Practice Exam 1: Ch. 1 & 28-30
Worksheet 1.4
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Hannah
Course: / BIOL 211 (2)
Instructor: / Dr. Waldman
Date: / 01/26/16

1.)  What is needed for a hypothesis to be considered scientific?

2.)  What is needed for a theory to be considered scientific?

3.)  What are the 5 fundamental characteristics that all living organisms share?

4.)  Name and describe the 2 important biological theories given in class.

5.)  Explain Pasteur’s experiment including why he performed each step.

Chapter 28:

6.)  Carolus Linnaeus came up with ______, which is a two-part naming system that includes a genus and species.

  1. Give an example.

7.)  Looking at the section under the triangle, the following tree shows a ______group.

  1. Monophyletic
  2. Paraphyletic
  3. Polyphyletic
  4. Diphyletic

8.)  What is the difference between homology and homoplasy?

9.)  A ______is a shared, derived trait that only occurs in a certain monophyletic group, e.g. retractable claws in cats.

10.)  Define the principle of parsimony.

11.)  What is a fossil and how do they form?

  1. With the limitations of the fossil record in mind, rank the following organisms in order from least likely to fossilize to most likely to fossilize: a common crab, a rare slug, a rare crab, a common slug.

12.)  Briefly compare the 2 types of radiometric Dating.

13.)  How long ago did the Earth form?

  1. 3.5 billion years ago
  2. 6.7 billion years ago
  3. 2.2 billion years ago
  4. 4.5 billion years ago

14.)  How long ago did life begin on Earth?

  1. 3.5 billion years ago
  2. 6.7 billion years ago
  3. 2.2 billion years ago
  4. 4.5 billion years ago

15.)  Describe adaptive radiation and give an example.

16.)  Distinguish between background extinction and mass extinction.

  1. The 2 largest mass extinction were:

Chapter 29:


Bacteria / Archaea / Eukarya
Prokaryote or Eukaryote / Eukaryote
Presence of nucleus / Absent / Present
Unicellular or multicellular / Unicellular
Presence of organelles / Absent / Present
Cell wall contain peptidoglycan / No

18.)  Prokaryotes divide by ______, which is a form of asexual reproduction.

19.)  Define the following:

  1. Autotrophà
  1. Phototrophà
  1. Obligate Aerobesà
  1. Obligate anaerobes à

20.)  Complete the following table with the other 5 bacterial lineages.

Lineage Characteristic

Firmicutes / Ferments milk products

Chapter 30:

21.)  Protists are a ______group since they include all eukaryotes except land plants, fungi, and animals.

22.)  Since protists are eukaryotes, name some of the morphological innovations.

23.)  Briefly describe how some of the organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts) came about in protists (include theory name if applicable).

24.)  What ecological roles do protists serve?

25.)  Fill out the missing information in the table below.

Key Lineage / Sub-groups / Characteristics
Amoebozoa / NA
Excavata / NA
Dinoflagellates / Alveoli (pockets in plasma membrane); unicellular
Plantae (not land plants) / Green algae
Red algae
Water molds
Brown algae / Flagella with hairs
Rhizaria / NA