Regular Board Meeting September 16, 2010


Town of Sylva Board of Commissioners

September 16, 2010

The Town of Sylva Board of Commissioners held their regularly scheduled meeting on September 16, 2010 at 9:15 a.m. in the Board Room of Municipal Hall, 83 Allen Street, Sylva, N.C.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Maurice Moody and Commissioners Harold Hensley, Stacy Knotts and Christina Matheson

MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Danny Allen and Ray Lewis

STAFF PRESENT: Adrienne Isenhower (Town Manager), Brandi King (Town Clerk), Dan Schaeffer (Public Works Director) and Eric Ridenour (Town Attorney)

VISITORS PRESENT: Claire Collins, Quintin Ellison, Mary Kelley, Ryan Sherby, James Carli, Gibbs Knotts and Maggie Tobias

CALLED TO ORDER: Mayor Moody called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Hensley made a motion to approve the agenda. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.


MAYOR’S REPORT: Moody reported the Town receive a plaque from the 2010 Census for their work. Moody also reported that cleanup on Scotts Creek at the Bridge Park has begun by Lifeway Church.

COMMISSIONER’S REPORT: Commissioner Knotts stated the Planning Board needs to be on the agenda for the next meeting to re-open the Board’s communication with the Planning Board.

MANAGER’S REPORT: Isenhower reported that there will be an informational workshop for the proposed closing of Raymond Street on October 5th at 5:00 p.m. at Town Hall.

Isenhower also stated she will start scheduling way-finding committee meetings in October.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT: Schaeffer reported that WNC Paving will start the re-paving project in Rhodes Cove next week and they should be completed by October 15th with the State roads. The Town roads will be bidded out and should be complete by mid-November. A few of the streets will need to be repaired by the Town so Schaeffer will need $5,000 to $7,000 from the Powell Bill Fund Balance to fix what was damaged before the sewer construction project in Rhodes Cove began.

The NCDOT’s portion of the Sylva to Dillsboro Sidewalk project will be complete by September 24th. County Manager Westmoreland has said that the walking trails at Mark Watson Park will be complete by the end of the year.

PLANNING BOARD REPORT: Mary Kelley stated the Planning Board will begin revamping the zoning ordinances with Ron Hancock next month. The Planning Board feels like they are out of the loop with their role versus the Board of Adjustments role with variances and conditional use permits.

DSA REPORT: Claire Collins reported that on October 30th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. they will be having Treat Street on Main Street. The candy will be donated by Food Lion. The Chilly Fest will be held on November 6th and the Christmas Parade will be on December 4th at 4:30 p.m.

BOARD MEETING TIME CHANGE: Commissioner Knotts made a motion to change the meeting time for the first meeting of the month from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

POLICE CHIEF VACANCY PANEL: The Board’s consensus was to appoint a four person panel to select the new Police Chief. Commissioner Hensley suggested appointing R.O. Vance and Marion Jones to the panel. Commissioners Knotts and Hensley suggested that Commissioner Matheson should be the Board’s representative. Commissioner Matheson agreed that she would be the Board’s representative. Commissioner Matheson made a motion that the Police Chief Vacancy Panel consist of herself, Marion Jones, R.O. Vance and Adrienne Isenhower. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

ETHICS POLICY: Commissioner Knotts made a motion to adopt the Ethics Policy. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

TURN LANE ON MUNICIPAL DRIVE: Commissioner Hensley made a motion to not install the turn lane on Municipal Drive in front of the Fire Department. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

GREENWAY ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT: The item will be added to the next meeting’s agenda. Mary Kelley is willing to serve if the committee meets on Thursdays.

STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN: James Carli and Ryan Sherby presented the Board with the State Transportation Improvement Plan. Carli stated the newsletter for the RPO will be sent out in October.

ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Knotts made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion carries and the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 a.m.


Maurice Moody Brandi H. King

Mayor Town Clerk