Mind42 Resource PackageBy Lisa Lewis

Date: October 2014


Tool, Context, & Activity Ideas

Tool & Policy Alignment(s)

Permission Slip

Tool Risk Assessment

Tool, Context, & Activity Ideas

Contributor: / Lisa Lewis
TOOL Name: / Mind42
Closed/Open: / Either. You can have your own private mind-maps or set them to public. Collaboration can happen with an invite only
General Description: / Mind42 is a free, fast and simple online mind mapping application that can be collaborative or individual. The mind-map can have words and/or images. Once the mind-map has been created it can be downloaded in a variety of formats. You are required to sign-up with an email address and password to use the site. After that sign-in is by username.
Grade Level: / ABE – Adults in high school classes. While the site is straight forward, I would recommend this for older students (gr. 10 and up).
Class/Course/Subject: / Biology 12 (though I can see the benefit for other classes)
Activity Idea 1: / Class collaborative activity. No grade assessed
Topic example: Cells – This activity would be to assess knowledge before the topic is taught.
  1. f2f/OL Brainstorm ideas about the topic – assess what students already know about the topic etc.
  2. f2f: build a mind-map using the program on the overhead. Also a good way to model the program
  3. OL: place a copy in LMS.
f2f: Print out and place in the classroom.
Anyone can add to the mind-map as the topic progresses
Activity Idea 2: / Group collaborative activity. To be graded.
Topic example: Respiratory system. Review exercise
  1. Put the class in groups of 4. Groups are given separate topics.
  2. f2f: without texts/notes brainstorm ideas about the topic. Once complete allow use of texts/notes
OL: set up a room/page on the LMS for them to brainstorm about the topic. Use of resources is fine.
  1. (Optional step) If f2f: do a rough hand-drawn mind-map.
  2. OL: Create a collaborative mind-map of the topic
  3. OL: Post mind-maps in the LMS. Students must them review the other mind-maps and offer feedback. They must state a link that they had not thought of before and give an idea/concept that may be missing. Note: this is done as a way for students to review the other material
  4. OL: Original groups make corrections that they feel are needed. They do not have to do all the suggestions.

Activity Idea 3: / Individual or paired activity, paired preferred. To be graded
Topic example: Relating the different body systems to the cell. This is meant to be a course summary activity and meant as review for the final.
  1. OL or f2f: In larger groups, brainstorm how all the different systems are related to the cell.
  2. OL: Individually or paired, create the mind-map.
  3. f2f: Compare mind-maps with two other pairs or individuals
  4. f2f: Write in any changes you want to make
  5. OL: Update the mind-map changes.

Notes: / f2f – in person activities
OL – on-line activities
There would be initial training on the tool, either f2f or as an OL demo video

For further information, contact the contributor at

Tool & Policy Alignment(s)

Tool Name / Mind42
Resource Policy Alignment: / Vancouver Island University
Relevant Policy 1:
/ 45.01 Use of Information Technology
Policy 1 URL: /
Policy 1 Key Considerations: (What you will need to consider or address) /
  • Students will be informed that they have the right to privacy with respect to their content and communications. There is no absolute privacy as VIU has the right to look at content and communications to diagnose problems and statistical purposes
  • Students will be informed that confidential information can be release to the following places: WorksafeBC, those recognized under FIPPA, and for internal VIU investigations
  • As VIU does not guarantee data store in their system it is important for students to not only back up their work in a separate location but to recognize that someone else may gain access to their information
  • Students also have legal and acceptable use guidelines which must be followed and will be taught

Relevant Policy 2:
/ 96.01 Student Academic Code of Conduct
Policy 2 URL: /
Policy 2 Key Considerations: (What you will need to consider or address) /
  • Students will be taught that they must submit their own work, not the work of others, online information is no different from information anywhere else
  • Should a student wish to use another’s work they will be shown how to reference on-line material properly. This is especially important for images in a mind-map

Relevant Policy 3: / 32.05.001 Student Conduct Code
Policy 3 URL: /
Policy 3 Key Considerations: (What you will need to consider or address) /
  • Students will be taught appropriate online, group behaviour so that everyone has a safe, harassment-free environment to work.
  • As conduct disruptive to a learning environment is not permitted in class, student will be given guidelines on what is appropriate and what is not in an on-line, group setting. They will also be given guidelines on what is appropriate and isn’t appropriate to post in a public setting.
  • Students will have to sign a code of conduct before starting their work on-line.

