05.05 DBA and Exam

Module Study Guide

Lesson 05.01:The Respiratory System

  • How does the effectiveness of your lungs affect the rate of gas diffusion?
  • How does inspiration affect lung volume and air pressure?
  • How does expiration affect lung volume and air pressure?
  • When would you expect to find the highest rate of air pressure during breathing?
  • When would you expect to find the lowest rate of air pressure during breathing?
  • What role does your pulmonary artery play in respiration>?
  • How do your rib muscles and diaphragm play a role in breathing?
  • Describe the process that allows oxygen to diffuse in our blood & carbon dioxide to be released.

Lesson 05.01 Honors: The Tissue of the Respiratory System

  • Be able to identify the components of an alveolar sac on a diagram
  • What role does your surfactant layer play in respiration?
  • How would alveoli damage affect the ability to breathe?

Lesson 05.02: The Digestive System

  • Which organ is responsible for absorbing excess water, vitamins, and minerals?
  • Heartburn is a condition that does not involve the heart. Which organs are affected with heartburn, and what causes it?
  • What digestive juices are released in the stomach?
  • As food travels from the esophagus, what is the 1st portion of the stomach it will encounter?
  • Be able to identify the organs in the alimentary canal from a diagram.
  • What role does bile play in our digestive system?
  • Which organs are likely to secrete bile?
  • Describe the effect that gastrin has on the digestive system.
  • What role do salivary glands play in digestion?
  • Which organ(s) is responsible for secreting pepsin?

Lesson 5.02 Honors: The Tissue of the Digestive System

  • Be able to identify the name, location, and function for each of the following……..
  • Mucosa
  • Submucosa
  • Muscle Layer
  • Serosa
  • Identify the organ and the overall function that produces acinar cells?
  • Identify the organ and the overall function that produces hepatocytes cells?
  • Identify the organ and the overall function that produces Islets of Langerhans cells?
  • What role does the villi play in digestion, and which organ can it be found in?
  • What role does the plicae circularis play in digestion, and which organ(s) can it be found in?

Lesson 5.03: Macromolecules

  • Which macromolecule consists of different nucleic acids?
  • Which macromolecule consists of different amino acids?
  • Which macromolecule consists of different simple sugars?
  • Which macromolecule consists of different steroids and cholesterols?
  • Name and briefly describe three different types of proteins.
  • Which macromolecule is known to repel water?
  • What is the difference between monomers and polymers?
  • Which foods are likely to contain large amounts of fatty acids and/or steroids?
  • Which foods are likely to contain large amounts of carbohydrates?
  • Which foods are likely to contain large amounts of protein?
  • Be able to identify the chemical structure of the four main macromolecules.
  • Which types of fats are considered healthy, and what foods are we likely to find them in?
  • Which types of fats are considered unhealthy, and what foods are we likely to find them in?

Lesson 5.04: Enzymes

  • What process is used to describe an increased rate of reaction in enzymes?
  • What is measured by using vmax?
  • What role does an inhibitor play?
  • What role does a cofactor play?
  • What are some cofactors that affect an enzyme’s ability to function?
  • Describe what happens during an enzyme-substrate reaction.
  • Be able to identify the components of an enzyme-substrate reaction from a diagram
  • How can reaction time be increased in an enzyme reaction?
  • Be able to identify an enzyme’s efficiency on a diagram
  • Identify some factors that cause enzymes to denature