Module 5 Rome

Warm up: Go to page 3 in 5.01

What specifically did Rome do to take control of Italy?

The Punic Wars- Rome fought against Carthage (coastal trade city in Africa) in order to control the Mediterranean region. Rome had a strong army, Carthage had a strong navy. Rome had to create warships to fight Carthage and eventually won each of the Punic Wars. 1st Punic War- Rome won the island of Sicily. 2nd Punic War- Hannibal (from Carthage) fought on land with elephants and almost won but was defeated by the Romans. 3rd Punic War- Rome attacked Carthage by sea and won after 3 more years of fighting.

Quick Quiz: Check out page 5 in 5.01

What were the main effects of the Punic Wars?



How did the Roman Republic help to make democratic (equal/fair) principles for its citizens?(Use pages 1, 2, and 3 of 5.02)

Parts of democracy that U.S. government gets from the Roman Republic are the 3 branches of government, the twelve tables; which are a written set of laws to be enforced equally, the collection of taxes to support the government expenses and military, and the uses of judges and juries.

Role of the Roman Consuls-the Consuls had authority of the army, could serve as a dicator in times of crisis.

Go to page 4 of page 5.02 and click on the pictures of each of the Roman Consuls that helped Rome become an Empire instead of a Republic.

Tiberius Gracchus

Gaius Marius

Sulla-believed that the creating a strong Senate would then help the Republic become stronger.

Augustus/Octavian: ruled during the Pax Romana and was the first official emperor of Rome. He created a tax system and also helped create a police force to enforce the laws.

How did the expansion of Rome affect (page 3-5 in 5.03):

The creation of the merchant class:

The religious beliefs of people who Rome conquered:

The Roman economy and its growth:

Growth and Decline of the Roman Empire

Rome was able to grow because they allowed conquered people to practice their own religion. This tolerance made people less resistant to Roman rule even though the Romans used war to conquer people. This quick expansion would eventually contribute to the decline of the Roman Empire as well

Who were the Five Great Emperors and how did they influence the growth of Rome (page 1 in 5.05)




Antoninus Pius-ruled for nearly 23 years and he was able to keep the peace in Rome. He maintained a stable economy as well.

Marcus Aurelius-didn’t keep the peace, many invaders came to take over Rome, a plague killed many Romans and blamed the Christians for the plague. He killed many Christians in an effort to please the Roman gods.

What caused the decline of the Roman Empire (Fall of the West)? Go to 5.05 (pages 2-6 and give details from each page) Page 2: Rome was divided into Eastern and Western Empires because it had gotten so large.

Page 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Important contributions from Rome: (SPRITE) Society: Women could own property, Politics: Plebeians gaining power inspired the founders of the United States to create a more fair nation Religion: Rome accepted the monotheistic views of the Jewish people after Constantine stopped persecution of Christians and Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.Technological: the building of amphitheaters, creation of concrete (using stone, gravel, and water) and the use of aqueducts to carry water from hills and mountains into cities. Economical:Taxing citizens to support government and to fund the militaryIntellectual: What are some contributions on page 3 in 5.06 (give at least 4 that match the intellectual part of SPRITE: art, language, philosophy, and literature *don’t forget to SCROLL down to the bottom of the page)


Latin-the language of the Romans: we use as the root for other languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, French and Italian)as well as in government, science, and medicine!


Literature/Books: How was the Roman Epic poem The Aeneid like the Greek poem The Odyssey?

Module 6 Ancient India

What ways did the Aryans use technology in trade and warfare? How do you think their nomadic lifestyle (traveling to different places) helped them trade? (Turn to page 1 in 6.01 Titled: What Changes Did the Aryans Bring to the Indian Region?)

Vedic Age Trading-What are 3 things that made it difficult to trade in the Vedic Age? (Page 6 in 6.01)

Hinduism-Beliefs: Karma-the belief your behavior will determine how high you move in the Hindu caste system. For example if you are nice you could be reborn into a higher (vaishya, brahman) caste when you are reborn Sacred cows-don’t harm cows they are holy, vegetarian lifestyle-no meat, the Hindu Caste system-the strict social pyramid that prohibits the upper and lower social casts from interacting or marrying each other. You have to stay in your caste for your entire life.

Look at page 5 on 6.02 What are the four purposes of life according to the Hindu? What is the ultimate and final goal of the Hindu?

Buddhism-Founded by Siddhartha Gautama. He was an Indian prince who gave up his wealthy life to find the source of suffering and a way to end suffering. Many people became Buddhist because they felt separated from the Hindu priests (who would only speak in Sanskrit), caste system, or gods. Buddhism was spread by trade and missionaries who traveled. How did King Asoka help to spread Buddhism and make trade better during the Mauryan Empire? Look at page 4 of 6.03 and 3-4 in 6.04 for help!

