Name______Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation

Chapter 10 Directed Reading Guide

Date______Prayer in the Life of a Disciple of Jesus Christ

Directions: Read through the chapter and fill in the missing information. All the questions run sequential to the chapter. If a true/false statement is false, correct it.

Pages 240 – 241 An Invitation to Prayer

  1. ______is essential to the life of a ______of Jesus. Jesus instructs us: “Ask and it will be ______to you; seek and you will ______, knock and the door will be ______to you.” We have Jesus’ Word that our ______will give good things to us.
  1. True or False? Sometimes God answers our prayers exactly the way we hope the he would, and at other times God tells us to be patient and look for other answers.

Pages 241 – 242 Defining Prayer

  1. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prayer is our ______to the God who seeks us: it is a “vital and ______with the living and true God.” It is “the ______relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good ______, with his Son Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit.
  1. Prayer is a relationship, a ______with God the Father who is our ______, with Jesus Christ, our ______, brother, and ______; and with the Holy Spirit, our ______and Helper, who ______in our hearts.
  1. What are seven benefits of prayer?

Pages 243 – 250 How to Pray

  1. Prayer is a ______to God’s love for us and we show our ______when we pray to God the Father, the ______; to Jesus Christ, our ______and Savior; and to the Holy Spirit, asking for his ______and help.
  1. Where do most Catholics learn how to pray?
  1. What “6 Ps” we should pay attention to in order to build a rich prayer life?
  1. True or False? Distractions in prayer caused by a wandering mind, external noises, and overactive imagination are normal.
  1. True or False? Jesus is pleased that we want to pray, even if we are distracted or do not think much is going on.
  1. Prayer is a ______with God and “if we want to walk with God, we must ______.” When we pray, we ______, put ourselves in God’s presence and hear our Lord speak to us through our ______, feelings, imaginations, wills, and ______.
  1. When we ______our prayer vocally we are doing what ______himself did when he taught the ______. When we say our prayers ______with others, we can strengthen our ______relationships with them. The Church has a rich ______of vocal prayer.
  1. True or False? Meditation is prayer reflection, especially on the Word of God found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
  1. What is Lectio divina?
  1. ______prayer can lead to ______, a form of silent, ______prayer where we simply rest in the ______of our all-loving God. We empty our minds of thoughts and images and simply allow the ______to penetrate our being.
  1. We ______God because he first blesses us. Blessing is a ______to God’s gifts. We adore God, we humbly acknowledge that he is the ______of everything. ______glorifies the God who made us.
  1. Petition or ______is asking God to provide what we need both ______and spiritually. ______is a special type of ______in which we ask our merciful Father to ______.
  1. ______prayer is prayer that we make to God on behalf of ______. Jesus Christ is our ______who is always offering prayer on ______and he calls on us to pray for each other, even ______. We can ______our prayers to Jesus.
  1. ______we have and everything we are is a pure ______, and every breath we take is an opportunity to ______God. The ______, a word which means “to give thanks” is a very special prayer of ______.
  1. At ______we bless; adore, ______, and thank God for all the ______he has given us. When we ______Holy Communion, Christ lives in us and ______to God and all our Christian ______by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  1. What is the prayer of praise? Why do we offer prayers of praise?
  1. Icons are religious ______painted by artists who seek to be ______, allowing God’s pure spirit to guide the brush. They are “______,” where God can touch us here on earth. In praying before icons we put ourselves in the ______of the holy ______or enter into the religious ______that is portrayed.
  1. True or False? A holy hour is a devotion that commemorates our Lord’s vigil in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  1. The ______is contained in a tabernacle in a church or chapel with a ______as a sign of his presence. Many parishes celebrate the ______Devotion where the Holy Sacrament is ______continuously for the faithful to worship.
  1. True or False? Devotions, meaning “to ask in earnest,” contain a series of prayers both invocations and responses.
  1. True or False? Novenas are prayed over nine days to obtain special graces or to petition for particular intentions.
  1. What is the “Jesus Prayer?”
  1. What are several examples of one-line prayers?

