Donald Trump in the Bible ? 3h

America and Britain chosen of God to be great again!

Our God is a wonderful, powerful and a wise creator. The Father God said, "I have made the earth and created man upon it, and my hands have stretched out the heavens and all the Angels have I commanded" Isaiah 45:12. God has a unique plan of marvelous grace for all mankind and it all centers around Calvary’s Cross and his Son Jesus Christ. It has been necessary by God's design and time, for Christ to be borne in Abraham's family and become the father of Isaac with a grandson named Jacob. Jacob was destined to become the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. This beautiful story is explained and recorded in the Holy Scriptures and in the history books of the Bible. Peter Marshall was a great American statesman, living in the 1960s, said, "More than one half of the tillable cultivable land in the temperate zone in the northern hemisphere came into the hands of two great powers, namely the United States of America and Great Britain after 1800AD". "We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven we have grown in numbers and in wealth like no other nation on earth". "Why has our nation been discredited, despised and hated throughout much of the world and it's because we have forgotten God". Abraham Lincoln, on April 30, 1863 said, "we are the best informed people in the world about the events that have occurred in the last 24 hours but we cannot remember our Christian heritage". However, our great success has come from the cross of Jesus Christ. The unusual success of the United States has been one of the strongest proof of the prophecies, the inspiration of the holy Bible and the existence of the living God on earth Manasseh and Ephraim are to become two Powerful Nations God's plan for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob included many prophetic details about their life as they were living in Israel and in Egypt. Their livelihood occurred from 1920 BC to 1689 BC or a period of about 200 years. Jacob had been given by God's providence, a beautiful life of many blessings as well as many sorrows. His life consisted of the raising of twelve sons and many grandchildren, including Manasseh and Ephraim. They had a fabulous life that consisted of a very large number of farm animals of sheet, horses and camels. Jacob however, was tested with an aggravation of problems from his brother Esau and their children, as well as the pain of a dislocated broken hip. One night while Jacob was sleeping outside, "The Angel of the Lord" came down from heaven and wrestled with him. This wrestling match resulted in his receiving a bruised hip for a lifetime. God said, by the Angel, "thy name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel, for as a prince thou hast power with God"…then Jacob exclaimed, "For I have seen God face-to-face". Genesis 32:24-32. The Angel was the pre-incarnate Christ that left Jacob with a prophetic "word of blessing" that would be on him and his posterity for the ages to come. God said again in Genesis 48:4," I will make you to become a multitude of people and I will give this land to your seed after you, for an everlasting possession." This promise or covenant was to be fashioned into a material wealth and financial blessing and it would begin with his two grand sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. They were the two sons of Joseph and were Jacobs' grandsons. This plan was a very powerful scheme that would involve the whole world. God had predestinated the "elect" line of Jacobs' posterity. This plan eventually, would involve many of the nations of the world including the United States and Great Britain. This plan will last through the "latter days", the "latter rain" and the 70 year fig tree generation in 1948-2018, and the 7 year tribulation period and the millennium to follow.

Manasseh and Ephraim to become the USA and Britain! In Genesis 48:14, Jacob was blessing Joseph in the presence of his two grandsons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Then Jacob reached out his right hand and laid it on Ephraim's head and his left hand on Manasseh's head… And said, "Let them both grow into a multitude of people"… 48:19, and also said, "Manasseh [USA] shall be great but his younger brother[Great Britain] shall be greater than he and his seed shall become a multitude of nations".[Fifty colonies Britain] This future Prophecy was to extend from Joseph's life in Egypt in 1800 BC until today in 2018 AD or shortly thereafter. Notice the USA in Jerusalem? Is it accidental? Jacob at the end of his days, foretells Joseph and his two grandsons their future destiny.[Genesis 49:22]. He says, "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough, by a well whose branches run over the wall". God is prophetically describing their future. The descendants of Joseph through his sons Manasseh and Ephraim, will be very prosperous. They will by Gods' providence, spread out as a fruitful vine to control the wealth of many nations. Then Jacob continues and in Genesis 49:25, and says "by the Almighty who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above and blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and to the womb… unto the utmost bound of the everlasting Hills, they shall be upon the head of Joseph and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren". God's prophetic message was in three parts.

1. "Blessings of heaven". This is in reality, a reference to the showers of rain in abundance of water that will descend upon their livestock, and fields of grain wherever they go.. They will become the bread basket of the world. They will abundantly supply the vegetables, fruits and meats in untold numbers.

