Payment and Free Early Years Entitlement Policy

(Reviewed 25.07.2017)

  • Fees are as follows:-

-£47.50per day in the Duckling’s room, £25.00 for half a day.

-£45.50 per day in the Mallard room and £24.00 for half a day.

-(Prices from September 2017)

  • A deposit of £50.00 is due when making a booking to reserve the place.This will be deducted off the first month’s fees.
  • Session Times are 7.45 to 6.00 for full days.

Morning and Afternoon Session times are 7.45-1.00 or 1.15-6.00

  • Additional fees are charged for children who are not collected promptly.
  • Standing orders are preferred for payment of weekly/monthly fees. Parents can also pay by BACS transfer
  • Parents who pay by vouchers such as Computershare etc. will be invoiced for any remaining amounts.
  • Failure to pay your invoice will result in a final reminder if payment isn’t made this will result in the place being cancelled.
  • One month’s notice is required when cancelling your child’s place.
  • Little Ducklings charges for Bank holidays.
  • Little Duckling’s is closed for the Christmas week. Although the bank holidays are charged forthe other days are refunded.
  • Payment remains the same if your child is off ill from nursery or takes a holiday.
  • Free Early Years Entitlement (FEYE) 3-4 years

Lancashire County Council offer funded hours the term after your children’s 3rd birthday. Your child is entitled to 15 funded hours per week of childcare for 38 weeks of the year, although if you claim less than 15 hours we can stretch the hours over more weeks. From September 2017 SOME parents may be entitled to claim an additional 15 hours of funded hours. For further information please speak to Gill or Sarah

These hours can be accessed over 2 days and no less. No more than 10 hours in one day.

The year is split into three terms as follows

1st Jan- 31st March Spring 11 weeks 165 hrs

1st April- 31st August Summer 13 weeks 195 hrs

1st September-31st December Autumn 14 weeks 210 hrs

Funded hours cannot be obtained unless parents authorise through a signature on the parental agreement form. Forms must be completed before the start of the term.

If you decide to split your free hours between two settings you must ensure you write this on the parental agreement form, so that you do not over claim and have to return any payment.Each hour is equivalent to £4.03 although this is subject to change depending on LCC allocations. Any sessions not covered by the Single Funding Formula will be invoiced to parents.

  • Free Early Years Entitlement for 2 year olds (FEYE)

From the term after your child turns two, your child may be entitled to have up to 15 hours a week of free flexible childcare, for 38 weeks per year. This is called the Free Early Years Entitlement and it is paid by the government.

You can claim a free place if you receive one or more of the following

•Income support

•Income-based job seekers Allowance

•Income related Employment or support Allowance

•Child tax credit provided you are not entitled to working tax credit and have an annual income of less than £16,190

•Support under part 6 of the immigration and Asylum act 1999

•The Guaranteed element of the state pension credit

•Working Tax credit run-on the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for working tax credit.

If you meet the criteria speak with Gill or Sarah. You will need to fill out a parental agreement form. Then we will process the claim through Lancashire county council.