Parent Association

February Meeting Minutes

Principal’s Report / Ms. Dooley shared the following updates:
  • The website continues to be refined and expanded. Tracy Foskuhl, the web manager, has been working hard to keep things up to date. Parents are encouraged to visit the website regularly. We also need to drive families who are not involved in the PA to the website.
  • There is a new program available to students to help with college tuition costs. COLLEGE PROMISE is similar to WSU’s Wright Step program. Current 8th grade students can apply. Full details about the program can be found on the Stivers website or at
  • DPS has currently used 5 calamity days due to severe winter weather. State guidelines only allow for 3 calamity days; therefore DPS will be making up 2 days at the end of the school year. Students should be prepared to attend school June 7 & 8. Final exams would be pushed back. If DPS uses any additional calamity days, the school year will be extended further. (Note: it is possible that Governor Kaisch could extend the number calamity days districts have available to them.)
  • Students who earned straight A's during the 2nd quarter are eligible for two free tickets to see the Cincinnati Reds play this season. Students will receive their eligibility envelope during homeroom tomorrow, Fri., Feb. 11.The request for tickets must be postmarked by February 28.
  • OGT testing for 10th grade students will be conducted the week of March 14th. There are two Boot Camp prep session scheduled to help students prepare for the test. Visit the website for more information.
  • The Seedling Foundation is sponsoring a fundraising event in conjunction with Coco’s Bistro. “Savor Your Sunday” events are scheduled for Sunday in February. Brunch tickets sell for $30/person and include a meal from a special menu and entertainment by featured Stivers students. Seatings are available at 10:00 and 12 Noon. For reservations or more information call 228.2626.
  • Due to the calamity days, the basketball/sports schedule had to be rearranged. Unfortunately, we need to reschedule the Middle School Game Night originally scheduled for February 18. (See below for more details).
  • Ms. Dooley expressed her deep appreciate to all who assisted with the 6th grade auditions at the end of January. It was a very smooth event!

Treasurer’s Report /
  • Lisa shared her monthly financial report. The PA’s current account balance is $1665.77.
  • The PA continues to collect Box Tops for Education. All parents are encouraged to support this easy fundraiser. We recently received a check for $357.
/ Families who have Box Tops at home should send them in to school NO LATER THAN FEB. 25th in order for us to cash them in for the spring check.
Middle School Game Night /
  • This event must be rescheduled due to conflicts with the revised basketball schedule. Ms. Dooley gave the committee the option of rescheduling for either March 11 or March 18. After discussion among the parent group, the decision was made to reschedule the event for March 18th. It should be noted that the middle school has a 2 hour early dismissal that day.
/ Middle School game night has been rescheduled for Friday, March 18th.
Book Fair /
  • The Book Fair is still scheduled to be held February 28th through March 3rd. Set up will occur the morning of Friday, February 25th in order for the fair to be set up in time to be open during the Write of Way Café that evening.
  • Volunteers are still need to work during this event, particularly during lunch time (10:30 – 12 Noon) on school days.
  • Letters about the book fair will go home with students on February 23rd.
  • 9th grade students will visit the fair during their language arts class on Monday, Feb. 28; 8th grade students will visit on Tuesday, Mar. 1 and 7th grade students will visit on Wednesday, Mar.2.
  • The Orchestra concert originally scheduled for March 3rd has been rescheduled. Therefore, the book fair will not be open the evening of March 3rd.
/ Volunteers should contact Cindy Farrow at
Parent Association Mission & Purpose / Donna conducted an activity with those present to solicit information and feedback about the parent association. She asked parents to answer the following 4 questions:
1. In your opinion, why does the Stivers Parent Association exist? What is our purpose? What should we hope to achieve?
2. In your opinion, what are the various types of activities that we should be involved in?
3. What are we currently doing well?
4. Where do we need to do better?
Attendees were asked to record their answers on a sheet of paper, and the papers were collected at the end of the activity. Donna will consolidate the responses and bring to the next meeting. / Any parents who missed the meeting, but would like to provide input, should feel free to send their responses to the 4 key questions to Donna via e-mail at
New Business /
  • There is a request to consider making a new T-shirt that would say “Grandparent of a StiversSchool for the Arts Performer”. After some brief discussion, it was determine that we would most likely need to special order this shirt design on an individual basis rather than produce a quantity and hope to sell. We can consider this for next school year.

Next Meeting / The next meeting of the Stivers Parent Association will be held Thursday, March 10th @ 6 p.m.