PBS Semester 1 Study Guide

Unit 1 The Mystery

1.1.The Mystery Essential Questions

1.  What can be done at a scene of a mysterious death to help reconstruct what happened?

a.  What is the job of a 911 operator?

b.  What is the job description of EMT?

c.  What are the steps to process evidence and analysis of a crime scene.

2.  How do the clues found at a scene of a mysterious death help investigators determine what might have occurred and help identify or exonerate potential suspects?

a. What are antigens? How are they used?

b. What is the liquid portion of blood called?

c. What does “clumping” show when blood typing?

d. What are the four blood types.

e. What kinds of physical evidence can be collected from a crime scene?

f. What evidence from a crime scene would contain DNA?

3.  How do scientists design experiments to find the most accurate answer to the question they are asking?

a.  What is a hypothesis?

b.  What is a conclusion?

c.  What is a control group and why is it important?

d.  What are the dependent and independent variables?

4.  How are bloodstain patterns left at a crime scene used to help investigators establish the events that took place during a crime?

a.  What shape does a blood stain have that falls directly from above?

1.2 DNA Analysis Essential Questions

1.  What is DNA?

a.  What is the complimentary strand of GTAACGTTAACGTA?

b.  What bases are pyrimidine?

c.  What bases are purines?

Picture of DNA – label nucleotide, base, sugar, bond, phosphate, base pair

d.  What is Chargaff’s Rule?

2.  How do scientists isolate DNA in order to study it?

a.  What is polymerase chain reaction

3.  How does DNA differ from person to person?

a.  Genes have the instructions for assembling?

4.  How can tools of molecular biology be used to compare the DNA of two individuals?

5.  What are restriction enzymes?

6.  What are restriction fragment length polymorphisms?

7.  What is gel electrophoresis and how can the results of this technique be interpreted?

a.  What kind of charge does DNA have?

b.  What part of DNA causes it have this charge?

c.  Which end does DNA move toward?

d.  What separates the DNA fragments?

e.  Which fragments travel the fastest?

1.3 The Findings Essential Questions

1.  What is an autopsy and how can it be used to determine the cause of death?

a. Who performs an autopsy?

b. Place these in correct order from smallest to largest. Organs, organelles, cells, organ system, tissues.

c. List each of the body systems and their main function

2.  How can the manner of death be determined?

a.  Define manner of death

b.  What are the possible manner of death listed on an autopsy

3.  Why is confidentiality of patient information important?

a.  What is the HIPPA

b.  Summarize the laws of HIPPA

4.  Who should keep patient information confidential?

5.  Is there ever a time when patient confidentiality should be broken?

6.  What biomedical science professionals are involved in crime scene analysis and determination of manner of death?

a. What is a toxicologist?

b. What is a DNA Forensic Scientist?

c. What is a medical examiner?

PBS Unit 2 Diabetes

2.1 What is Diabetes Essential Questions

7.  What is diabetes?

a.  Insulin is released from?

8.  How is glucose tolerance testing used to diagnose diabetes? Explain what to look for.

a.  What is a normal glucose (blood sugar) level in the blood?

9.  How does the development of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes relate to how the body produces and uses insulin?

10.  What is the relationship between insulin and glucose?

11.  How does insulin assist with the movement of glucose into body cells?

12.  What is homeostasis?

13.  What does feedback refer to in the human body?

a.  What is glucagon and what does it do?

b.  What is negative feedback?

c.  What is positive feedback?

d.  Which one of the above is the insulin/glucose feedback loop

14.  How does the body regulate the level of blood glucose?

2.2 The Science of Food Essential Questions

15.  What are the main nutrients found in food? What is the purpose of each?

16.  How can carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins be detected in foods?

17.  What types of foods supply sugar, starch, proteins and lipids?

18.  How can food labels be used to evaluate dietary choices?

19.  What role do basic nutrients play in the function of the human body?

20.  What are basic recommendations for a diabetic diet?

21.  What are the main structural components of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids?

a.  What does a triglyceride contain?

b.  Glucose is a? Where in the body do we find it?

c.  What macromolecule contains 20 different variable groups?

22.  What is dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis?

a.  What is produced in dehydration synthesis? In hydrolysis?

b.  When polymers are broken apart, they go through?

23.  How do dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis relate to harnessing energy from food?

24.  How is the amount of energy in a food determined?

a.  Where does the energy in food come from?

b.  What kinds of molecules provide the most energy?

c.  What is a calorie? What does it measure?

d.  What is calorimetry?

2.3 Life with Diabetes Essential Questions

25.  What are several ways the life of someone with diabetes is impacted by the disorder?

26.  How do the terms hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia relate to diabetes?

27.  What might happen to cells that are exposed to high concentrations of sugar?

28.  How do Type I and Type II diabetes differ?

29.  What are the current treatments for Type I and Type II diabetes?

30.  What is the importance of checking blood sugar levels for a diabetic?

31.  How can an insulin pump help a diabetic?

32.  What are potential short and long term complications of diabetes?

33.  What innovations are available to help diabetics manage and treat their disease?