Washington Baptist Association Youth Camp Application 2017

A.  H. Stephens State Park, Crawfordville, GA

July 10 - 15, 2017


Youth’s Name ______Age ______School Grade Completed ______

Birthdate ___/___/____ Gender ____ T-shirt size: S M L XL 2X 3X Has youth attended camp before?____

E-mail ______Cell # (____)______

Church attending with: ______

Roommate Request 1: ______

Roommate Request 2: ______

Roommate Request 3: ______


Guardian’s Name ______Relation to Youth ______

Home Address ______

Home Phone (_____) ______Cell Phone (____) ______


Name ______Phone (____)______Relation ______


Allergies: ______

Please list any medications youth is to take while at camp: (All medications must be given to the Nurse upon arrival.)

Medication ______Amount ______Specific Time ______

Medication ______Amount ______Specific Time ______

Medication ______Amount ______Specific Time ______

I hereby give permission to designated Camp staff to secure emergency medical treatment for my child. Further, I authorize the consulted doctor and/or hospital to give emergency treatment to my child and agree to pay any expenses associated with such treatment (not covered by the Accident Insurance provided by the W. B. A.) and release the W. B. A. and A. H. Stephens State Park staff from liability which might come as a result of the particular activities in which the youth will be participating.

Parent’s Signature ______Date ______

Washington Baptist Association Youth Camp 2017

A.  H. Stephens State Park, Crawfordville, GA

July 10 - 15, 2017

Camp Information for campers and parents

1.  Age requirement: Ideally, camp is for 7th through 12th graders.

A camper should be 12 years old and/or have finished the 6th grade.

If a camper has finished 6th grade he/she may come regardless of age (if younger than 12).

If a camper is 12 years old and hasn’t yet completed 6th grade he/she may come.

If a camper has just complete 12th grade in 2016 he/she may come regardless of age.

2.  Please complete the camp application completely and return to WBA with the $60.00 deposit or the total amount of $120.00. Registration is NOT complete without BOTH application and money.

3.  If paying the deposit, the remaining $60.00 will be due upon arrival at camp.

4.  Sign-in will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 10th.

5.  Camp ends after clearance by the park ranger on Saturday, July 15th (approximately 10:00 a.m.).

6.  Cancellation Policy:

  1. Any refund request must be in writing.
  2. Prior to 7 days before camp = full refund
  3. Less than 7 days & “no shows” = no refund

7.  Substitutions allowed ONLY by camp coordinator, along with completed application at WBA .

8.  Transportation is the responsibility of each church group.

9.  Items TO bring:

·  Sheets for twin bed or sleeping bags, pillow & pillowcase, light blanket

·  Towels, washcloths

·  Personal hygiene items: soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, brush

·  Casual dress: comfortable shoes, socks, blue jeans, shorts (not short-shorts), shirts (no halter tops), underwear, etc. (2 sets per day)

·  Modest swim suits (girls = one piece)

·  Bible, pen, notebook

·  Flashlight

·  Insect repellant

·  Hat or cap

·  Floor fan

·  Back pack to carry your belongings during the day

·  Money for the store [open 3 times/day] – items cost 75 cents each (bring quarters and $1.00 bills)

10.  Items NOT to bring

·  Boom box, walkman, radio, CD players, CDs, iPods, MP3 players and the like (unless they are to be used in the Praise and Worship service)

·  Cell phones or beepers

·  Clock radios (staff will wake you)

·  Tobacco products

·  Balloons

·  Knives

·  Water guns

·  T-shirts with non-Christian advertisement

·  Skimpy swim suits

·  “Cheap” literature

·  Bandannas

·  Food, drinks or coolers (brings problems with ants and bugs)