

The Center for Social Sciences

The International PhD Programs for

AY 2010 -2011

  • Gender Studies

Application Form

  1. Application cover page
  2. Statement of purpose* (1)
  3. Sample of written work* (2)
  4. A one page discussion of a book* (3)
  5. Applicants’ curriculum vitae
  6. Copies of applicants’ academic degree diploma and transcript
  7. Copies of English Language Certificates (if available)
  8. Copy of ID card
  9. Three photos 3X4 and e-version on CD
  10. Document regarding military service (Georgian male applicants only)

* Components of doctoral applications:

1. Statement of purpose:

Hereapplicants should describe their academic and professional background, discusses their career objectives, and explains why they wish to enroll in this degree. They should also mention their proposed area of research.

2. Sample of written work:

Here the candidate should provide a sample of up to ten pages (in English). Topics should relate to international relations/gender studies or to another of the social sciences.

3. A one page discussion of a book that applicant has read recently in the field of international relations/gender studies or in a related field. This should state what the book was about, what they learned from it, and why they liked (or disliked) it.

Application deadlines and dates of examination:

-Registration of II round applications for AY 2010-2011 will start from July 12.

-July 26, 17PM – deadline for application submission (both hard copy and e-version to )

-July 28, after 15.00 PM - Interview with admission committee

-July 30, 10.00 AM – Test in English (for those applicants who do not have valid international language certificate proving English language knowledge at B2 level. TOEFL IBT 82; IELTS 6.2)

Still have questions?

Contact Mako Mikaberidze, CSS Doctoral Training Unit officer at (+995 32) 102781;

Consultations: July 19, 22 at 12.00 pm; CSS office, TSU II building 3 Chavchavadze Avenue, III floor, Room # 336 (CSS library).

Center for Social Sciences

Iv. JavakhishviliTbilisiStateUniversity

Application Form

PhD programs in

1)Gender Studies

Academic Year 2010– 2011

  • PhD Program______

(please write IR or Gender Studies)

  • ______

Name Surname Patronymic

  • Gender □ Male □ Female
  • Date of Birth ______/______/______

Day Month Year

  • Citizenship: ______
  • Nationality: ______
  • Marital Status: ______
  • Passport N (or ID card N): ____________
  • Personal Number (if applicable): ______
  • Address of Current Residence:


Country, City/Town, Postal index


Street, House Number



  • Address of Registration


Country, City/Town, Postal index


Street, House Number


Telephone: (Cell) ______(work)______

Fax ______E-mail: ______

  • Previous universities attended: ______
  • Qualifications held or pending (latest academic degrees): ______
  • English-language skills (excellent, good, fair; or score of TOEFL, etc. if applicable): ______

Date: ______Applicant’s Signature: ______

3 Chavchavadze Avenue, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia; TSU II block, III floor, Rooms # 335-339

Tel. (+995 32) 252781; 102781; Fax: (+995 32) 291334;