Research Methodology and Design[cm1]

In order to answer the research questions of this dissertation, the Research Methodology will be qualitative. Qualitative recorded interviews, in-person observations, and comprehensive questionnaires will be given out to the participants of the research and all of the aforementioned will be the research tools of the Research Methodology. There will be 45 participants in total, 15 Educators, 15 Students, and 15 School Administrators who are representative of the mainstream schooling that teaches disabled students in Nigeria.

Qualitative Recorded Interviews

Along with the research questions as noted in this chapter, there will also be additional questions, both open-ended and close-ended, given to the participants which selections of 10 of these questions are listed below:

  1. What do you perceive to be the ideal of education for children with special needs in Nigerian schools?
  2. Do you think that your school is achieving the ideal in schooling for children with special needs? If so, please explain further. If not, please explain further.
  3. How are children with special needs treated at your school?
  4. Do you have special classes for children with special needs?
  5. Do you think that children with special needs should be streamed into mainstream classes? If so, why do you think this? If not, why do you think this?
  6. How much consultation is done with the families of special needs children in terms of the quality of schooling that the children receive at your school?
  7. What are the academic expectations of children with special needs at your school? Are they high? Are they low? Are they somewhere in the middle? Does it depend on the child?
  8. How much money is invested in the Nigerian school system into the proper education of children with special needs in the mainstream school system?
  9. What do you think would be the best way to educate children with special needs?
  10. Is there anything that I have not asked, that you would like to add?

These qualitative recorded interviews will be transcribed by either me or a hired transcriber in order code the discourse that is used in the responses to the interviews.

In-Person Observations

I will spend a total of 300 hours at each of the schools where my participants are teaching, studying, or administrating, in order to gather useful information for this qualitative study. My observations will be fashioned through the Research Design which will be discussed soon.

Comprehensive Questionnaires

There will be comprehensive questionnaires given out to the 45 participants that will have the participants rate the quality of education of their school when it comes to the education of special needs children. One of the key questions on this comprehensive questionnaire will be the following:

  • If you were running the school, or if you do, what would you do to create an ideal situation for the education of special needs children?

The responses to this questionnaire will be incorporated with the qualitative data and used in a Qualitative Research Design as a narrative which will be discussed next.

Research Design

The Research Design of this dissertation will be in a narrative scholarly format. The narrative is one of the paramount ways that Qualitative Researchers analyze the data of qualitative research and present the data in such a way where the reader can clearly see the results of the field research that is involved with the journey to answer the research questions (Creswell & Poth, 2017).

Ethical Protocol

In order to ensure that this research is conducted in an ethical manner and with the express wrote consent of all 45 participants that will be involved, I will be creating consent forms which will be signed and only after these forms have been signed by all 45 participants, will I begin my field research in order to answer my research questions, plus use my additional research tools.


This chapter has discussed my Research Methodology and my Research Design for this dissertation. My Research Methodology will be qualitative with the research tools of qualitative recorded interviews, in-person observations, and comprehensive questionnaires that will all be presented and analyzed for this dissertation through the Research Design of a Narrative structure.


Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2017).Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among

Five approaches. Sage publications.

[cm1]So you have part of what is needed Per the assignment information:

Create a brief summary of the research method, and then design your plan to use to investigate your research topic.

For EdD Students:

Select a method and design appropriate for an applied study. Case studies, action research, and program development/evaluation are appropriate. Your must address the following:

  1. Note a specific method, and then design your plan to use in your research.
  2. Describe and substantiate the appropriateness of the method, and then design to respond to the stated problem, purpose, and research questions.
  3. Note how the proposed method and design accomplish the study goals, why thedesign is the optimum choice for the proposed research, and how the method aligns with the purpose and research questions.
  4. Provide appropriate foundational research method support for the proposed study design.
  5. Explain the particular data gathering techniques and data analyses processes. Sample size of the study population should be identified and must be appropriate and justified based on the nature of the study design.

You have the #5. So prior to this, begin with:

A discussion of qualitative research (define it, what it’s used for, how it’s appropriate for studying your topic)


Choose a design (I’m thinking case study would be most appropriate however phenomenology could work – look into both – then discuss what makes the design what it is, what it’s used for and why appropriate for your topic). Use research based statements for method and design discussion (meaning cite almost everything).


Explain sampling procedure (you have some of it but you should also mention the “sampling method” (purposive) and discuss what that is/means, used for and why appropriate for selecting your participants