Responsibility Contract for Denton ISD Spring Break Trip2017

-Students, please read and complete this form.

-Parent/guardian, please read and complete this form.

-The completed form is to be notarized and returned to Miss Falola or Mrs. Vallélian by February 28th 2017.

It is understood that all Denton ISD rules shall be followed while on the trip to Europe over our spring break, 2017. It is also understood that behavior that is disruptive and/or disrespectful and interferes with the trip will be severely dealt with by the teachers or Tour Director on the trip.

I (the student attending and parent/guardian) agree:

1. Students are expected to listen to all adults that are associated with the trip (charter bus driver, tour guide, Tour Director, parent chaperones, etc.). If not, they will be grouped with a teacher for the remainder of that day. If the misbehavioris serious (student puts themselves or others in danger) the student will be sent home on the soonest available flight, at their family’s expense.

2. Students will remain with the entire group or stay in small groups of 3-4 students at the teacher or Tour Director’s instructions. At NO time will a student be alone or with only one other person unless they are with their own parent or guardian.

3. Students have to be physically in their hotel rooms by 10:00 pm every night. Miss Falola will place a small piece of tape on the doors after checking each room. If the tape is broken/removed/tampered with before Mrs. Vallelian removes itin the morning (with the exception of fires or emergencies), it will be assumed that students left the hotel room without permission, resulting in being sent home on the next available flight at their family’s expense.

4. It is absolutely forbidden for students to possess or consume alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal drugs whatsoever (not even with parent approval). It is against trip rules and school rules and students will be sent home on the next available flight at their family’s expense.

5. French laws will be obeyed at all times. Any student who breaks French (or US) law will be sent home on the next available flight at their family’s expense.

If a problem arises that is serious enough in nature to warrant the below named student’s removal from the trip, we (the student and parent/guardian) agree to bear any and all additional costs to return the student home on the next available flight.

I also understand and agree to provide Miss Falola and Mrs. Vallelian with two copies of below named student’s passport at the spring trip meeting.


Student Name:Parent Name


Student SignatureParent Signature


Notary Public’s Signature