Permission Slip

Student User Agreement Form:

Terms and Conditions for using Social Media in Class Projects or Assignments

This form is used to inform you of the terms, conditions and expectations for using 3rd party web technology (social media) in class for a class project or assignment.

Please carefully read, fill out and sign the form below. Signing the form indicates your agreement to abide by the stated terms, conditions and expectations. If you have any questions or concerns about the form or your privacy, please consult the instructor.


Student Name: ______

Date: ______Class: ______

Instructor: ______

Name of Class Project or Assignment:

Biological System Mind Map.

Description of Class Project or Assignment:

For this project you and your group will create a mind map of a human biological system (ex. Cardiovascular System).

Learning outcomes for this assignment are:

-Collaborate effectively in an on-line project

-Understand how the components of the chosen body system connect together and relate to their purpose

-Create a visual representation of the body system

Name of the Technology:

To create the mind map, you will be using a program called Mind42

Technology’s Expected Use in Class and Privacy Concerns:

To use the program you will be required by mind42 to enter an email address and a username. In the interest of privacy, in settings, you can chose a display name that will be visible to other users. You will need to share your email address and display name with the rest of your group. You can, however, use your D2L email address to join, as that email address is already visible to members of the class.

The mind-map that your groups created can be set as visible to the public, or it can be kept private. For this assignment it is recommended that it is kept private as you are working with a group. You will be required to download the final image and submit it to the instructor

Terms & Conditions for Uploading, Using and Disclosing (Sharing) Personal Information While Participating in an Online Class Assignment or Project:

I, ______, agree that I will adhere to the followingterms and conditionswhen usingthe above-named technology for a classproject or assignment.I realize that if I do not abide by these terms and conditions I may expose my or other people’s personal information to unauthorized third parties, leading to an invasion of my or other people’s privacy.

Specific Terms and Conditions

  1. I will review the technology’s functions, capabilities, user agreement and privacy policy before registering and engaging with the technology so that I am aware of the repercussions and conditions of using this technology.
  2. To register for service on the technology I will provide only the minimum personally - identifying information necessary to activate my account. I may provide my initials or a pseudonym for my user name and display name and I may use an alternate email address in place of personally - identifying information.
  3. I will not share my or the class password(s) with unauthorized individuals.
  4. I will not allow other users to access or use my password or account.
  5. I will familiarize myself with the technology’s privacy controls and settings so that I may activate these controls and settings on my account where necessary or advisable to protect my privacy.
  6. I will,at all times, use the technology in a privacy-sensitive manner, refrainingfrom including my orany other identifiable individuals’ personal information in posts, instant messagesand email exchanges.Specifically,

-I will not post or share my or anyone else’s fullname, home address, personal email address, telephone number, gender, birthdate/age or other potentially-identifying information.

-I will not make statements or express opinions about my or any other identifiable individual’s personal life or character.

-I will not post or share information, images, audio or video belonging to or identifying other individuals without first seeking their permission and obtaining their consent.

  1. I will immediately report any potential, foreseeable or actual privacy invasions to the instructor so that the problem, breach or error can be addressed and rectified.
  2. I will follow the instructor’s directions for the identified use and purpose of engaging this technology for the class project or assignment.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Tool Risk Assessment:

Name of Technology:Mind42______


Owner/Company Responsible: IRIAN Solutions_

Nature of Provider:Canadian ForeignProprietary Open Source

Data storage location:BC Canada Global Mix Unknown

Personal data users expected to contribute:

  • To create account/access service:

Username First Name Last Name Email Mailing Address

Other (describe):______

  • To complete activity/assignment: Can use a display name rather than their username

End User License Agreement(EULA)/Terms of Service(ToS)