Another king of the Mauryan Empire was Chandragupta! He created a very strong government and organized a bureaucracy, royal courts for justice, and a taxation system. He created a secret spy police force that helped enforce his harsh rules and laws.

**Go back to your assignment for 6.05 on the Gupta contributions** what did the Gupta contribute to the areas of Economy,Medicine, Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Literature? Economy has been done for you (Use pages 3-6 in 6.05 to help with the other blocks

Math / Science / Literature
Technology / Medicine / Economy-strong gov’t and individual cities had power, Very peaceful had successful trade economies with Africa, China, &the Middle East

Module 7 Ancient China

10 Minute Warm Up: Describe how the Shang Dynasty came to power in Ancient China and what contributions they made to Chinese society (pages 2-5 on 7.01 and question 2 on your 7.01 travel journal) Type your answers below to describe the information you found in the module!(Hint: one contribution is the writing system using pictographs and ideographs!)

An important part of the Chinese dynastic cycle is the belief in the Mandate of Heaven (the belief that each dynasty will rule well and be fair or be overthrown; if there are natural disasters, revolts, or wars that is a sign that the dynasty has lost the Mandate of Heaven and needs to be overthrown!) The Mandate would determine if a dynasty could stay in control of China or not.

Dynasty Contributions: Zhou-Silk, iron making, bookmaking, created the feudal system (where the peasants serve the lord who owns the land they live on) peasants take care of the farmland. Qin-Terra cotta Army, started the Great Wall to keep out barbarian invaders, multiplication tablesHan-Plow, wheelbarrow, paper from woodpulp, compass, acupuncture(using needles to relieve pain)Tang-tea, gunpowder, smallpox vaccine Song-farming rice and wheat, Landscape paintings, the merit system (being rewarded Chinese calligraphy, magnetic compass for transportation directions, moveable type helped to make more books available (because printing was faster) to many people and helped people learn more!

*Go to page 1 of 7 in 7.03 with a partner complete the interactive activity that describes what the Ancient Chinese believed regarding their worship of their Ancestors*

How and why did the ancient Chinese use bronze objects in ancestor worship? (Image 1)

What did ancient Chinese believe were the powers of the ancestors and gods, how were they connected? (Images 2, 3, and 4)

Why do you think even the Kings practiced ancestor worship? (Image 5)

Confucianism-created by Confucius, is the belief in filial piety and respect of your ancestors. We should behave nicely towards others!

Daoism-is the belief in balance with nature and to allow nature to take its course, no fighting, no wars, created by Laozi who wrote the Dao de Jing (which is the way or the proper path for a good society) is symbolized by the yin and yang (the life force)=yin yang

Legalism-started by Han Fei Zi (Han Fei Tzu) and uses a harsh rule of government that punishes law breakers. Believes that strong government makes strong citizens and creates order in society. China’s first emperor Qin Shi Huangdi believed in the harshness of laws and punishments. No laws=chaos=very bad.

With your partner go to page 3 of 7.05 and complete the activity in the interactive box come back and type your answers below:

How is famine like scarcity?

When Wu-Ti spent $ to improve the canals and roads instead of saving it this was an example of opportunity cost. Do you think it is okay to spend money when improvements are needed instead of saving it? Why or why not?

Describe scarcity, supply, demand, and bartering (give examples from the activity)

How is bartering different from trading?

The Silk Road was opened by Wu-Ti and was a link of trade routes. Silk became very popular and Wu-Ti wanted to be the only country to supply the expensive fabric and even made it illegal to trade silkworms and silkworm eggs! The trading along the Silk Roads allowed the spread and trade of cloth, language, religion (Buddhism), cultures and illnesses and diseases (similar to the spread of sicknesses to the Aztecs and Native Americans when they came into contact with the Europeans in module 3!)

Module 8 Ancient Asia and Africa

10 minute Warm up! Check out page 5 in 8.01, How did the Song rulers open the bureaucracy to more people and take power from the military elite? How was the merit system connected to Confucianism?

The Mongols- Genghis Khan (his original name was Termujin) was a Mongol leader who was tolerant of the religions of conquered people, he united northern tribes of Mongolia by force (creating the Mongol empire) and invaded China.While he was a harsh leader he did many great things for the Mongol Empire! His grandson Kublai Khan also maintained control of all of China and created one of the world’s largest empires! After Genghis died one of his sons Ogedei became the Khan and helped to take over Russia! Ogedei ruled for 12 years!