2."Blessings of the deep under". This expression "under" will be fulfilled in financial wealth coming from precious metals in the earth. This will be used to build the cities and the highways of the Eastern and Western nations and will include the building of trains, air planes, ships, war machinery, refrigerators, televisions, and metals etc. These precious metals will coming from gold mines, iron, silver, uranium, coal mines and the oil rich producing reservoirs of the nations. These metals will be sold to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Britain, USA, and Iran ect for great financial profit.

3. " Blessings of the breasts and womb" will result in millions of well ordered families. These families will be in harmony and oneness with one another and their communities throughout the whole world. God continues to speak through Jacob in Genesis 49:26, and he says, "the blessings of your father… unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills, they shall be on the head of Joseph"[USA and Britain]. This prophetic utterance has been unusually fulfilled in the power and strength of Great Britain and her twenty colonies from 1800-2018 AD. In the article 4g, "USA and Great Britain, Eagle wings", I thoroughly review the Jewish history about Manasseh and Ephraim and their coming to England and our country, the United States. How didIsrael move from the black sea to Great Britain- 800 BC-1200 AD

Many of the 12 tribes of Jacob were living near Nineveh in Jonas' day south of the black sea. This area was called Parthia in 850 BC. This land is about 400 miles North East of Jerusalem. These tribes began gradually moving westward towards the British Isles around 536 BC during the time of the Medial Persian Empire. A sizable population were living in the British Isles during Paul's day around 100 AD. They were however always facing persecution wherever they resided and so many of the families changed their identity somewhat by dropping the ending of their last name. Some common Jewish names were Nicholson, Robison, Rosenberg, Thomason, Heddleston, and Scofield and by dropping the endings of their names they were no longer being noticed.

Manasseh The Mayflower pilgrims after 1610 Now Become USA This article explains some of the history originating from the families of the Mayflower in 1610, when they began settling in Plymouth, Virginia in 1620. There were many sailing ships filled with passengers that began arriving from Eastern North Fork and Lancashire County in England. Many of these families were Jewish in origin and were the Jewish descendants from Jacob and Joseph's house of Manasseh and Ephraim. These were the families that were spoken prophetically about in Zachariah 10:1, 6-10. When God wrote about the end times and said, "I will save the house of Joseph and Ephraim in the latter rain and bless them as though I had not cast them out". This is repeated in Obadiah 1:18, Zephaniah 1:14-21, and Amos 5:15. The house of Joseph which is now in reality, the United States and Brexit [Great Britain.] We are God's elect and "chosen people". Rigel Forage was the main leader in orchestrating Britain's departure [Ephraim] from the European Union 2015-2017 and is now freelancing in the United States. He has been advising in some of Donald Trump's political business affairs in 2017.

The historical information of the citizens of the United States, where we came from and how we arrived, was taken and recorded from the families of the Mayflower upon their arrival after 1610. Some additional information has been taken from the British history books and European encyclopedias written over the past millennium. Many of these families came from several different counties on the East side of England but primarily from North Fork County in England. This area is known as EastAngliae. A renowned Presbyterian pastor named Peter Marshall became a leader and statesman and the official religious "speaker for the Senate" for 25 years during the 1960s. A Hollywood movie production was made about his life and circulated in several countries and reproduced 6 times. He was known around the world and won numerous awards for his American heritage. He wrote a published periodical on America's heritage during the years of 1962-1982. He stated in his publication, "the Christian Herald"that "Manasseh and Ephraim" of the house of Joseph, had settled in both Great Britain and the United States and were none other than Manasseh and Ephraim of the Pilgrim fathers of the Mayflower. He stated that "Joseph's house" which had been recorded in the Scriptures in 15 places was none other than Manasseh and Ephraim and were identical to the United States and great Britain.

Another famous author named Edward banks, wrote in his book, entitled the "English ancestry and homes of the Pilgrim fathers" and on page 107, he stated that the entire pilgrim fathers came from the ancestry and homes of Eastern England and North Folk County of East Anglia England. He stated, "These were the peoples of the builders of the Massachusetts Bay colony".

