Longton Grove Surgery

New Patient Questionnaire

Please complete this questionnaire as fully as possible at the time of registration and hand back to the receptionist. The information will help the nurses and doctors to make an initial assessment of your health which will help in your future treatment.

Title:………...... Surname: ………………………………… Forenames:……………………………………

Address:……….……………………………………Date of Birth:….……………………………….

……….……………………………………Home phone:.………………………………….

……….……………………………………Mobile phone:….....…………………………..

Email Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Do you consider yourself to have any communication needs e.g. deaf, blind, language?

If yes, please state your need: …………………………………………………………………………..

Next of Kin Details:

Name: ………………………………………………Phone: ………………………………………………………

Relationship to you: ……………………………………………………………(e.g. partner/parent/etc)

Have you ever served with the Armed Forces? Yes  No 
How much do you weigh? …………… kg / What is your height? …………… cm
What is your Ethnic Origin?
White British / Sri Lankan
White Irish / Black African
Other White / Black Caribbean
Mixed Race:White & Black Caribbean / Other Black
White & Black African / Other Asian
White & Asian / Other European
Indian / Other Mixed Race
Pakistani / Other Ethnic Category
Bangladeshi / I would prefer not to state my ethnicity
What is your first spoken language?
Do you have someone who looks after you or your daily needs? Yes  No 
If yes, would you like them to deal with your health affairs here?Yes  No 
If yes, please speak to the receptionist who can help with these arrangements.
Do you care for anyone else?Yes  No 
If yes, ask the receptionist about Carers Support.


Do you have any family history of heart disease?Yes  No 
If yes, which family member was affected?………………………………
If yes, was the family member less than 60 or 60+?………………………………
Do you have any family history of: StrokesYes  No 
Diabetes Yes  No 
AsthmaYes  No 
Do you have any significant medical history that we should know about (including operations) – please give dates where possible; Yes  No 
Are you on any regular medication?Yes  No 
If yes, please provide us with a list of your medication ……………………………………………
*Please note you will need to see a doctor before any medication can be reissued.
Do you have any allergies, generally and to particular medication?Yes  No 
If yes, please give us the details …………………………………………………………………………………
Do you know when your last cervical smear was taken?Yes  No 
Date: ………………… Location: GP Surgery Result:Normal 
HospitalAbnormal 
Have you ever been invited for Breast Screening?Yes  No 
Date: ………………… Result:Normal  Abnormal 
Have you had a hysterectomy? Yes  No 
If yes, what type of hysterectomy was it?Partial  Total 
What is your smoking status? Current smoker  Ex-smoker  Never smoked 
If you smoke, how many do you smoke a day? …………………..
How old were you when you started smoking?…………………..
Are you interested in seeing a nurse to stop smoking?Yes  No 
If you used to smoke, how old were you when you stopped?…………………..
If you used to smoke, how many did you smoke a day?…………………..
How would you classify your level of exercise?
Exercise physically impossibleEnjoys moderate exercise
Avoids exerciseEnjoys heavy exercise
Enjoys light exerciseCompetitive athlete
Have you ever drunk alcohol?Yes  No 
On average, how many units of alcohol do you drink each week?……………………
1 pint of beer/lager/cider / Alcopop / 175ml glass
of wine / Single measure
of spirits / Bottle of
2 units / 1 ½ units / 2 units / 1 unit / 9 units
Questions / Scoring System (Please circle)
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
How often do you have a drink thatcontains alcohol? / Never / Monthly
or less / 2-4
times a
month / 2-3
times a
week / 4 ormore
times a
How many standard alcoholic drinksdo you have on a typical day whenyou are drinking? / 1 -2 / 3 - 4 / 5 - 6 / 7 - 8 / 10+
How often do you have 6 or more standard drinks on one occasion? / Never / Less than
monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or
almost daily
How often in the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you started? / Never / Less than
monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or
almost daily
How often in the last year have you failed to do what was expected of you because of drinking? / Never / Less than
monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or
almost daily
How often in the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get you going? / Never / Less than
monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or
almost daily
How often in the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or regret after drinking? / Never / Less than
monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or
almost daily
How often in the last year have you not been able to remember what happened when drinking the night before? / Never / Less than
monthly / Monthly / Weekly / Daily or
almost daily
Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking? / No / Yes, but not in the last year / Yes, during the last year
Has a relative/doctor/health worker been concerned about your drinking or advised you to cut down? / No / Yes, but not in the last year / Yes, during the last year

New Patient Questionnaire - April 2017