At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 17January 2018 in Irby & Bratoft Village Hall.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R.Heane;Mr N. Williams; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Mr J. MInshull;Mr G. Holmes;Miss H. Smithson-Whitehead; Mr H. Wright; ELDC Cllr P. Cooperand 4 members of the public.

Apologies were received fromMrs G. Boldy; PCSO Jayne Richardson and LCC Cllr W. Bowkett.

Mr Janny thanked Cllr Wright for his assistance regarding an incident that occurred on Sunday 7 January 2018 resulting in damage to his property. A discussion took place regarding this matter. It was agreed to contact the owner of the land for confirmation that he allows use of his land for clay shooting events.

1. Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

The work on School Lane, Great Steeping has now been completed.

Cllr Wilford stated that the Emerging Local Plan Settlement Patterns have changed the classification of some of the villages in the group. A short discussion took place on this matter. Cllr Cooper will arrange for an up-to-date settlement pattern sheet to be sent through.

3. Police Matters

It was agreed to notify the police that there has been a report of a van collecting scarp metal late on a Sunday evening.

A letter will be written to the Commissioner of Police and the Chief Constable pertaining to a robbery that took place with no follow up from the police despite them being informed of pertinent matters. It was also agreed to mention that rural policing is not being maintained at the current level therefore residents would not want to pay more funds for an "improved service" when they do not receive a good service at the moment.

4. CountyCouncillor's Report

Cllr Wendy Bowkett submitted the following report.

"The Wainfleet surgery is looking to an April opening, Hawthorne Surgery have agreed to man the surgery which was a large hurdle which has prevented it moving forward. The surgery is looking to open 2 days a week. Lincolnshire County Council has awarded the Wellbeing service to ELDC to run with the other districts, ELDC will lead on this, the Wellbeing service helps anyone who needs additional help to look after them in their own home, provides equipment, telecare services, homehelps etc. "

5. District Councillor's Report

Cllr Cooper submitted that there was nothing to report at the moment, but If there were any matters that need dealing with between meetings she could be contacted.

6. Correspondence

a) Email received from Henry Wright regarding an incident of smoke pollution on 4 January 2018. The matter is under investigation.

b) 2 Emails from Lindsey Westman regarding upcoming training events. No action taken.

c) Email from Kay Turton regarding the East Lindsey Local Plan Consultation. It was agreed to submit comments.

d) Email received from John Wise giving results of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership speed test for Station Road, Firsby. It was agreed to ask for a breakdown of the actual speeds vehicles travelled at, rather than average speeds.

e) Email from Lauren Marshall regarding the ELDC Budget Consultation. No action taken.

f)Email received from Lindsey Westman regarding funding for defibrillators. It was agreed to investigate this matter.

g)Email received from Linsdey Westman regarding nominations to attend the Buckingham Palace Garden Parties. It was agreed to nominate the Chairman for his service to the Council over the last 30 years.

7. Plans

Application No EC/104/00058/17 at Ivy Cottage, Little Steeping regarding demolition of the dwelling, excavation of trenches, importation of hardcore and soil and siting of a touring caravan. The Section 215 notice has now been complied with. It was agreed to notify the Council that the tree and hedge replanting scheme still remains outstanding.

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions in relation for change of use of land to provide a mixed use of agricultural and the keeping of horses, (which is currently in use). Change of use of land to form an extension to the existing domestic curtilage. Erection of a stable block consisting of 3 no. stables a hay store and tack room/store. At land adjoining Bycroft House, Fendyke Road, Firsby.

8. Highways

It was agreed to report the following pot holes to be dealt with:

Brambleberry Lane, beside the Bratoft Church Room there is a large pothole that needs repairing.

Main Road, Little Steeping, near Willowhayne there is a large pothole

Ings lane, Little Steeping, near Willow Cottage there are 2 large potholes.

Wainfleet Road, Irby in the Marsh, there are several potholes outside Crosslands near the SLOW sign, the pothole opposite Eastwich has reopened once again and the sides of the road opposite Church Farm have also reopened following a water leak.

There is a large pothole outside the Wind Farm at Croft.

9. Accounts and Precept

Mr Williams proposed, Mr Wright seconded and all agreed that the Council should precept for £3750, a rise of 3%.

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment:

Irby & Bratoft Village Hall Printing of the DecemberNewsletters £170

Irby & Bratoft Village Hall for Use of Room £20

Bratoft PCC for Churchyard maintenance £250

