VOHC -- MCH Subcommittee

12/22/16 Meeting Minutes

SMART Objectives:

  • Debora Teixeira gave an overview of how the a “promoting healthy food and beverages” toolkit is shaping up, she is starting by focusing on drinking water instead of sugar sweetened beverages. The group agreed that her idea to organize the toolkit by audience/setting is a good one. The categories she has so far are Parents, Early Education, Schools, Workplaces, and Healthcare settings. She is finding a lot of good resources online and she is going through a vetting process with each one (not including everything, making sure resources are of high quality). The group agreed that this is a worthwhile endeavor because although there is a lot of information “out there” it will be helpful to have it organized in one place. Debora asked that subcommittee members send resources her way as you come across them. She will be prepared to share her progress at our January meeting.
  • It has been confirmed that Dr. Manh in St. Albans is willing and excited to see children insured by Medicaid at her dental practice in St. Albans! This leaves two areas in Vermont where there is still a lack of access to dental care for children beginning at age one (Springfield and Bennington). That being said, there is some good news to report; the office in Springfield that attended the Age One Dental Visit training has gone from seeing children at age five, to seeing children beginning at age two-so there is movement in the right direction. The group was very helpful in thinking about ways we could open up access in these areas . SeeNext Stepsfor follow up items for group members.


  • Follow up on the distribution of the endorsement letter: The endorsement has been distributed electronically to Vermont Dental Hygienist Association members, Robin is still waiting for confirmation that it has been disseminated electronically to the Vermont State Dental Society and Vermont Dental Assistant’s Association. Nate will follow up with Stephanie Winters regarding the VT chapter of the AAP, and the VT Association of Family Physicians. Maureen has distributed the information to the Vermont prenatal care community and it has yielded some great results! (generated interest in oral health messages as part of prenatal care).
  • Robin has information about the Ronald McDonald Van services, just waiting for confirmation that it is okay to send to MCH subcommittee members. There are some limitations on how far the van can travel.
  • Linda and Denise are taking the lead on investigating the Newport area regarding their secret to success when it comes to access to dental care for their community (i.e., appreciative inquiry). Linda has had an initial conversation with Jim Bier Nat (Director of the District Health Office in Newport). Linda gave an overview of what she learned, but is going to take a more in-depth look with Denise.


Julie expressed that one reason parents might not bring their child to the dentist at age one is because they might not know that this is the recommendation; she expressed interest in a poster that healthcare providers who see children could put up in their offices to promote the age one dental visit. Robin mentioned that CMS had developed a poster and other resources, and Pari mentioned that she one that she uses as well.

  • Here is a link to the CMS resources Robin mentioned:
  • Here is a link to the resources Pari mentioned:
  • See attached brochure from Pari that was created by a group of UVM medical students

The group also talked about outreach to parents through insurance newsletters for their beneficiaries. Robin offered to follow up with the Department of Vermont Health Access to see if an article about the importance of early preventive dental care (beginning at age one) could be included in a Medicaid beneficiary newsletter, and to follow up with the EPSDT program to review the information in the informing letters for parents about the age of the first dental visit.

Next Steps:

Toolkit:All: keep your eyes open for great resources that promote health food and beverages that can be included in Debora’s toolkit. Send what you find to Debora Teixeira

Follow up to promote access for children beginning at age one:

Chuck Bookwalter will follow up with colleagues in Bennington when he does follow up regarding fluoridation

Julie will follow up with her Head Start counterpart in Bennington to see if there is an office that might be interested in seeing children beginning at age one

Linda will follow up with Sue Rand (Brattleboro Public Health Dental Hygienist) to check in about the office that attended the Age One training that was held in Bennington (are they ready to mobilize?)

Maureen will follow up with nurse managers and pediatric nurse practitioners in area to see if they know of any dental practices that might be interested in seeing children beginning at age one

Linda will continue to check in with the Springfield office that participated in the Age One training to support them in their effort to eventually see children beginning at age one

Outreach to parents and medical healthcare providers to promote the age one dental visit:

Robin will follow up with DVHA about the possibility of including an article in the Medicaid Beneficiary newsletter

Robin will follow up with the EPSDT program about messaging in informing letters

All: think about ways we can use resources that are already developed to promote the age one dental visit to parents.

Next Meeting:

1/13/17, HPDP Conference Room (usual spot)

Toll Free Number: 1 (877) 273-4202

Participant (Guest) Passcode (for Host and Guest): 7690100

Conference Room ID: 7690100