Attachment N

Quarterly Data Quality Review

Beginning with Program Period April – June 2014: Submittedconsumer-based data not meeting any of the following criteriawill result in a letter being sent to you and the County’s Chief Executive Officer/Chairperson of the Governing Board advising that NYSOFA will withhold funding reimbursementsuntil corrected data are received or a work plan is provided to address these issues with reasonable timelines and accepted by NYSOFA.

  • Missing Service Records: Two or more Cluster 1 services (Personal Care Services, Case Management, Home Delivered Meals, Adult Day Services) with more than 50% service records not reported as compared to the number of clients reported through the verification report.
  • Missing Functional Status (ADL/IADL): More than 50% of Case Management missing functional status counts.
  • Missing Nutrition Risk Score: More than 50% of Home Delivered Meals or Congregate Meals clients missing nutrition risk score.

This review will be conducted on a quarterly basis.

Please see Review Examples on page 2 to learn more about how we review the count.

Review Examples:

Missing Service Records: Two or more Cluster 1 services (Personal Care Services, Case Management, Home Delivered Meals, Adult Day Services) with more than 50% service records not reported as compared to the number of clients reported through the verification report.

SAMPE AAA / Verified Data / Client Data / % Difference / Comment
Personal Care II / 387 / 0 / 100% / More than 50%
Personal Care I / 179 / 0 / 100% / More than 50%
Home Delivered Meals / 659 / 366 / 44.5%
Adult Day Services / 83 / 1 / 98.8% / More than 50%
Case Management / 566 / 156 / 72.4% / More than 50%

Four Cluster 1 services have severe incomplete reporting issue.This will trigger voucher reimbursement withhold.

Missing Functional Status (ADL/IADL): More than 50% of Case Management clients missing functional status counts.

SAMPE AAA / Number of Clients (Verified Data) / Number of Clients reported with ADL Count (Client Data) / % of Clients missing ADL Count / Comment
Personal Care II / 387 / 0 / 100%
Personal Care I / 179 / 0 / 100%
Home Delivered Meals / 659 / 366 / 45%
Adult Day Services / 83 / 1 / 100%
Case Management / 566 / 156 / 72% / More than 50%

Case Management clients ADL missing rate is too high. This will trigger voucher reimbursement withhold.

Missing Nutrition Risk Score: More than 50% of Home Delivered Meals or Congregate Meals clients missing nutrition risk score.

SAMPE AAA / Number of Clients (Verified Data) / Number of Clients reported with Nutrition Risk Count (Client Data) / % of Clients missing NR Count / Comment
Home Delivered Meals / 659 / 366 / 45%
Congregate Meals / 2448 / 671 / 73% / More than 50%

Congregate Meals clients Nutrition Risk missing rate is too high. This will trigger voucher reimbursement withhold.