  • There is an EULA or ToS: Yes No
  • EULA/ToS URL/address:
  • EULA /ToS language: English______
  • EULA/ToS text re. information collected: Ads generate revenue to run the site. Cookies may be generated from the ads. There are website addresses to opt out cookie generation
  • EULA/ ToS text re. information use: Any images generated by the program are free to use and distribute provided the logo is not altered or obscured in any way. Images are not to be sold in any way.
  • EULA/ToS text re. ownership of uploaded content or rights to use: “IRIAN (or its licensors) own all legal right, title and interest in the services provided by IRIAN, including any intellectual property rights which may subsist services (whether those rights happen to be registered or not and wherever in the world those rights may exist).”

Privacy Policy Exists: Yes No

  • Privacy Policy URL/address: and
  • Privacy Policy language :Clear Unclear
  • Privacy Policy text re. how content uploaded by user is used:Policy explicitly states that they collect as little personal information as possible where possible
  • Privacy Policy text re. how content uploaded by user is shared : Personal information is not shared with 3rd parties
  • Privacy Policy text re. custody/control of user data if provider goes out of business or sells company: Cannot find this information
  • Contact provided for dealing with privacy issues: Yes No

Technology requires interaction with others: Yes No Depends

  • Rules of Behaviour/Etiquette Provided: Yes No
  • Rules of Behaviour/Etiquette URL/Address: ______
  • Procedure provided for dealing with cyberbullying or similar behaviours: Yes No
  • Text re. cyberbullying response:______
  • Contact provided for dealing with cyberbullying or similar behaviours: Yes No

Site Settings & User Control:

  • Profile is Visible to:only user his/herself specified users on system

specified users external to system public

  • Users can restrict access to own profile:Yes No Depends
  • Comment: Mind-maps can be put a public, or can be left private. If mind-maps are left private, the profile is not seen. A generic avatar is generated but a user can upload a different image. For a visible mind-map, only the avatar and display name can be seen.
  • Users can restrict access to content as: single item a category full site
  • User can delete own account:Yes No Depends

IT Considerations:

  • Technology is permissible under current technology policies:Yes No Depends
  • Comment:External site that generate mind-maps. Images can be exported in a variety of formats. Site is compatible with many operating systems
  • There security policies/practices that may interfere with the use of the technology:

Yes No Depends

  • Comment:______
  • Technology support is required (e.g. software installs, server space, etc.):

Yes No Depends


Administrative Considerations:

  • Technology use requires administrator/administrative consult or approval :

Yes No Depends

  • Comment:______

Institutional Considerations:

  • There are existing media relations protocols and guidelines relevant to this technology:

Yes No Depends

  • URL/Address for protocols & guidelines:
  • Comment:______
  • The technology is considered problematic by media relations or privacy officers either at my institution or elsewhere: Yes No Depends
  • Comment:______

Media Search:

  • I have researched credible technology review sites for critiques of this technology:

Yes No Depends

  • Findings:Originally found this site in a review ( Not much information given about it however.Their facebook page also does not have muchinformation.

Tool Search

I reviewed other similar technologies before selecting this tool:Yes No

Alternatives Considered & Reasons for Non-Selection

Name: / Reason for not selecting
Coggle / More complicated for first time users to use. Can create better images so it would likely be a second one to try or give as an alternate for those who want to try something with more flexibility. It is also less collaborative, better for individuals
Bubble.us / Easy to use but very difficult to export images without cutting them off. Unable to embed images. Too simplistic.

Alternative Activities for Users Considered In-Case of Non Consent:

Students can do a hand-drawn mind-map. Alternatively they can create a mind-map using Paint, PowerPoint or other digital tool that does not require going on line. In terms of group-work, the group can prepare the mind-map on paper first. One student can then create the on-line version.


Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner in British Columbia. (February 2012). “Cloud Computing Guidelines for Public Bodies”

Portal, P. (February 2011). “Privacy Guide for Faculty Using 3rd Party Web Technology (Social Media) in Public Post-Secondary Courses”, Vancouver Island University & BC Campus.

Created for Vancouver Island University Faculty of Education Course: OLTD 506 Fall 2014 / 1