 badges for each pupil to collect, based on an annual theme. The badges themselves are designed by children.
  • Children log journeys on the WOW Travel Tracker, an interactive and online tool that also awards the badges each month.
  • It takes just a few minutes of a teacher’s day to run and directly supports Modeshift STARS accreditation.

WOW and its impact

Last year over one million children in 2000 schools took part in WOW, and it’s having a huge impact:

-23% more children walking after one year of taking part

-30% fewer cars at school gates, reducing congestion issues

Your participation will begin in the 2017/18 academic year, from September until July 2018. If you decide to take part, you will receive all the essential resources you need to take to encourage your pupils and their families to walk to school.

Next Steps

If you would like to participate in WOW, please complete and return the attached application form. Please note, the last day for confirming your participation will be 14th July 2017.

Due to the limited number of schools that can be included, we are offering this opportunity to run WOW on a first-come-first-served basis. We hope your school can join us to make walking the natural choice and part of every child’s daily routine.

Best wishes,

Kevin Croasdale

020 7377 4908

The Walk to School Team


