Track 4: Online & Hybrid Course Development Practicum

Ø  Encompasses the online and hybrid course development process which includes:

Ø  Application for online or hybrid course development (Form located on pages 2-3).

Ø  Team development practicum (TPACK Model) supports participants—we’re here to support you!

Ø  Course review using an online quality rubric prior to delivery.

Ø  Follow-up during first semester of delivery.

Ø  Participants are required to complete Tracks 1 and 2, ETOM Online Instructor Training Certificate, or have equivalent experience prior to developing an online/hybrid course. It is highly recommended that they also complete Track 3 or have related experience; however, it can be completed in conjunction with Track 4.

Ø  Application for development: Submit at least 1.5 semesters prior to expected delivery.

Ø  Participants will complete the NMC Online/Hybrid Course Development Request form. NOTE: If you do not meet any of the criteria for new online/hybrid courses, contact your Academic Chair to discuss the viability of submission.

Ø  The form is submitted to ESIMT, through the Academic Area Chair, and if approved for development, the following steps take place.

Ø  Course development practicum: Requires at least one semester of development time or concentrated development time if a shorter timeline is required. Prerequisites include teachingSOLUTIONS Tracks 1 & 2, ETOM Online Instructor Training Certification, or agreed upon equivalent experience/training through discussion with an NMC Instructional Designer. Track 3 of teachingSOLUTIONS can be completed in conjunction with Track 4 or before.

Ø  It’s a team support process. Participants collaborate with Educational Media Technologies support team (instructional designer and technology specialists) to clarify needs, establish timeline with milestones, and share knowledge (TPaCK Model) to develop a quality online/hybrid course prior to the semester scheduled for delivery.

Ø  T: Learn: Moodle course tools and other related technologies that fulfill the content and pedagogical needs.

Ø  P: Seek answers to: How do I develop an online or hybrid course that follows a Quality Assurance Rubric, focusing on sound instructional design to meet desired course outcomes and student needs?

Ø  C: Identify: What content do I have? What needs to be developed for the delivery type? How do I develop the course activities, assignments, and assessments into an effective, quality course while providing necessary information and fulfilling expectations for successful student learning to occur?

Ø  Course review prior to delivery: Based on a Quality Assurance Rubric.

Ø  Participants have their course reviewed by a team comprising of peer reviewers and instructional designer to gain valuable feedback for improvement needs and possibilities to consider in the future.

Ø  The Quality Assurance Rubric encompasses criteria from the different TPaCK perspectives.

Ø  Follow-up: Takes place during first semester of delivery/

Ø  Participants continue to communicate with development team periodically to ensure any issues, questions, or ideas are addressed and explored for continuous improvement.

/ Online/Hybrid Course Development Request Form

A.  Course Information:
Course No. Course Title: Credit Hrs: Contact Hrs:

B.  Delivery Information:

Identify the percentage of class time you projecting for delivery in the following format(s)? If unsure, contact the Instructional Designer (see second page for contact information).

Online On-ground Meetings (Include Proctored Testing if it requires a significant percentage of F2F time)

Identify any other special delivery needs:

Semester / Year Planned Initial Course Delivery:

All new Online/Hybrid courses must fulfill one or more of the following criteria.

Check off the applicable criteria and describe below how it satisfies the condition(s) identified.

Student Demand: It is one of the top 50 courses in enrollment and/or contact hours? (See page 4)

Program Requirement: It is a required course for a degree or program that is delivered online or hybrid format.

Program Prerequisite: It is a prerequisite for an existing degree or program that is offered online or hybrid.

UC Partner Program Need: It is a requirement or requested course for one of our UC Partner programs.

Other/Additional Compelling Reason: It fulfills a strategic initiative, substantiated need, or other (describe).

Describe how it fulfills one or more of these criteria:

C.  Development Information:

Developer E-mail: Phone:

Semester(s)/Year(s) applying for the Course Development Practicum (Development period):

Identify developer qualifications:

Completed Tracks 1 and 2 of teachingSOLUTIONS

Completed Track 3 of teachingSOLUTIONS

(Track 3 may be completed during development process if time permits)

Completed the ETOM Online Instructor Certification Course

Have other experience and training that is equivalent to the above. Explain below.

D.  Development Compensation: Complete the following if the developer is seeking compensation for the online component of this course development practicum.

If approved for compensation, what is the preferred method of payment?

Adjunct Pay Regular Faculty: Overload Release Time Other: (Identify)

Requestor Signature: Date:


A.  Explain below why you support, or do not support, this request for development?

B.  If you support development, do you recommend compensation for this development? Yes No Comments:

C.  If the developer is regular NMC faculty and you do not support the developer’s requested payment method, identify the recommended payment method here: Overload Release Time Other:

D.  If release time or other, will an adjunct or reassignment of other instructors be required to teach your normal course load? Yes No

Is funding and/or personnel resources available to meet this need? Yes No

If yes, what account?

