Executive Summary Report for the 2017 Disability Policy Seminar& 10th Annual Developmental Disabilities Public Policy Conference

2017 Disability Policy Seminar in Washington, D.C.

The Disability Policy Seminar cultivates champions on Capitol Hill and advance the grassroots movement for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). For 40 years, this unique platform has offered the opportunity to come together with passionate advocates, self-advocates, experts, and professionals in the field to learn about key issues. This event was made possible by the American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD); The ARC; Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD); National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD); Self Advocates Becoming Empowered; United Cerebral Palsy (UCP).

The first 100 days of any new Administration and Congress are key to setting the agenda—and this year, more than ever, champions are needed in Washington, DC to advocate for the lifeline programs. Access to health care and community living supports, bedrock civil rights protections, and the lifeline Medicaid program are at risk. This year’s seminar was held on March 19th through the 22nd with almost 1,000 people in attendance from across the U.S.

The event was packed with informative sessions from experts in the field, and opportunities to discuss key issues with others from your state. Armed with valuable information, the event culminates with the attendees converging on Capitol Hill to speak directly to their representatives about the high-priority issues that affect them most.

The 2017 Disability Policy Seminar Topics included:

The Road Ahead for Medicaid & SSI

Recent Changes in Employment & Community Living

Education Update

Protecting Our Civil Rights

State Level Coalition Building

Making a Difference on Capitol Hill

The 10th Annual Developmental Disabilities Public Policy Conference in Sacramento, CA

This annual event is considered the premiere Annual Public Policy Conference for California focusing on all things impacting the developmental disabilities community. Each year the ARC Planning Committee works hard to bring diverse relevant topics that have current or future public policy implications for our community. This year’s conference was held on March 26th through the 28th with over 100 people in attendance from across California. This year’s event was made possible through the collaboration of the ARC of California and the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP).

This year’s topics included:

Lanterman Coalition 2017

Supported Decision-Making

The ABLE Act

California Children’s Services

Self-Determination Program Update

LGBTQ Realities of Life

Workforce Crisis

SSI & Affordable Housing


Health Wellness

California Blueprint

This is an important event for self-advocates, families members, community service providers, direct support professionals, regional center professionals, and policymakers from all levels of decision-making to become aware of the issues facing our families and clients with disabilities.