The following questions are meant to protect the purity of this local church in days of fluctuating standards and confusion in Christendom. Please answer all of the questions and return to the church as soon as possible. Feel free to add additional pages to explain any point.

1. Name ______

Address Phone ______

E-mail ______

2. Home Church

Church Address ______

3. Age Date of conversion Years in the ministry ______

4. Ordained? When? By what group? ______

5. Personal and Family

Married? Divorced? Married to a divorcee? ______

How many children? Ages ______

Is any of your family in other than good health? ______

Is your home and family a good testimony to your church and community? ______

In what manner does your wife assist in the ministry? ______

Have you left behind in any of your former pastorates indebtedness, cause for rumor, etc. which

Wouldembarrass your ministry in a new pastorate? ______

Would you be willing to submit to a background check for debt status, criminal record, and/or child

abuse history? ______

6. Pastoral Experience (List most recent churches served, dates of service, and reasons for leaving.)




7. Education and Training

High School Year graduated (or years attended)

College Degree Date (or years attended)

Bible School Diploma Date (or years attended)

Seminary Degree Date (or years attended)

Other Training ______


8. Talents and Experience (Please list such things as musical abilities, radio speaking, writing, teaching,

counseling, etc. which you have found useful.)




Yes No

9. If you become the pastor of an undenominational church, will you have any

desire to change its name, its polity, or its independent status so as to identify

it with any denomination? ___

10. Would you support an evangelistic campaign in which the evangelist called for

cooperation and sponsorship of both evangelicals and liberals? ___

11. Do you cooperate with or are you sympathetic to any form of the Pentecostal

movement? ___

12. Do you take a positive stand against worldliness, such as the theater/opera,

dancing, smoking, social drinking, etc.? ___

13. What is your position regarding the New Evangelical movement?

Do not take a position either way. _____

Oppose it and speak against it, if necessary. _____

Favor the movement and support it. _____

Don’t know what it is. _____

14. What is your attitude toward the following?

Affiliation with the National or World Council of Churches ______

Purpose-Driven Church movement ______

Emerging Church movement ______

New Calvinism movement ______

Fellowship with apostate or liberal ministers ______

Marriage of believers with unbelievers ______

Divorce and remarriage ______

Ordinances of the Church

The Lord’s Supper ______

Water Baptism - mode preferred ______Required for membership? ______

Secret orders ______Methods of financing the work of the church ______


15. Do you believe and teach without any reservation the following doctrines?

Yes No

The verbal inspiration of the Scriptures

The inerrancy and absolute authority of Scripture

The days of the Genesis creation as six 24-hour days

The universal worldwide flood

The eternal Sonship of Christ

Christ is God manifest in the flesh

The virgin birth of Christ

The total depravity of man

The substitutionary blood atonement for sin

The necessity of the new birth for salvation

Christ’s bodily resurrection

The Church began at Pentecost

The two natures dwelling in every believer in Christ

The indwelling of every believer by the Holy Spirit

16. Do you adhere to any of the following?

Yes No Yes No

Arminianism Limited atonement

Calvinism Pre-millennialism

Eternal security A-millennialism

No eternal security Pre-wrath rapture

Limited security Post-millennialism

Tongues, healing, or Pre-tribulation rapture

other “gifts” Mid-tribulation rapture

Infant baptism Post-tribulation rapture

Baptism - sprinkling Endless suffering of the lost

Baptism - immersion Healing as an integral part

Lordship salvation of the atonement

17. Are you in full agreement with the enclosed doctrinal statement of this church? (Please

state any reservations on back of page.)

18. Because of the division and confusion in the body of Christ over the proliferation of new

translations of the Bible and for the sake of continuity, this church will only use the King

James Version in its ministries. Are you willing to comply with this position? ______

19. Please give the names and addresses of three pastors who know you.




Signed Date ______

Please mail to: Grace Baptist Church Or email to:

8704 Route 104

Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853