1. Upon notification over P.A. or by written message or an emergency, all pupils are to remain in the classroom where they are at the time of the announcement.
  2. All school personnel report to designated posts and teachers without classroom assignments assemble at Main Office.
  3. Classroom teachers are to make a complete and accurate roll call of those present and absent.
  4. Upon evaluation by the staff of the emergency, pupils will be moved from classrooms to more protected holding areas such as the library, multi-purpose room or gym, as required.
  5. Pupils will remain in assigned rooms or protected areas until the emergency has ended or until pupils are to be sent home.
  1. Pupils will remain in classrooms or the protected holding areas.
  2. Classroom teachers will make a complete and accurate roll call of those present and absent.
  3. Upon written or verbal instructions from a school staff member, teachers will release students to their homes.
  4. As soon as classrooms are clear, the classroom attendance sheet will be brought to the Attendance Office.
  5. Children still left in classrooms are to be taken to a designated holding room to be supervised until permission is given be parents for their release.
  6. Under no condition will children be sent home during school hours without first gaining permission from the parent or adult who will assume responsibility for the pupil.
  7. Children will be sent home at the close of school unless the emergency requires that they stay at school.
  8. Teachers will be dismissed to go home as soon as possible after buildings have been cleared and notification has been received from the District Administrator.
  9. Emergency staff will remain for further order from District Administrator for closing and securing the school campus or for establishing a Civil Defense Center.
  1. All persons will report to assigned stations to wait for instructions.
  2. Main Office
  1. Principal assumes overall supervision and administration.
  2. School Administrative Assistant and Office Technicians under the direction of the principal will operate message center.
  3. Teachers on conference period will report to assist as directed by principal.
  4. Nurse will direct first aid.
  5. Plant Manager will direct plant maintenance and utility cut-off and security.
  6. Assistant principal in charge of Plant Management will investigate disaster area.
  7. P.E. teachers will combine classes and sent at least half of their department to the Main Office to assist.
  8. Student Centers – clerks will remain on duty to supervise the students and to answer the telephone.
  9. Librarian will supervise the library and prepare for emergency housing of classes.
  10. Food service and custodial staff are to remain in service building and cafeteria to wait for instructions.
  1. Assignments for supervision will be made by the principal.
  2. Two teachers at Main Gate to permit only authorized personnel into the school. All other entrances are to be locked.
  3. One teacher at each end of access road to admit emergency vehicles to the school grounds.
  4. Additional assignments will be made according to the demands of the emergency.