Academic Chair Signature: Date:


Vice-President for
Educational Services: Date:

Additional Comments:

Educational Media Technologies (EMT) Contact Information:

Director: Jan Oliver, , 995-1076

Instructional Designer, Tracy Russo, , 995-1957

Other: Main Office: 995-1070 Help Desk: 995-3020

Sorted by Top 50 Contact Hours / Sorted by Top 50 Enrollment
Ranking / Course / Ranking / Course
1 / ENG 111 - English Composition / 1 / ENG 111 - English Composition
2 / MTH 23 - Beginning Algebra / 2 / MTH 23 - Beginning Algebra
3 / MTH 111 - Intermediate Algebra / 3 / MTH 111 - Intermediate Algebra
4 / ENG 112 - English Composition / 4 / ENG 112 - English Composition
5 / PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology / 5 / PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology
6 / CHM 101 - Introductory Chemistry / 6 / PHL 202 - Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
7 / BIO 106 - Human Biology / 7 / MTH 10 - Beginning Algebra Skills
8 / PHL 202 - Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas / 8 / ENG 11 - English/Writing Methods
9 / MTH 08 - Pre-Algebra / 9 / SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology
10 / BIO 227 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I / 10 / ECO 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics
11 / SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology / 11 / MTH 11 - Intermediate Algebra Skills
12 / BIO 228 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II / 12 / MTH 08 - Pre-Algebra
13 / COM 111 - Public Speaking / 13 / CHM 101 - Introductory Chemistry
14 / ACC 121 - Accounting Principles I / 14 / BUS 101 - Introduction to Business
15 / ECO 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics / 15 / CIT 100 - Computers in Business-An Intro
16 / HST 111 - U S History to 1865 / 16 / BIO 106 - Human Biology
17 / MTH 121 - College Algebra / 17 / MTH 131 - Intro to Prob & Stats
18 / BUS 101 - Introduction to Business / 18 / PLS 101 - Intro to American Politics
19 / CIT 100 - Computers in Business-An Intro / 19 / COM 111 - Public Speaking
20 / HST 112 - U S History Since 1865 / 20 / ACC 121 - Accounting Principles I
21 / MTH 131 - Intro to Prob & Stats / 21 / CIT 122A - Computer & Internet Basics I
22 / PLS 101 - Intro to American Politics / 22 / HST 111 - U S History to 1865
23 / MTH 10 - Beginning Algebra Skills / 23 / MTH 121 - College Algebra
24 / ENG 11 - English/Writing Methods / 24 / HST 112 - U S History Since 1865
25 / BIO 105 - Living in the Environment / 25 / ECO 202 - Principles of Microeconomics
26 / MTH 11 - Intermediate Algebra Skills / 26 / CIT 109A - Keyboarding I
27 / CUL 213 - World Cuisine / 27 / ENG 108 - Reading & Learning Strategies
28 / ECO 202 - Principles of Microeconomics / 28 / BIO 227 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
29 / ENG 108 - Reading & Learning Strategies / 29 / HAH 101 - Medical Terminology
30 / ACC 122 - Accounting Principles II / 30 / MKT 201 - Principles of Marketing
31 / ENG 99 - Intro College Reading/Writing / 31 / BUS 261 - Business Law I
32 / HAH 101 - Medical Terminology / 32 / ENG 107 - Academic Study Methods
33 / MKT 201 - Principles of Marketing / 33 / BIO 228 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
34 / BUS 261 - Business Law I / 34 / MGT 241 - Principles of Management
35 / MGT 241 - Principles of Management / 35 / ACC 122 - Accounting Principles II
36 / CHM 150 - General Chemistry I / 36 / GEO 109 - World Regional Geography
37 / ENV 103 - Earth Science / 37 / CIT 120A - Microsoft Word Level IA
38 / GEO 109 - World Regional Geography / 38 / BIO 105 - Living in the Environment
39 / CIT 109A - Keyboarding I / 39 / PSY 211 - Developmental Psychology
40 / MTH 141 - Calculus I / 40 / BUS 231 - Professional Communications
41 / PSY 211 - Developmental Psychology / 41 / VCA 123 - Photoshop I
42 / BUS 231 - Professional Communications / 42 / BUS 150 - Interpersonal Relations
43 / PHY 105 - Physics of the World Around Us / 43 / HF 116 - Yoga
44 / BIO 100 - Food and Nutrition Biology / 44 / PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
45 / CJ 101 - Intro to Criminal Justice / 45 / BIO 240 - Normal and Clinical Nutrition
46 / ART 171 - Photo I Lecture/Lab / 46 / ART 100 - Art Appreciation
47 / HNR 125 - Lifespan Nursing Lecture / 47 / CIT 120B - Microsoft Word Level IB
48 / PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy / 48 / PHL 201 - Ethics
49 / BIO 115 - Cell,Plant & Ecosystem Biology / 49 / MTH 122 - Trigonometry
50 / BPC 094 - Bridge to Communications / 50 / CHM 150 - General Chemistry I

Top 50 NMC Courses for 2011 Academic Year

Distribution: Original: Academic Area

Signed Copies if Approved for Development and/or Compensation: Educational Media Technologies & Academic Affairs 1