Georgia Community Events & Solutions

Community Events Agency Update

July 2017-June 2018

Agency Name: ______

Mailing Address:______

City, St. Zip code:______


Staff Contact at Agency Phoneext

(Person who will handle ticket requests)

E-mail Fax

PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE CLEARLY. All information must be completed and returned for continued service. Please fill out completely - our funders require this information.

Primary County Other Counties Served

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Areas of Service – Check all that apply:

____ Mental Health

____ Cognitive Disabilities

____ Substance Abuse/Recovery

____ Developmental Disability

____ Mobility Impairment

____ Blindness/Visual Impairment

____ Deafness/Hearing Impairment

____ HIV/AIDS Services

____ Other Disability:______

_____ Refugee or Immigration Services

____ Offender Rehabilitation

____ Domestic Abuse Services

____ Homeless Facility/Foster Care

____ Low-income Community

____ Other: ______

Which is the primary area of service?

Number of People and Age Groups Served:

______Total number of people served yearly

_____% Seniors (over age 60)

_____% Adults between 19 and 60

_____% Youthbetween 13 and 18

_____% Youth between birth and 12

_____ % Male

_____ % Female

What was your total actual expenses for your last completed fiscal year? ______

What is your total budget for your current fiscal year?______

Indicate % of funding from each source:

City ______%County ______%

State ______%Federal ______%

Private _____%United Way ____%

Religious Organizations ______%

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Is your Agency For Profit? YN

****If yes, please contact the Program Coordinator BEFORE completing this form.

*All updates are sent via E-MAIL. Please ensure that we have a current address and that your system is set up to receive messages from us, including adding us to your address book or whitelist.

NOTE: Be prepared to provide a current (date stamped) 501c(3) letter before we process your payment. The name on the 501c(3) status letter must be the name of your program/agency (i.e., cannot be the name of a church).

*ALL renewals will be vetted through the IRS for a current Form 990. (If you have not filed a current IRS Form 990, your renewal will not be processed.

Agency Description – briefly state the general purpose and goals of your agency – what you do, not your mission statement.



Demographic info – Our donors require this information from us.

Information Source: Agency Data______Other (such as census data)______

Of the total number of people served each year, what percent are:

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_____% White_____ % Income at or below Federal Poverty

_____% BlackGuidelines (maximum $24,250/year for a family of 4)

_____% Latino_____% Income up to 20% above Federal Poverty

_____% AsianGuidelines (maximum $29,100/year for afamily of 4)

_____% Native American _____% Children eligible for free/reduced

____% Children with disabilitiesschool lunch

____% Adults with disabilities

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Agency Certification

We certify that the information included in this agency update is true and complete to the best of our knowledge.

Agency DirectorStaff Contact at Agency - handling requests

Signature ______Signature ______

Name ______Name ______

(please print)(please print)

Date signed ______Date signed ______

Telephone ______Ext____Telephone ______Ext____

Community Events Invoice for July 2017-June 2018

For services through June 30, 2018

Agency Name: ______

Please return a copy of this invoice with your paymentagency update.

A copy of this invoice ensures that your account is credited accurately.

Your Agency Budget for FY17 (must be 3rd party verifiable): $______

Amount Due:$______

(Use sliding scale below to determine fee)

VSA arts of Georgia depends on donations to keep the fees low. Please consider an additional amount as a donation $______

If your Agency Budget Is… Your 2017/2018 Fee Is…

Up to………………$250,000 $180.00

$250,001...... $500,000 $187.00

$500,001……… $1,000,000 $300.00

$1,000,001…… .$1,500,000 $323.00

$1,500,001...... $2,000,000 $478.00

$2,000,001……….$3,000,000 $595.00

$3,000,001...... $4,000,000 $714.00

$4,000,001...... and above $737.00


If paying by credit card:Circle: VISA MasterCard AMEX

Name on card Signature

(Please Print)

Card Number Expiration Date

Three or Four Digit Security Code:______(usually located on the back of a Visa or MasterCard and on the front of American Express)

Billing Address of the card (must have to process the card payment):



If you have any questions, please call the Community Events Coordinator at 404-221-1628

Mail or Email completed form with the Agency Invoice to:

Mail: VSA arts of Georgia, Georgia Community Support & Solutions,

1945 Cliff Valley Way, Suite 220,Atlanta, GA 30329
