HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROMHelp file


Pentium II processor or greater
Windows® 98, NT4 or higher
32 MB or more of installed RAM
16-bit colour
800 x 600 display
4-speed CD-ROM drive
Speakers or headphones required / RECOMMENDED SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS
500 MHz processor or greater
Windows® 98 or higher
64 MB or more of installed RAM
16-bit colour
800 x 600 display
12-speed CD-ROM drive
120 MHz PowerPC
MAC OS 8.6 or later
64 MB or more of installed RAM
Mac is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. / Mac
Mac, iBook, Power Mac G3 running at 350Mhz
OS 9.X or higher
16-bit colour
800 x 600 display
12-speed CD-ROM drive
Microsoft® Office 97 or higher (specific component required is Microsoft® Word)
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 5.0 or higher
A web browser
Windows® Media Player 7.1 or higher, or other MP3 player

For Mac OS X users, this program will default to Mac Classic mode.

If you have any questions regarding this CD-ROM, please read the Frequently Asked Questions below and, if they do not provide the answer, contact Customer Service on 1 800 810 372 or email .

Please read the Licence Agreement at the end of the Frequently Asked Questions for the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROMConditions of Use.

Frequently Asked Questions

The whole product doesn’t fit on the screen. What’s going on?

You probably don’t have your computer monitor at a setting of 800 x 600, which is the minimum required to display this product correctly. Adjust this via your computer monitor settings. In Windows®, go to the Control Panel – Display – Settings. If there are different resolutions available, make a note of the current setting, then slide the bar to/click on the one that is closest to (but not less than) 800 x 600. You can change back when you’re finished working with the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM.

Why do the colours look terrible on this product?

You probably don’t have your computer monitor at a setting of at least 16-bit colour, which is the minimum required to display this product correctly. Adjust this via your computer monitor settings. In Windows®, go to Control Panel – Display – Settings.

Do I have to have the CD in my CD drive for this product to operate?

Yes. However, you can make a folder on your hard drive and copy the contents of the CD into it if you wish.

Why can’t I see any of the documents?

Windows® 98, NT4 or higher is required to open most of these documents. This program must be installed on your computer or you won’t be able to see the relevant documents.

Once I start the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM, I can no longer see my Windows® taskbar. How do I switch between HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM and other applications I have open?

There are two ways to switch between open applications. The first way is to hold down the ALT key and press the TAB key. This will display a series of icons for the applications and windows you currently have open. Press TAB to select the application or window you want to switch to.
The second way is to change your settings so that the taskbar is always available. You have to do this before starting the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM. From the Start menu select Settings, then Taskbar and Start Menu. Click on the Taskbar Options tab and select ‘Always on top’ and ‘Auto hide’ so that there are ticks beside these two options.

Now when you start the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM, you can make the taskbar appear by moving the cursor to the very bottom of the screen.

Viewing documents in Adobe® Acrobat®

I can’t read what’s on the page. How can I make it larger?

An easy-to-view setting may be obtained using the Fit Width toolbar button.

How do I go to a different part of the same page?

Scroll through the text by using the vertical scroll bar controls at the right of screen. Alternatively, ensure the cursor is set as the Hand Tool (click the on the toolbar if necessary) and drag from anywhere in the active window.

How do I copy and paste from the screen?

If you want to select text that you can edit, use the Text Select tool, which is the ‘T’ button. Note that if you use this option, the text won’t appear as it does on the PDF page.

If you want to copy (or edit) text or graphics as they appear on the screen, you should use the Graphics Select tool.

Once you have selected the Graphics Select tool, click and drag around the area to be copied. Go to the Edit menu and select Copy or press CTRL + C, then open the application you wish to copy to (for example, Word®) and paste as you normally would to the desired position.

I have a problem that isn’t covered above. What can I do?

Contact Heinemann Customer Service toll free on 1 800 810 372 and ask for the Electronic Help Desk. But before you do, find the file ‘sysinfo’ or ‘sysinfo.exe’ on your CD and double-click on it. This will tell you the configuration of your computer, which will help us address your problem.

Why can’t I hear any sound when I access the Animated Tutorials?

There are a number of possible reasons for this. The most likely is that the sound level on your computer is set too low, or on mute. Go to the System Tray (bottom right-hand corner of the screen) and single-click on the speaker icon to adjust the sound level. Other possible reasons include not having a sound card installed on your computer, not having speakers or not having the speakers turned on.

If you can’t hear any sound when you try to access the tracks from your PC or Mac, you may not have an MP3 player installed on your computer. Common MP3 players include Windows® Media Player and Winamp®. These are available as downloads from the Microsoft® media site (

Licence Agreement

By purchasing theHI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM, you have bought the rights to install and use this product on one computer at a time. You have not bought the following rights:

  • The right to sell theHI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM to another person
  • The right to make any copy of the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM apart from one back-up copy
  • The right to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROMor create derivative works based on the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM
  • The right to rent or transfer all or any part of your rights under this licence agreement
  • The right to remove or alter any copyright notice or other proprietary notice or label attached to the software.

Heinemann (the Licensor) retains title to the HI Tech: Information and Software Technology CD-ROM(the Software). The Licensor makes no express warranties about the Software. To the extent permitted by law, the Licensor excludes all implied warranties about the Software that would not otherwise be implied by law as being part of this licence. To the extent permitted by law, the Licensor excludes all liability for any damage, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising in any way out of the use of or in relation to the Software.

Where the preceding paragraph cannot legally operate, and to the extent permitted by law, the Licensor’s liability for any breach of the warranty or any term implied by law into this licence is limited to:

aIn the case of services, the cost of having the services supplied again; and

bIn the case of goods, the lowest cost of replacing the goods, acquiring equivalent goods or having the goods repaired.

By accepting the terms in this licence you warrant that you have not relied on:

aAny representation made by your supplier or the Licensor other than those expressly set out in this licence; or

bAny descriptions, illustrations, or specifications contained in any document including any catalogues or publicity produced by or for your supplier or the Licensor.

Unauthorised copying of the Software will result in immediate termination of this licence.