Title:TransitionsWorker- GET SET for Work Project

Southern Regional Project ( Newry and Armagh)

Responsible to: Project Manager Clare Conlon

Timescale: 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019 with possible extension

Employment contract subject to targets being met

(reviewed 6 monthly)

Location: Southern Regional Office

Project: GET SET for Work

Funders: European Social Fund (ESF) and Department for the Economy (DfE)

Hours: 18 hours per week

Salary: £10,560 - £12,240


Description of Project

GET SET for Work is a regional youth employability project which will target, train and progress over 4 years, 900 rural/urban young people (16-24 years)who are not in employment, education or training (NEET).Operating in disadvantaged communities across the 11 Council areas the project is located in 5key regions; Armagh, Belfast, Enniskillen, Newry and the North-West. GET SET uses a youth work approach alongside strong community and private sector partnerships to support and progress, young people into employment, mainstream training or education.

GET SET will build young people’s skills set in 3 key areas: - skills for living (tackling barriers and building confidence, resilience, motivation);skills for learning (practical and industry relevant qualifications); skills for work (employability skills in teamwork, interpersonal, communication alongside industry specific work skills through ‘taster’ work experiences with local employers/ business partners).

Targets and Outcomes

To ensure a minimum of 70% of GET SET participants in the southern region -60participants per year move into employment or further training and education.

Ensure a minimum of;-

  • 26 young people move into employment
  • 34 young people move into further training or education

Key responsibilities


To identifyemployment trendsto help inform the design and delivery of GET SET programmes taking into account ;-skills in demand; regional employment forecasting; and emerging employment opportunities across the workforce .

To build and maintain strong relationships with our existingbusiness partners/employers and develop a minimum per year of 10 new business/employer partnerships to provide taster days and work experiences for GET SET participants.

To ensure employers comply with Health and Safety policies and good practice for participants’ site visits, taster days and work experiences.

To identify job opportunities with employers and support participants into these job opportunities.

To develop and maintain strongrelationships with training providers and FE colleges to identifyappropriate progression pathways for all participants.

To build and maintain strong relationships with other key stakeholders; Employment Liaison Officers; Jobs and Benefits Offices, Careers Service, Buy Social etc .

To give presentations to business partners/ employer forums and other key stakeholders to profile the project and to support participant’s progression.

To organise open day visits to FE colleges and training organisations/ providers for participants.


To provide one to one progression support to each participant who has completed their GET SET training component to ensure they have a positive progression outcome into employment, further training or education.

To work with each participant to update their CV and complete application forms for employment.

To organise and co-facilitate with our business partners, mock interview workshops for participants to build their confidence and their skills for job interviews.

To provide post programme support to each participant for up to 6 months, to monitor their progress and to ensure they stay on track and their progression is sustained.

To gather and record evidence ofparticipants progression in line with ESF and Department for Economy audit and monitoring requirements.

To co-ordinate and co-deliver with our GET SET business partners a minimum of 1 GET SET to Go skills buildingevent per year with a minimum of 50 young people attending.

To organise Essential Skills provisionwith Southern Regional College for GET SET participants.


To record, monitor and measure participant outcomes using the GET SET measurement tools.

To record, monitor and update on a monthly basis all participant progression data through Impact Tracker to meet the data requirements of the funders and the organisation.

To provide monthly progress reports against targets set to line manager and project manager.

To gather and record evidence of participants progression in line with ESF; Department for Economy; ETI; audit;monitoring and inspection requirements.

To document and present examples of models of best impact practice, including benefits, outcomes and outputs from the project.

To attend and actively contribute to quarterly self evaluation project meetings as part of our quality improvement process.


To maintain administrative systems required to support the work of the project (raising cheque requisitions, purchase orders, plan ahead with administrative requirements).

To robustlymanage and maintain participant details/expense records for monitoring and auditing purposes, following YouthAction’s procedures.

To work within agreed budgets, as laid down by the GET SET project manager.

To comply with YouthAction Northern Ireland’s financial procedures at all times.


To develop an understanding of the ethos, aims and objectives of the membership plan of YouthAction Northern Ireland and contribute to it.

To reflect the ethos, policies and practice of YouthAction Northern Ireland at all time (adhering to the youth workers charter) and demonstrate integrity, maturity and good judgement at all times.

To comply with YouthAction NI’s “Protecting Children, young people and young adults – policy & procedures, including good practice guidelines” at all times.

To become familiar with and adhere to YouthAction’s policies and procedures at all times.

To complete any other duties as directed by YouthAction NI.


Salary: £10,560 - £12,240

Location:SouthernRegional Office

Hours:18 hours per week

Holidays:80 hours per annum plus appropriate statutory days pro rata

Hours of Work:These will require you to be available for work not only in the evenings but also, on occasions, on Saturdays and Sundays.

You will arrange your day to day working hours in conjunction with your Line Manager to suit the varying and often changing needs and requirements for the post. (Normal time in lieu arrangements will apply).

Travel:Mileage costs will be paid for travel costs incurred carrying out the duties of the post. (This post requires that you have access to a car or other suitable form of transport as and when necessary to facilitate the requirements of the job in a reasonable and effective manner).