Philadelphia our first capital and Donald Trump living in the USA After 1620 AD, the city of Plymouth Virginia began receiving many sailing ships, loaded with families from England and Europe. These families were looking for a new life. Millions of new arrivals began settling in the colonies and across the middle and Western United States. During the next 150 years until 1890, Philadelphia became a large textile producing city like New York City. In 1776 , the Continental Congress made Philadelphia the official capital of the United States.. There seems to be considerable evidence connecting president Donald Trump's family tree in the United States with the house of Joseph in the Bible or Manasseh and Ephraim. According to the accurate records of Wikipedia, Donald Trump's fathers' family tree goes back 7 generations. This leads to Sebastian Trump in 1699- 1756, who lived in Kalstadt Germany, in the Palinate Rhineland. His father's family were in the winemaking business for a number of generations which has a strong connection with Jesus' stories and parables. Donald Trump's great-grandfather Freiedch Trump came to the United States when he was 16 years old. He changed his name to Fredrick Trump and became a citizen. During the Klondike Gold rush days of the 1890s, the gold had run out and so he purchased a tent and began feeding as many as 3000 prospective miners a daily meal. He attempted to revisit Germany with his wife but was refused over a tax problem. Upon returning, he invested in real estate and began renting little houses, and a restaurant and running a small hotel. When he passed away, he was worth approximately 490 thousand dollars. Donald Trump's father Fredrick was an entrepreneur in real estate and at his death left about 1 1/2 million dollars. Donald Trump who is the president of the USA in 2017-2021, did receive a small investment from his father and has turned it into money and property that is worth a small fortune. Donald Trump says he believes, "he has some Swedish roots in his family tree". Donald Trump and his father are Presbyterian Christian Calvinists and have attended and were confirmed in the Marble church in Manhattan that was founded in the 1600s. lvanka, his wife may have had some Jewish beliefs in her former years.[Wikipedia research 2017]

The "latter rain" Donald Trump- promise liberator? USA- House of Joseph?

When Donald Trump began running for the presidency,all the networks began to question who he was and that he was only a television showboat. The television news media kept repeating day and night the same basic words, "there is no way he can win", "he is is not part of the establishment" "it's impossible" , "where is he getting all the numbers of people's" "it's incredible, he seemed to come out of nowhere". "He has no experience" The reporters couldn't believe what they were seeing. It's a phenomenon! The big reason is that everyone is astonished. It seems by some, he may have stepped out the pages of the Bible. It's like the day when Joshua said to the "sun stand still" and the sun stopped in its going down. The liberal democratic news media was aghast. And they are still scratching their head. Yet it happened. Like the Bible it is a fact, like dropping the atom bomb. Jerusalem and USA

It's rather odd that the letters USA just happened to be put into the name of God's chosen city. We don't believe in accidents with God's Providence. There must be a good reason and it seems pretty simple. The United States of America was planned by Gods' foreknowledge in a providential plan in Genesis 49 with Jacobs' grandchildren of Manasseh and Ephraim.. The world had to wait almost 3600 years to see the great riches and wealth coming to the United States and Britain that God had promised. Also, God had planned to save Great Britain and the United States from the great tribulation in which the whole world will be burnt with fire. God needed an ordinary man like David to show his power.

Philadelphia- the name for the United States in the Tribulation

Jesus says to the 6th church age [1600-2025] in Philadelphia, " because you have kept the word of my patience, I will keep you from the hour of tribulation [ 2018+] which shall come upon the whole world". "behold I come quickly". Revelation 3:7-12, and "The word of his patience" refers to Christians who read and patiently trust in the Scriptures. "Behold I come quickly"[suddenly] is the same word used in Revelation 11:14, when the 2 witnesses and the Saints are going up through the clouds. This promise of "deliverance" was made to the church of "the Philadelphia Christians" the Saints, and it is in reference primarily, to believers in the United States. This is because Philadelphia means brotherly love and Philadelphia represents the house of Joseph [USA and Britain]. We believe that because armed troops of World War 1, and 2, Korean War and Vietnam War and did not invade the land of the United States is the very proof that God has kept his promise to the land of Philadelphia, the United States of America. This seems to be the very proof that Philadelphia our 1st capital, in Revelation 3:7-13, represents the United States of America. God did keep his promise to the body of Christ of Philadelphia, our first capital 1790- 1800. This Philadelphia church is very different from the other 6 churches, because it was the only church of the 7 churches, where Jesus did not command them to repent. Many scholarly authors teach that born-again believers will be raptured to heaven just before the time of God's wrath in the 2nd half of the 7 years tribulation, described in Revelation chapter 11. The same event of the "rapture" is described by Paul in 1st Thessalonians 5:1-10. Verse 9, "God hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation" This event the rapture occurs 42 months after the beginning of the 7 years of tribulation. This is in the middle tribulation not at the beginning. This is when Abaddon, the Beast, comes out of the bottomless pit in the middle of the 7 years of tribulation and requires the Mark of the beast to put on the hand and forehead for all the peoples of the earth, described in REV 9.