November 2 2015

Hey everyone, things this last week were pretty good! We had a conference of the six weekers and our trainers to check up on our progress. It was good to see my good friends from the CCM. It seemed like everyone was doing great! It was a great conference as well! Our misson president is phenomenal! Pres. Smith definelty knows what he's doing. We learned a ton and leanred how we could improve. It was about four hours long including our delicious lunch break.Thursdaywe moved to a different appartment in our area. It's pretty far from the Capilla being about a 20 minute walk but it is defenitly a better place for us.Wednesdaynight we were pretty scared because we called every member we could think of and no one could help us or anyone who had a truck. We prayed a lot for someone to help us. After one prayer we felt impressed to call an investigator. He's 18 and has a truck so it was worth a shot. We called and sure enough he was more than happy to help. Sothursdaymorning we moved our beds, fridge and everything with the help of an investigator. If someone didn't know if they'd think he's a member. He is super kind and is always at the church playing soccer. We have given him lots of lessons and he knows it's true but he won't except a date to be baptized. It's pretty frustrating but I have faith that one day he'll be baptized. It may not be by us but he'll get baptized.

Whenever we meet our goals for the day we go to McDonalds and buy an Ice cream cone, I always get the Twist for 4 quetz, 50 cents. It's huge and so cheap. It's crazy that we celebrate with McDonalds haha, usually for me that's like a punishment! But one night we were there and basketbal was on TV. I was doing my best to try not to watch but it was the Spurs and Oklahoma with 7 seconds left in the game. A little bit of my Dad came into me and I was yelling at the TV when the spurs airballed the shot and Durrant sinked two free throws. Looking back I must have looked pretty silly haha, the only Gringo in McDonalds yelling at the TV hahaha.

I hope you all had a pretty good halloween! It was pretty cool, it's not a holliday down here but some were dressed up in the park. There was a ton of people. Yesterday was Day of the Dead, and there was hardly anybody at church. We didn't have anybody sign up for lunch so we went to the house and I had some fruit loops. After we got a call from an investigator who wanted us to visit her. So we went and she suprised up with food! But I soon lost my desire to eat when I saw what we were eating. It was a saldad thing with lots of pink purple stuff in it with super spicy chilies and... pansa...(Cow stomach...). It wasn't too horrible I guess.. Just really really really really really really chewy. But thanks to my prayers I ate all of it without dying.

That about sums up my week! The work is going! We have a baptizmthis saturdayso thats always good! Hope all is well back home!

Elder Christensen

Pics: We celebrated our Halloween with Pizza Hut!

Cooking at a Family night at our ward mission leaders house. We had three investigators show up!