Where did the Mongol empire invade based on the map on page 3 of 8.02? Make sure you press the “invasion” button!

*Look at your travel journal of 8.02 #4 * Which of the achievements of Genghis Khan do you believe were important?

Using page 5 in 8.02 explain with your partner what are some contributions that Kublai Khan made to the Mongol Empire and China and his connection to Marco Polo!

Ming Dynasty had 2 memorable rulers they were Hongwu/Zhu Yuanzhang (he was the first Ming emperor) he restored order by uniting the Chines. He ensured that the social classes were less strict. For example; a poor person could move up in society if they gained skills through education. Yongle/Chu Tiengaged in a civil war with his nephew and defeated him. He also moved the Chinese capital to ______, linked the Huang He and Yangtze Rivers with new canals, and ordered the building of the Forbidden City (which still stands today!)

Travel Journal Scavenger Hunt Question (8.03) *Use your travel journal answers to help you with this one

Who was Zheng He and how did his death effect Chinese exploration?

How was farming made better by the Ming? What kinds of art and writing were popular during the Ming period? (Who was Wang Yang-Ming?)

Jump to page 5 in 8.03 Read “How Did the Ming Dynasty Respond to Europe?” and then answer the following questions.

“What did the Chinese think of the Portuguese? Why did they make the Portuguese pay for trade items in gold and silver only?”

The Rise of the Kingdom of Kush-came after the Northern Nubians pushed the Egyptians out of Nubia. The Egyptians wanted to control the region because of popular and wealthy trade routes and rich natural resources (copper, gold, minerals, diorite stone/granite, and closeness to the Nile River as well). The Kush had a traditional economy that was based on agriculture. Both the Egyptians and Kush fought for land because they were always in fear that the other group would try to take too much power! Iron was very important to Kush.

Based on page 3 of 8.04 what are some important of the important battles that the Kush had with the Egyptians? Give at least 4 examples from the interactive activity!





Turn to page 4-6 in 8.04 (make sure you match your answers to your Travel Journal questions 4-6)

Page 4: How do you think Kush’s location affected what they traded and whom they traded with?

Page 5: What caused Kush to fall and Axum to rise?

Page 6: What caused Axum to create a blended culture?

Page 6: Who was King Ezana how did he help spread Christianity to Axum?

*Remember the importance of Axum’s location in relation to the Silk Road* It helped to create vast trading of gold, minerals, jewels, animal products in return for silk, spices, olive oil, iron and other items that came from the Mediterranean, Indian, and Chinese regions.

West Africa- home to various cultures and includes the countries of Ghana and Tanzania as well as Empires like the Mali and Songhai. West Africa is home to various ecosystems and natural wonders of the world.The natural wonders of the world found in Africa include the Red Sea Reef, Mount Kilimanjaro, Avenue of the Boabobs, Ngorangoro Crater are just a few…Where are these natural wonders located in Africa?

Travel Journal Scavenger Hunt 8.05-

Ghana: had a huge army with skilled archers and traded gold and salt from the east with people of Arabic decent who brought the Muslim religion to Ghana through cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion is where a groups culture blends with another by religion, art, government, food, and architecture are just a few examples. Ghana became very wealthy by trading with many different groups. Ghanaian Kings controlled valuable trade routes, taxes,welcomed foreign traders and would wear beautiful necklaces and jewelry and were often seen as god-kings like those in Meso America and Egypt!

What are some of the reasons in your travel journal for the decline of the empire of Ghana?

Mali: took over after the Ghanaian Empire. Ruled by the very smart king Sundiata (nicknamed the Lion King) Sundiata believed in the power of trade and created very safe trade routes by using military soldiers to protect the routes. He also helped to restore farmland and offered slaves an opportunity for freedom after the fall of the Ghana empire. His grandson Mansa Musa took over after Sundiata’s death and he started one of the oldest universities in Timbuktu! What are some other contributions of Mansa Musa?

Complete the interactive activity on page 7 in 8.05- and complete the chart below:

What are some of the differences between the empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai?

Ghana / Mali / Songhai
Religion / Most people practiced native religions but some did convert to Islam / Mostly Muslim but did tolerate other religions / Upper class were Muslim but commoners practiced native religions
Daily Life

With your worksheet partner, watch the “Ecosystems” video on page 8 of 8.05. Describe a tropical ecosystem and give 3 facts from the video on the savannah climate.

Complete the page 9 activity in 8.05-Describe the different ecosystems and geographic features (atoll, savannah, delta, rainforest)





What are some of the threats to the ecosystems in West Africa? (give specifics about drought, mineral mining, and farming)