Job Search Tips for a Tough Market

Most college seniors did not choose to be graduating at this time – and most probably would not have if they could have foreseen the future! All accounts of the economy and hiring paint a picture of gloom and doom. However, a recent survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) revealed that companies plan to hire 1.3% more new grads in 2009 than they did in 2008. Although this could seem discouraging, it is at least a hopeful sign that anticipated hiring remains up from last year. So, students who work hard and become more aggressive about their job search are likely to find success.

This means that Fisher students will have to extend their job search beyond on-campus recruiting. On-campus interviews are great – easy and convenient, and almost all the companies who recruit at Fisher do have positions to fill. However, what we are likely to experience this year is a smaller number of offers and hires. This handout is filled with tips and suggestions for taking a very active approach to your job search – critical in the kind of tight economy that we are currently experiencing.

Most importantly, keep a positive attitude and find people who will support you during this potentially tough time.

Personal Networking

Make use of your family, friends, parents’ friends, friends’ parents, and anyone who might know someone in the field in which you want to work. You may be surprised how people know people who know people who may be willing to help you.

Informational Interviews

Informational interviewing is a method of career exploration and a way of discovering jobs not publicly advertised. It is not the same as a job interview. Informational interviewing allows you to talk with people already in the industry you have targeted. By obtaining informational interviews, you have gained access to the “inside information” regarding career paths, alternate careers that will use your skills, and people to contact who may be looking for an employee like you. For more detailed information about information interviews, go to:

Alumni Resources

·  Alumni Clubs (

More than 229 geographically based Ohio State alumni clubs and contacts offer opportunities for service and friendship all over the world. Check out the club listing to make a Buckeye connection in your community.

·  Fisher Alumni Mentor List

This resource is a database of Fisher Alumni interested in assisting current students with various career inquires. To gain access to the Fisher Alumni Web Community:

1. You MUST be accepted to your major in Fisher.

2. Go to the Fisher web site: and click on “Alumni & Friends.”

3. Click on “First Time Users.”

4. In the box labeled “Find your record” type in your last name and your first name, then click on the button “Find My Record.” Since you have not yet graduated, leave the class year field blank.

5. Your name will be displayed – click on it and you will see a screen that asks you to verify your record. Type in your last name and dot number (e.g. Buckeye.1) and click on “Verify my record.”

6. You can then complete your registration – choosing a user ID and password that will give you access to the alumni community.

Once you have created a user ID and password, Click on “Career Networking” and sign in to begin the networking process.

** If you contact alumni, please email them through the Fisher Alumni Community website. When you view the information of alumni, there’s a link to click on to email them.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Every interview becomes very important in a distressed job market, so continued practice before actual interviews will be even more important. Practice with your friends and family – even rehearsing responses out loud on your own will help!

Consider Alternatives

Thinking about positions that may be different than “traditional” entry level jobs in your field could open some doors. Consider, for example, government jobs. Or applying your skills to special social programs, such as Peace Corps or Teach for America.

Do Your Research

Use a variety of resources and web sites that could help you identify companies, and then explore job postings on those company web sites. Below are some resources:

·  The Book of Lists

The Book of Lists contains key contact information and facts for thousands of top local businesses, industries, professions, governmental units, and non profit organizations. Book of Lists are available in three formats: print, CD, or electronic download. Over 63 different job markets are available. These may be available through Chambers of Commerce, or check and/or the OSU library.

·  Hoover’s Online – The Business Authority

Hoover's, Inc. maintains a database of 12 million companies, with in-depth coverage of 40,000 of the world's top business enterprises. Hoover's staff brings vital business information and knowledge to its coverage, updating the site daily to bring visitors and subscribers the most up-to-date business information in the industry. OSU students can access Hoover’s by going to the OSU Libraries homepage. Click on Research Databases on the Quicklinks and type Hoover’s in the search box. Students off-campus must sign-in to access library databases.

·  Company Websites

Once you have identified companies, look them up on the internet and submit your resume online. You may have even better results if you can have someone who works at the company refer you. Additionally, make sure to call to follow up on your resume (and cover letter) submission.

Other Job Search / Career Related Sites (Username: fisherbsba Password: fisher)