Pages 250 – 255 Praying With Sacred Scripture

  1. Sacred ______is a rich source for prayer. A constant theme in Scripture is that ______with his people is one of prayer. One the one hand, God ______us. On the other, even though we are weakened by sin, our ______him.
  1. True or False? Moses’ intercession for the Chosen People prefigured the intercession of Jesus Christ, the High Priest, who came to save us.
  1. The ______are marvelous prayers that ______individuals and the community. These prayer – ______were originally ______in the Temple and synagogues on ______, and in family and personal settings. They capture human ______like joy and ______before God’s creation.
  1. True or False? The proverbs are used in every Mass and in the Liturgy of the Hours.
  1. How did the Old Testament prophets use the strength they received from their prayer?
  1. True or False? We learn best about prayer by contemplating Moses himself in prayer and then following his instructions on how to pray.
  1. True or False? The Gospels give many examples of Jesus at prayer.
  1. Jesus went to the ______to pray at the time of the ______. At the Last Supper he offered the great ______, and in the Garden of Gethsemane he prayed over his impending ______. From the cross he asked God to ______those who put him to death.
  1. Jesus taught his ______how to pray, advising them to ______, confidently, and with forgiveness in their ______. He gave them the ______and told them to pray ______and with faith that their prayers will be ______.
  1. Prayer was ______to the life of the new Christians. ______was with the ______in the Upper Room awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit. St. ______was a man of prayer who praised God for ______bestowed and for people who joined him in his ______.
  1. What three things did St. Benedict attempt to balance in the life of the monks?
  1. The Church encourages us not only to ______and ______Sacred Scripture, but also to ______it so that it will ______our lives. We pray it when we read the ______, reciting the Our Father and the ______.
  1. Another way to pray and meet the ______in Sacred Scripture is the ______reading of the Bible. The purpose of the method of prayer, known as ______, is to meet God through the ______and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into an even ______with God.
  1. What are the five basic steps of lectio divina?

Pages 255 – 261 Two Special Prayers for Jesus’ Disciples

  1. True or False? No on who had dared to address the almighty Creator with the intimate term of address—“Daddy”—until Jesus invited his followers to do so.
  1. Where do the two parts of the Hail Mary come from?
  1. ______called the Lord’s Prayer the “______of the whole Gospel” The context of the prayer in ______Gospel is where Jesus teaches his disciples ______. He tells them to keep their prayers ______and pray with faith-filled and ______hearts.
  1. The context of Jesus’ teaching in ______Gospel stresses Jesus’ own ______of praying when the ______asked him how they should pray. Luke’s ______—Christian audience lacked a strong ______, so Jesus becomes their model.
  1. What are the messages of the two parables of Jesus which Luke adds after the Lord’s Prayer?
  1. Jesus invites us to address God as “______,” a word ______use stressing their close, personal, ______relationship with their fathers. Knowing God as our Father means that human beings are ______with one another.
  1. True or False? “In Heaven” refers to God’s immanence, his way of being, and his majesty above all his creatures.
  1. What are ways that we hallow God’s name?
  1. The seeds of God’s ______are present now in the ______. The Lord set a ______in place in the Church that will remain until the Kingdom is ______achieved. Until then, we should ______, experience, and ______for the Kingdom right now through our ______in the Church.
  1. True or False? To do the Father’s will is to join our will to his Son’s by loving others and responding to the least in our midst.
  1. What are we requesting when we ask for “our daily bread?” How does it challenge us?
  1. To ask for and extend ______, we must ______acknowledge that we are ______and that we need the ______to help us repent of our selfishness and turn to a life of service. We need Jesus’ help to turn our ______to a more loving life of ______.
  1. We pray for the ______to overcome difficulties that might steer us away from a ______life. We pray that God not allow us to take the path that leads to ______. We pray that the Father will deliver us from ______and keep us from the ______of accidents, illness, ______, and natural disasters.
  1. The Angel ______greeted Mary as “full of ______” signifying that she was ______and in union with God who ______her. Mary responded to God’s ______by always loving and ______him with total ______.
  1. Elizabeth rightly ______that Mary has a unique role in ______. Elizabeth proclaimed: “Blessed is the ______of thy womb” after John the ______leaped in her womb in the ______of the Son of God.
  1. True or False? The phrase “Holy Mary, Mother of God” acknowledges that Mary is the Mother of God because she gave birth to Jesus who is both true God and true man.
  1. We ask the Blessed Mother to ______for us because she ______deeply about all of her ______, just as she interceded for the couple who ran out of wine at the ______.
  1. Mary witnessed the ______of her Son and knew firsthand the ______of death and abandonment. When we pray “now and at the hour of our death,” we ask her to ______to the very end and help us on our ______to her Beloved Son and our heavenly ______.