Children of Disneyland: Disney and the Shaping of the American Mind

Lydia Equitz, ext. 4658, Honors 189 Office Hours: Daily 12:30-2

Course Requirements

Students will write nineteen 1-¶ journal assignments (lowest grade dropped, for 25% of grade) and two revisable 5-page papers (50%). In addition, each student will develop a multimedia research presentation followed by a 6-10 page scholarly catalog (25%). A high standard of daily preparation as assessed through discussion and group work is assumed: students falling short will be notified and, if improvement is not noted, their final grades reduced by a minimum of one grade (e.g., A- to B+) and a maximum of two grades (e.g., A- to B).


Make every effort for perfect attendance; it’s only 14 days. That said, you can have one absence w/o penalty, provided you keep up with all the work. If you must be absent a second time, I will arrange a make-up activity. More than 2 absences or not making up the 2nd absence as above by the time I must submit grades will result in a one-grade reduction in the final grade for each unmade-up absence. Attendance on the last day of class is required so that you can provide decoding information and fill out a course evaluation. If something happens and you will be late for class, come anyway and you will not be counted absent. Chronic lateness will affect your participation grade assessment negatively.


Plagiarize just one assignment and I will fail you for the entire course.


All written work will be graded anonymously: you turn in the journal and papers with a code in place of your name. I will maintain a grade book based on codes separate from the name-based attendance/participation book and will decode only after all the final grades have been decided.

Late Work

Because of the accelerated nature of this course, no late work will be accepted after the day it is due. Assignments are due in class, but if you are behind, turn in what you have (no matter how fragmentary) by 2:00 on the day it is due so you can catch up with the next assignment that night.


I will hand out hardcopy of assignments in class and also post them to D2L that afternoon. Check your university e-mail daily for other communications.

Links to Other Important University Policies