Combining (Webb’s) “Task Complexity” and (Blooms) “Thinking Difficulty.”
Depth of Knowledge Hess CR Writing Matrix
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge / DOK LEVEL 1
Recall and Reproduction / DOK LEVEL 2
Basic Skills and Concepts / DOK LEVEL 3
Strategic Thinking and Reasoning / DOK LEVEL 4
Extended Thinking
Retrieve knowledge from long-term memory, recognize, recall, locate, identify. / Knowledge/Remember
Ra. Complete short answer
questions with facts, details,
terms, principles, etc. (e.g.,
label parts of diagram)
Construct meaning, clarify, paraphrase, represent, translate, illustrate, give examples, classify, categorize, summarize, generalize, infer a logical conclusion), predict, compare/contrast, match like ideas, explain, construct models. / Comprehend/Understand DOK1
Cb. Describe or define facts,
details, terms, principles, etc.
Cc. Select appropriate
word/phrase to use when
intended meaning/definition is
clearly evident
Cd. Write simple complete
Ce. Add an appropriate caption toa photo or illustration
Cf.. Write “fact statements” on a
topic (e.g., spiders build webs) / Comprehend/Understand DOK2
Ci. Specify, explain, show relationships;explain why, cause-effect
Cj. Provide and explain non-examples andexamples
Ck. Take notes; organize ideas/data (e.g., relevance, trends, perspectives)
Cl. Summarize results, key concepts, ideas
Cm. Explain central ideas or accurategeneralizations of texts or topics
Cn. Describe steps in a process (e.g.,science procedure, how to and whycontrol variables) / Comprehend/Understand DOK3
Cy. Write a multi-paragraph compositionfor specific purpose, focus, voice,tone, & audience
Cz.Develop and explain opposingperspectives or connect ideas,principles, or concepts usingsupporting evidence (quote,example, text reference, etc.)
CA..Develop arguments of fact (e.g., Arethese criticisms supported by thehistorical facts? Is this claim orequation true?) / Comprehend/Understand DOK4
CR.Use multiple sources to elaborateon how concepts or ideasspecifically draw from othercontent domains or differingconcepts (e.g., research paper,arguments of policy – should thislaw be passed? What will be theimpact of this change?)
CS.Develop generalizations about the results obtained or strategies usedand apply them to a
Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation; carry out (apply to a familiar task), or use (apply) to an unfamiliar task. / Application DOK 1
APg. Apply rules or use resources
to edit specific spelling,grammar, punctuation,conventions, or word use
APh. Apply basic formats for
documenting sources / Application DOK 2
APo. Use context to identify/infer theintended meaning of words/phrases
APp.Obtain, interpret, & explain informationusing text features (table, diagram, etc.)
APq. Develop a (brief) text that may belimited to one paragraph, précis
APr.Apply basic organizational structures (paragraph, sentence types, topicsentence, introduction, etc.) in writing / Application DOK 3
APB. Revise final draft for meaning,progression of ideas, or logic chain
APC.Apply internal consistency of text organization and structure to a full composition or oral communication
APD.Apply a concept in a new context
APE.Apply word choice, point of view, style, rhetorical devices to impact readers’ interpretation of a text / Application DOK 4
APT. Select or devise an approachamong many alternatives toresearch and present a novelproblem or issue
APU.Illustrate how multiple themes(historical, geographic, social) maybe interrelated within a text or topic
Break into constituent parts, determine how parts relate, differentiate between relevant-irrelevant, distinguish, focus, select, organize, outline, find coherence, deconstruct (e.g., for bias or point of view). / Analyze DOK 1
ANs.Decide which text structure isappropriate to audience and
purpose (e.g., compare/contrast,
Ant. Determine appropriate,
relevant key words for
conducting an Internet search
or researching a topic / Analyze DOK 2
ANu. Compare/contrast perspectives, events, characters
ANv. Analyze/revise format, organization, &internal text structure (signal words,
transitions, semantic cues) of differentprint and non-print texts
ANw.Distinguish: relevant-irrelevantinformation; fact/opinion (e.g., What are
the characteristics of a hero’s journey?)
ANx. Locate evidence that supports a perspective/differing perspectives / Analyze DOK 3
ANF.Analyze interrelationships among concepts/ issues, problems in a text
ANG. Analyze impact or use of author’scraft (literary devices, viewpoint,dialogue) in a single text
ANH. Use reasoning and evidence togenerate criteria for making andsupporting an argument of judgment(Was FDR a great president? Whowas the greatest ball player?)
ANI.Support conclusions with evidence / Analyze DOK 4
ANV. Analyze multiple sources ofevidence, or multiple works bythe same author, or across
genres, or time periods
AVW. Analyze complex/abstract
themes, perspectives, concepts
ANX Gather, analyze, and organizemultiple information sources
AVY. Compare and contrast conflictingjudgments or policies (e.g.,Supreme Court decisions)
Make judgments based on criteria, check, detect inconsistencies or fallacies, judge, critique. / Evaluate DOK 3
EVJ.Evaluate validity and relevance ofevidence used to develop an argument or support a perspective
EVK. Describe, compare, and contrastsolution methods
EVL. Verify or critique the accuracy, logic,and reasonableness of statedconclusions or assumptions / Evaluate DOK 4
AVZ. Evaluate relevancy, accuracy, &completeness of informationacross multiple sources
AVaa. .Apply understanding in a novelway, provide argument or
justification for the application
AVbb.Critique the historical impact(policy, writings, discoveries, etc.)
Reorganize elements into new patterns/structures, generate, hypothesize, design, plan, produce. / Create/Synthesize DOK 1
SYM.Brainstorm facts, ideas,
concepts, problems, or
perspectives related to a topic,
text, idea, issue, or concept / Create/Synthesize DOK 2
SYN. Generate conjectures, hypotheses , orpredictions based on facts, observations, evidence/observations, orprior knowledge and experience
SYO. Generate believable “grounds”(reasons) for an opinion-argument / Create/Synthesize DOK 3
SYP. Develop a complex model for agiven situation or problem
SYQ. Develop an alternative solution orperspective to one proposed (e.g.,debate) / Create/Synthesize DOK 4
SYcc. Synthesize information acrossmultiple sources or texts in orderto articulate a new voice, alternatetheme, new knowledge or nuanced
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