LKS2 Topic: Invaders and settlers: Vikings Block: Viking Way of Life

Research Viking farm settlements. Make and label a carefully researched model of a longhouse, weave simple cloth, make a leather pouch and then host a Viking meal for parents and carers.

Block C: Viking Way of Life[6 sessions] / Main outcome: History
Other outcomes: English, Computing, DTandPSHE
By the end of this block you will have achieved the following outcomes: /
  • To develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of world history, establishing clear narratives within the periods they study
  • To understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources
  • To begin to understand changes in an aspect of social history from the Anglo-Saxon to today
  • To use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
  • To select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices
  • To use research and develop design criteria to inform the design products that are fit for purpose
  • To generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional diagrams
  • To select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities
  • Tounderstand and apply the principles of a healthy diet
  • To prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques
  • To choose relevant information to create a non-fiction non-chronological report
  • To adopt, create and sustain a range of roles, responding appropriately to others in role
  • To become more familiar with and confident in using language in a variety of situations and for a variety of role play situations.
  • To understand how groups of people live and work together

Session 1History, PSHE andEnglish
The Vikings Settled- take part in a Viking family role-play and learn about how the Vikings worked together and made decisions. / Children will
  • Revise the meaning of settlement
  • Understand reasons the Vikings settled and made their lives in another country
  • Investigate the structure of a Viking settlement
  • Understand how people worked together and made decisions together
  • Role-play a family deciding to move to a new settlement

Session 2 Please note: there are 2 pathways of activities for this session.
History, Computing, DTandEnglish
A Viking’s Home
Research Viking longhouses; write a Viking estate agent description; design and make a group longhouse model. / Children will
  • Investigate how the design and build of the Viking home and how locally available materials were used, link this to the understanding that it is the same with houses built in modern times too
  • Usethe internet BBC website to look at longhouses.Use Publisher to design house details (optional)
  • Become an estate agent to describe house details of a Viking Longhouse.
  • Write using the features of non-chronological reports, use labelled diagrams.
  • Design and build a group model of a longhouse (over two sessions)

Session 3History,DT, PSHEandComputing
On the Viking Farm
Study Viking farming and typical Viking food; taste Viking food and design a nutritional meal using Viking-style produce. / Children will
  • Develop their understanding the role of archaeologists in relation to houses/farming
  • Understand why farming was so important to the Vikings
  • Study typical Viking food and have a taste session
  • Design a menu using food produced by the Vikings
  • Plan nutritional meal using Viking-style produce
  • Write up menus using publisher
  • Use search techniques
  • Develop an understanding of relationships in communities

Session 4History, Computingand English
A job for everyone!
Explore Viking jobs and record everyday events with photography and a diary. / Children will
  • Explore the roles of men, woman and children in a Viking settlement
  • Explore Viking jobs
  • Understand that Viking people had little time for leisure
  • Use a digital camera to record an event
  • Write a diary entry to describe daily life

Session 5Historyand English
Fashion Week – Viking Style!
Investigate the clothes worn by the Vikings and then design and make a pouch of leather, hessian or flax. / Children will
  • Investigate the natural resources available to a Viking family and how this had an impact on the clothes worn by the Vikings
  • Design and make a leather/hessian/flax pouch, these will be used at a later date to make a Viking word game

Session 6Historyand DT
Welcome to our Viking home!
Consolidate your learning about everyday life by planning a meal for visitors, dressing up and playing Viking games.
Preparation is needed for this session / Children will
  • Consolidate learning from this block to use our Viking menus to plan a meal for our parents to join us for or even help us cook!
  • Dress as Vikings for the event
  • Play some Viking Games.
  • Make and taste Viking food
  • Investigate weaving techniques used by the Vikings


Session 1

Provided: Discussion resource

You will need: DK Eyewitness book – Viking ISBN978-1-4053-7330-2; 100 Viking Facts book- ISBN 978-1-84236-963-0; Plastic/wood/metal rod

Session 2

Provided: PowerPoint A Viking Longhouse; Viking Longhouse Easier resource; Photos Viking longhouse; Writing frame resource; Longhouse statements; Planning and evaluation; DT resource; Optional homework activity

You will need: Usborne Who Were the Vikings book – ISBN978-0-7460-5258-7; DK Eyewitness book – Viking ISBN978-1-4053-7330-2; 100 Viking Facts book- ISBN 978-1-84236-963-0

Session 3

Provided: Powerpoint What did the Vikings eat?; Taste test resource; Menu template resource; Menu template resource easier; Viking taste test resource

You will need: DK Eyewitness book – Viking ISBN978-1-4053-7330-2; 100 Viking Facts book- ISBN 978-1-84236-963-0

Session 4

Provided: Day in the life of Gudrun Resource; PPT Viking jobs; PPT A day in the life of a Viking child; Diary entry resources; simple Viking costume images

You will need: DK Eyewitness book – Viking ISBN978-1-4053-7330-2; 100 Viking Facts book- ISBN 978-1-84236-963-0

Session 5

Provided:Pouch instructions DT resource; Planning and evaluation DT; Fabric pieces for description task; Simple Viking costume resource (will also be useful for final block)

You will need:DK Eyewitness book – Viking ISBN978-1-4053-7330-2; 100 Viking Facts book- ISBN 978-1-84236-963-0

Session 6

Provided:Simple Viking costume resource; Board game Hnefatafl resource (use stones/pebbles or coloured glass beads or counters for game pieces); Taste test resource; Viking or not game; Weaving instructions resource or craft looms; Wool; Feedback and evaluation resource

You will need:DK Eyewitness book – Viking ISBN978-1-4053-7330-2; 100 Viking Facts book- ISBN 978-1-84236-963-0

Resources for longhouse: card, craft sticks, glue, turf, straw

Selection of: cumin seeds, plain boiled cabbage, soaked then cooked dried beans and peas, goats cheese, strawberries, blueberries, oat cakes, chicken and leek casserole, oat cakes, honey, juice and/or fruit

Fabric pieces for description task: hessian, linen, leather

Leather thread

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