Invitation to our AGM – 6pm – 8 July

Do come to our Annual General meeting (AGM). It is the opportunity for full AMED members to influence our future and examine the governance of AMED. For AMED Community members and curious attendees it is an opportunity to see us inaction.

The AGM is a legal requirement. Full AMED members will be able to vote. If you are not able to attend please complete the proxy vote form on the web siteand ensure that your membership counts.
If you are an AMED community member or are coming to our afternoon Re-inventing Networking event (see details of networking event) as a guest you are very welcome to attend and so how we do business; but you will not be able to vote

Do join us at 6pm in Room 1 of Friends House, Euston Road, London (see Google Maps for exact location) to see how we make this process as painless as possible and attempt to break our record for the shortest - but effective - AGM we have ever held, whilst enabling our members to hold the Council to account! If are able to get there before 6pm, do join us in the quadrangle at Friends House for tea or coffee. We shall be celebrating our re-birth

You will find the Chair’s Annual report for 2008 below, along with an extract from our Accounts.


If you plan to attend, whether you are a full or community member of AMED, please contact Concepta by Tuesday 7 July. She will then send you the agenda and minutes of last year’s AGM.

Would you like to become a Council Member?

Council Members are the people who actually get things done in AMED. We beaver away behind the scenes, work together in small groups on projects and often use conference calls and Skype to meet and work together. This year the outcome has resulted in the renaissance of AMED and the new web site. There is still much more to do if we are going to make AMED a vibrant place to join and actually live our values. Of course the Council needs to look after the finance and governance issues of the organisation so we also meet for four half-day face to face meetings a year. These always begin with an informal lunch and gossip! Please do think of joining us and help us to make things happen in the coming year. If you would like to talk to me about what it might involve do contact me on 0208 883 6925 or E-mail me at .

We look forward to seeing you on 8 July for what should be another stimulating AMED event.

John Wilkes Trustee and Company Secretary of AMED

The AMED Chair’s Report: 2008 Seizing the initiative and surviving the global financial crisis

Our principal achievements over the last year have been to build a new web site and to ride out the difficulties afflicting most businesses and membership organisations. We have not been immune from the impact of the crisis of confidence in our banking sector and the consequent serious economic consequences that have hit many people’s livelihoods.

We have seen a significant drop in our membership during the year, which we are seeking to redress. At one point, we even had seriously to consider whether we would be able to continue to exist as a viable organisation. Fortunately, as you can see, we are still alive! So I must record my gratitude to my colleagues on Council for their help and support during these difficult times. Together, we have found ways to keep AMED afloat, and we feel confident that, with AMED Members’ help, we are poised for a rapid recovery.

Working with our Office Services provider Concepta Wayment, we have succeeded in identifying ways to deliver the essential administrative services that keep the organisation running with a 25% cut in these costs from January 2009. I must also pay tribute to the contribution of Ned Seabrook in supporting the Council by digging into our management information, and finding better ways to interrogate and present it. This has helped us to understand what our financial constraints were, and to identify several options, given a range of membership levels

A major Council decision has been to put our energies and resources into designing and launching our new web site. This will give us the means to increase collaboration, support and access to new thinking in the service our our three strategic goals of fostering knowledge, innovation and networking. Web 2.0 tools will facilitate this, as they are now being readily used by increasing numbers of professionals, particularly by those working in the educational field. Social networking on the web has now become a reality and common practice.

This initiative would not have happened without the creative determination and vision of Belina Raffy. Her enthusiasm has greatly energised others, leading Ned Seabrook, David McAra and Paul Jackson to work with her to produce our new website.

We see the opportunity offered by these new online facilities as the means to connect a dispersed and diverse membership. We have financed this by seeking sponsorship from some members. The results of this work are now appearing as I write, and if you haven’t done so already, I urge you to visit our bright new website by clicking on There, you will also find full details of our AGM on Wednesday 8 July, which starts at 18.15, and the formal business finishes no later than 18.45. I would like to encourage you to join us at our annual get-together, which will be preceded by an exciting, interactive Annual Event, designed around the theme of Networking, and by some light refreshments. All this is happening in Friends House, London near Euston mainline station.

The most difficult decision we had to make, as a temporary measure, was to postpone the publication of the November 2008 edition of Organisations and People (O & P) in order to bring our books into better balance. This was a great blow to our Editorial Team,Terry Gibson, Tricia Lustig and Geoff Cox, who had already produced an excellent special edition Applying Positive Psychology and Toxic Leadership published in September 2008. In February 2008 Bob MacKenzie had been guest editor on another special edition: Writing in Leadership and Change. We are now actively exploring ways, including sponsorship, to make the treasury of 15 years of O & P available on the web, and to continue to make future copies of this prestigious journal available on the web, as well as in hard copy.

On a personal note, I have decided, after six years as Chair, to hand over the torch on 8 July. In doing so, I am confident that the small group of fellow Council Members and enthusiasts who have kept the AMED flame from being extinguished over the past few difficult years will ensure that it now burns with an even brighter light, especially thanks to the new website.

David Shepherd

Chair AMED

July 2009

Financial Statement

Association for Management Education and DevelopmentFinancial Statement for the Year Ended 31 December 2008Statement of Financial Activities

Incoming Resources
Grants and donations70343
Activities for generating funds: subscriptions,
events etc5886273812
Investment Income48139
Total Incoming Resources5898074294
Resources Expended
Costs of the membership and activities6080470954
Governance costs528872

Total resources expended6133271826
Net (outgoing) incoming resources for the

A full set of accounts are available on application to Concepta