1. Getting Started

Insert MotoSim USB Key into your PC. Click on [START] in the task bar menu, then click “All Programs” → “Motoman” → “MotoSim EG-VRC 4.00” → “MotoSim EG-VRC 4.00” to run MotoSim EG-VRC.

When the main window appears, select “New...” under the “File” menu.

When the New Cell dialog box appears, a folder where cells, parameter data, model data, job data, etc. are stored can also be set. (The new folder name is the same as the cell name.) In this example, the “CellTest” cell is created in the “Cells” folder.

Enter “CellTest” in the File name edit box and click the [OK] button.

2. Creating a new controller

Create a new controller by click “New Controller” under the “Controller” menu.

The “Create Controller” window will display.

Select “New VRC Controller (no file)” and press the [OK] button.

Select the controller system version, under “Controller Type” select “FS100” for the System Version select “FS1.00-00” then press the [OK] button.

- If a firewall popup window appears hit cancel

3. Controller Initialization

When adding a controller with “no file”, the controller needs to be initialized. Follow the steps displayed by the instruction guide dialog to initialize the controller.

The virtual controller will boot with the selected system version. This may take a few moments. Once the boot up is completed, the virtual pendant will display in maintenance mode along with the “Controller Maintenance Mode Instructions” guide.

Click on [SYSTEM] followed by the [INITIALIZE] button, use the Arrow keys to navigate, Spacebar to select an item, the Enter key to continue, and the Escape key to go back from this point on.

Change the primary language from “Japanese” to “English” by hitting spacebar on the initial language then selecting “English” with the arrow keys, hit spacebar to select then the Enter key to confirm.

The next selection will be the Control Group selection, hit the Spacebar on “DETAIL” in the “R1” row, which should already be highlighted by default. Under the “MACHINE LIST” menu select the “MH” subcategory using the arrow keys and the spacebar.

Select the “MH0000J-A0*” option in “MH” category using the arrow keys and spacebar. Afterwards hit the Enter key to confirm the selection. Hit the Enter key for every following menu to initialize the controller.

Once at the end you will be prompted with an “Initialize?” window select “YES” using the mouse to continue.

Move the Virtual Pendant aside to find the “Controller Maintenance Mode Instructions” click the “Next >” button twice and the “Finish” button when ready.

Once the virtual controller has rebooted, the virtual programming pendant will display in normal mode. DO NOT CLOSE THIS. In the “Robot Settings” dialog that will also appear, enter a name for the robot (for this example, the default name “FS100-R01” is used.) Click [OK] in this window.

When the controller registration has been complete normally, the robot model appears in the cell screen as shown in the figure below.

The final product should appear as this:

Reading The HSF Format Model

This section describes how to add a tool model which is provided as an HSF format (*.hsf). Tools or flanges are used by the microcontroller to perform specialized operations.

-  In the CAD Tree open the FS100-R01 menu, then open the FS100-R01_link1 menu, the FS100-R01_link2 menu, the FS100-R01_link3 menu, the FS100-R01_link4 menu, the FS100-R01_link5 menu, and finally the FS100-R01_link6 menu, until the FS100-R01_flange menu.

-  Select the “FS100-R01_tcp” in CAD Tree and click [ADD] to display the Add Model dialog box, then enter “TOOL” in the Name edit box.

-  Click the […] button of the file name and select “Torch.hsf” file in the folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Motoman\MotoSimEG-VRC 4.00\Models\Torch\Torch.hsf” click the [Open] button then click [OK].

-  When asked to “Copy mode to the “model” folder?” Click the [Yes] button.

-  Set the position of the torch to the flange click the [POS] button and set the coordinates X – 30 Y– 0 Z – 390 Rx – 0 Ry – -30 Rz –0

Hint: Rotate the camera by holding down the right click and moving the mouse, zoom in and out with the scroll wheel, there are also camera view buttons on the top right of the toolbar for easier camera navigation.

The Operation Object here should be “FS100-R01” for the servo being used.

-  Select Display position and enter the following coordinates to match the corner of the stand. X – -12.5, Y – 250, Z – 15, Rx – 0, Ry – 0, Rz – 180.

Double click the “WORK” model under “STAND”, under the CAD Tree and add AXIS6 in the file editing dialog box.

-  Click Insert and add the following coordinates for the second corner of the stand.

Press the [SERVO ON] button at the top right of the virtual pendant. To display or hide the pendant keypad used to control the servo click on the icon found at the top right of the virtual pendant.

On the left hand side:

Use the X-(S-) and X+(s+) keys to move the servo across the X axis.

Use the Y-(L-) and Y+(L+) keys to move the servo across the Y axis.

Use the Z-(U-) and Z+(U+) keys to move the servo across the Z axis.

On the right hand side:

Use the X-(R-) and X+(R+) keys to rotate the servo across the X axis.

Use the Y-(B-) and Y+(B+) keys to rotate the servo across the Y axis.

Use the Z-(T-) and Z+(T+) keys to rotate the servo across the Z axis.

In the center:

Control the speed of the servo using the FAST and SLOW keys under manual speed or set the servo to high speed using the HIGH SPEED key.

From the Virtual Pendant select JOB on the left hand side and SELECT JOB to bring up the “JOB LIST” your created job “GUIDE” should appear here.

Select the job hitting the spacebar key.

Click on the [MOTION TYPE] key on the bottom left of the pendant keypad to select the type of motion used for this job. Click it multiple times to channel through the various options displayed at the bottom of your “JOB CONTENT” display. The options that appear include, MOVL, MOVC, and MOVJ.

Select the MOVJ option by channeling to the option and clicking the [SELECT] key at the top right of the pendant keypad. Change the “JOINT SPEED” to 100.00 by using the [ARROW KEYS] on the pendant keypad and the [SELECT] key to select the numerical speed value then assigning a new value using the [NUMBER PAD] found on the bottom center of the keypad. Confirm this selection by pressing the [ENTER] key at the bottom right of the keypad. Press the [ENTER] key again to return to the job contents with the newly selected value then [ENTER] again insert this value into the job.