Birkwood Primary School

Newsletter 10: Friday, 18th November 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Parent Governor vacancy on our Governing Body ~ the closing date for nominations is at 4pm today. I will let you know next week who has kindly offered their support and if we need to go to a ballot.

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week ~ Very clear messages have been given to the children in assemblies and in class, that we do not tolerate bullying in our school. We have discussed that bullying is repeatedly and deliberately hurting another child including name calling, physical hurt and e-safety.

Year 3/4 Benchball last Friday ~ Our teams came second and third out of 8 teams! Well done everyone.

Year 3/4 Butterflies Class Assembly on Tuesday, was excellent. We couldn’t believe how much the children had learnt in 11 weeks ~ they brought the African play ‘The Chief’s Bride’ to life by sharing the story with drama, dance, art work, song and even some French. It was lovely to see so much support from our families, we were very proud of all of the children and thank you to Mr Markham and Mrs Porter.

Year 1 Robins Class Assembly on Wednesday ~ was really special. The children told us all about the traditional tales they’ve been learning and tested their parents too. They have been sequencing stories and telling lots of them out loud so they’ll be ready to write them all down next. Well done to all of the children, Mrs Lawson and Mrs Summerfield. Thank you to all of the parents and families who were able to attend.

Both NSPCC assemblies were excellent on Wednesday ~ Rebecca, with her mascot Buddy, delivered the message about ‘Keeping Safe and Speaking out’. The children learnt about talking to trusted adults and about how to contact Childline on 08001111 if they had any worries. The workshops for Years 5 and 6 will take place next Wednesday.

Our new Play Leaders from Year 5, Owen Eastwood, Charlie Kirk and Aleesha Crossland were presented with certificates by Ryan Williams & Saidy Janko, first team players from Barnsley FC on Thursday.

We were all very proud!

Invitation from Mrs Sutton ~ You are very welcome to attend Hope House Church’s Art Festival in Barnsley on Wellington Street on Friday 18th Nov from 10am-9pm and Saturday, 19th from 10am-3pm. It’s a celebration of Arts including art work from our very own Ellis Ford, Keira Baker, Gracie-Jay Jephcott, Callum Wenham, Evie Wagstaff, Olivia Gough, Alfie Curson and Olivia Powell. Holly Musgreave & Davey Walker (BGT champs) will be performing on the main stage between 6. 40pm and 7pm on the Friday evening.

Christmas Dedication Baubles go on sale next week (see separate request letter) ~ You can have your child’s name on the bauble or in memory of a relative or friend, the year can also be added. The baubles will be hung on a special tree in school and then you will be able to take them home on Thursday, 17th December which is the day before we finish for the Christmas holidays. A large bauble costs £2.00

The Friends of Birkwood are also beginning preparations for the Christmas Fayre on the 2nd December:

§  Friday, 25th November will be a non-uniform day, if you choose, we ask that your child bring in

‘a bottle’ eg wine or soft drink (unopened please)

§  Friday, 2nd December will be a non-uniform day, if you choose, we ask that your child bring in some ‘baking or biscuits’

§  The class who sell the most raffle tickets will have a special treat of a DVD, popcorn and hotdogs!

Thanks to Mr and Mrs White. Raffle tickets are now on sale.

Dates for your diary:

Year 1/2 Gymnastics ~ Thursday, 24th November

School Council visit to the Houses of Parliament ~ Wednesday, 30th November

o  Brass performing at the Winter Music Celebration at the Civic ~ Wednesday, 30th November

o  Key Stage 2 Cheerleading Team competing ~ Thursday, 1st December (details to follow)

o  Nursery Christmas Workshops ~ 1st December, 10.45 / 2.15

o  Christmas Fayre ~ Friday, 2nd December 2 – 4pm

o  Choir attending the Christmas Light Switch On in Cudworth ~ Friday, 2nd December 4.30 – 5.15pm

o  Selection Box raffle tickets go on sale ~ Week commencing 5th December

o  ‘Bling your Bike Competition’ ~ Monday, 5th December (details to follow)

o  Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) Nativity ~ Mon, 5th December at 2.15pm/Tues, 6th December at 10am

o  Foundation Stage Christmas Nativity ~ Friday, 9th December at 2.30pm

o  Week Commencing 12th December ~ Christmas Party Week

o  Nursery Christmas Celebration ~ Monday, 12th December at 10.45am and 2.15pm

o  Christmas Dinner Day ~ Wednesday, 14th December

o  Choir and Brass Ensemble ~ Wednesday, 14th December at 6.30pm performing at St. John’s Church

o  Christmas Soiree ~ Thursday, 15th December at 6.30pm

Break up Friday, 16th December

Music ~ We have some vacancies for flute and clarinet lessons after Christmas. The cost is £48 per term and £15 for the instrument hire. For Scheme of Aid (FSM) the cost is £16 per term and instrument hire is free. Please see Mrs Sutton for more details or if you would like your child to start to receive lessons.

The House Winners last week were:

Team Water (Blue)

*Please note there have been some changes to dates for Class Assemblies:

Class Assemblies ~ parents will be invited to share their child/ren’s work in the classrooms during the Autumn Term; Assemblies will take place in the Hall during the Spring Term.

You would be most welcome to come to the following Class Assemblies:

Year 1/2 Kingfishers Class Assembly ~ Tuesday, 22nd November at 2.45pm

*Year 3/4 Bees Class Assembly ~ Wednesday, 23rd November at 2.45pm

*Year 2 Woodpeckers Class Assembly ~ Tuesday, 29th November at 2.45pm

*Year 6 (Miss Hayward) Class Assembly ~ Tuesday, 6th December at 2.45pm

Year 3/4 Ladybirds Class Assembly ~ Wednesday, 7th December at 2.45pm

With many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Julie Allen, Headteacher