Joint Center Planning Meeting for Year 5

Sticky Chart Notesfrom Regional Comprehensive Centers

Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center

(KY, TN, VA, WV)

  • Data on post-secondary indicators for students with the Hope Scholarship (post-secondary grant): impact of enrollment increases vs. attainment rates [TN]

Central Comprehensive Center

(CO, KS, MO)

  • Continue work for formative assessment lesson planning [KS]
  • State accreditation standards revisions: need to know what other states are doing (scan) [MO]
  • Resource, consultation, thought partner [MO]

Florida and the Island Comprehensive Center

(FL, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)

  • Comprehensive assessment framework
  • Conducting an assessment audit

Great Lakes Comprehensive Center

(IN, MI, OH)

  • Comprehensive assessment framework for CBE Pilot Program [OH]
  • Strategic and technical assessment partnership [MI]

Mid-Atlantic Comprehensive Center

(DE, DC, MD, NJ, PA)

  • Accountability systems: Resources on policy options/different models (scans) [MD, NJ, PA]
  • Comprehensive assessment framework [all states]

Midwest Comprehensive Center

(IL, IA, MN, WI)

  • Standards implementation framework: expert review [MN]
  • Diverse learners in learning and teaching: connecting MDE’s Title III team with CSAI staff working on diverse learners [MN]
  • Co-develop a standards/revision process guide with IDE and MWCC [IA]
  • Be a thought partner down the road for IDE related to science standards and assessment [IA]

North Central Comprehensive Center

(NE, ND, SD, WY)

  • Formative assessment for ELs
  • Alternative assessments for early learning
  • Alternative assessment for career and technical education (CTE)
  • Cultural standards: how to implement and teach
  • Collaboration with tribal communities

Northeast Comprehensive Center

(CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT)

  • Alternative assessments
  • “Academic” assessments PreK-3
  • Career and technical education (CTE) certification: Are there assessments that can tell industry and business about the CTE readiness of high school students?

Northwest Comprehensive Center

(AK, ID, MT, OR, WA)

  • TBA (emailed Hella Belhadjamor to follow-up with break-out session)

Pacific Regional Comprehensive Center

(American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia [FSM], Guam, HI, Northern Mariana Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau)

  • Assessment literacy for SEA, teachers, and principals (virtual, on ground, resources) [FSM]
  • Comprehensive assessment framework for SEA (virtual, on ground, resources) [FSM]

South Central Comprehensive Center

(AR, LA, NM, OK)

  • EL coaches’ academy: share learning from Louisiana and add language development supports [MS]
  • Readiness benchmarks: along the pathway to CCR standards vs. competency review and consultation [AR]
  • Family engagement on PARCC assessments for Indian education

Southeast Comprehensive Center

(AL, GA, MS, NC, SC)

  • Assessment and data literacy for teachers and leaders
  • Assistance with SECC assessment and accountability network
  • IHE leader and teacher preparation

Multi-Center Suggestions

ESSA Related

  • Support for evidence-based strategies
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • FAQs and Resources for ESSA implementation
  • Professional learning opportunities
  • Technical Assistance
  • Data Reporting

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