(Insert School Letterhead here)

School name FESTIVAL CHOIR - 2018

Dear Parents / Caregivers

Welcome to Choir at {insert School Name} for 2018. I am the Choir Teacher for the Senior School Choir and the Festival of Music Choir.

The Senior School Choir will perform throughout the year at various functions such as End of Year Celebration, Year 7 Graduation, etc.

The Festival Choir will perform as part of the Primary Schools Festival of Music, held at the Festival Theatre in September.

Some students will be members of both choirs and all students will be learning the repertoire for the Festival of Music, 2018. This year the program consists of 14 songs, all of which need to be sung from memory by mid-way through Term 2. At present we are sharing choir books during our rehearsals. Obviously this is not ideal, as it means that the books cannot be taken home by students to practise between rehearsals.

We are asking parents who value the high standard and quality of our choir, and whose children are committed to performing throughout the year, to purchase a Songbook and CD for their child so that the learning can continue at home.

Festival of Music Songbook and CD…………………….… $15.00 Total (payable to the school.)

Students will be required to attend practice every {insert day of rehearsal and time} from now until the end of the year, in the {insert rehearsal room}. In August, those selected for the Festival of Music Choir will attend a combined rehearsal with other schools at the Magic Millions Pavilion, Morphettville and in September they will attend a rehearsal at the Festival Theatre just prior to our performance.

Additional costs for those selected in the Festival of Music Choir will be around $9.00, being the cost of a Festival t-shirt to be worn to our performance. This amount will be payable at a later date.

We would very much appreciate your assistance in this situation. Please forward your payment to the Front Office and new resources will be purchased from the Festival of Music Office for your child.

Yours in music

{your name}{insert name}{insert name}

Choir TeacherPrincipalChoir Support

Please cut along dotted line and return with your payment


I (Student name)hereby agree to attend rehearsals, care for equipment, practise regularly, and behave appropriately in the Trinity Gardens Senior/Festival of Music Choir.

I understand that any breach of the above conditions can lead to my exclusion from the Choir.