St. John’s Christian Nursery School

October Newsletter

Volume 8, Issue 2 October 2015

Nursery (3’s)

Theme: “Down on the Farm”

Unit: “Fire-fighters:Fire Safety”

Nursery Rhyme: “Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater”

Letters: Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff


Bible with Mrs. Leonard:“Creation of the World”, “Creation of Man & Woman”, “Adam & Eve”, “Noah & the Ark” and “Baby Moses”.

Bible Memory Verse: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” Genesis 28:15

Happy October Birthday Wishes to: Ava Derr, Celeste Formelio, Drew Hodgson, Thomas Jenkinson, Brody Lucia, Emily Staino,EricaTouwand Mrs. Harrison (Oct. 13th) & Mrs. Brown (Oct. 22nd)and Mrs. Boone (Oct.25th). God bless each of you!

PreKindergarten (4’s)

Theme: “Kickin’ It Into Fall”

Reading Readiness: Finish “Red Riding Hood” and begin “The Three Bears”

Letters: Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff

Numbers: #4, 5, 6,

Bible with Mrs. Leonard: “Creation of the World”, “Creation of Man & Woman”, “Adam & Eve”, “Noah and the Ark”, and “Baby Moses”.

Bible Memory Verse: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” Genesis 28:15

Happy October Birthday Wishes to: Hannah Cummings, George Davidson, Jake Jackson, Evan Jusko, Xavier LaFrance, Gia Muller, Steven Murray, Dylan Palcko, David Roi, Jackson Sommers, Hannah Travers and Mrs. Fisher (Oct. 20th) & Mrs. Brown (Oct. 22nd). God bless you all!

Special Events:

NO SCHOOL: Our school will be closed on Monday, Oct. 12th for Columbus Day.

Pumpkin Patch Trips: Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 1st2nd during normal school hours. Money & permission slips are due back NOW. Thank you!

Firemen Visit: Our Washington Twp. Firemen will visit our school on Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 22nd23rd for Fire Prevention Month. Children will receive a brief lesson on fire safety, as well as be able to see the fire truck. This is a “student only” activity during school hours.

School Pictures: Individual school pictures will be taken on Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 15th16th during normal school hours. *No money is due until you have viewed your pictures and made your final selections.

Philadelphia Zoo Trips: Mon. & Tues., 19thOct. 20thfrom 9 Am to 1:30 PM. Money and permission slips are due back no later than Wed., Sept. 30th.Thanks!

Halloween: Because our school is a Christian school, we do NOT celebrate Halloween in any way. This includes costumes, parades, parties, goody bags and/or crafts. Please see the “Party Days/Holidays” section in our handbook. Any Halloween items sent into school will be respectfully returned. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

FAM JAM: Fri., Oct. 30th, 6 to 9 PM: Fun for the whole family! More info coming soon.

Christmas Pageants: Our annual Christmas Pageants will be held on Thurs. & Fri., Dec. 17th18that 9:30 AM & 1:30 PM. Please mark your calendars!

FACEBOOK: Check us out for the latest information or go to our school website at

Tuition: Our third tuition payment for this year is now due. Please be advised that your child can be excluded from school after 2 missed payments. If you are having financial difficulties, please see our director in Room #110 immediately or call her at #227-3722. She will be happy to work with you & your budget.

You can pay tuition online @ Click on “Nursery School”. We do take credit card payments online!

Flu Shots: ALL students under 60 months of age must have a flu shot by Dec. 31st, 2015. Documentation of the flu shot must be given to your child’s teacher. If you choose not to have your child receive the flu shot, please send in a written, dated and signed statement that you are claiming a medical or religious exemption. *If your child turns 5 years old BEFORE Dec. 31, 2015, he/she does NOT have to get the flu shot, if you so desire.

What’s Happening at St. John’s Church?

Sunday Worship: We have 2 worship services every Sunday at 8:30 AM (traditional) and 11 AM (contemporary). FREE nursery care is provided by a paid, trained staff for newborns thru age 3 years. Worship Zone (children’s church) is available for kids 4 years through 5th grade during our worship services. Everyone is welcome! If you don’t have a home church, why not check us out? We would love to have you.

Sunday School: Every Sunday from 9:45 to 10:45 AM. Kids of all ages welcome!

Family Dinners: FREE family dinner is served every Wednesday night from 5:45 to 7 PM in our Family Life Center. Everyone is welcome! You need not be a member of St. John’s Church to attend. Why not come out & bring your family?

Kids’ Clubs: Kids from nursery school to 5th grade can come hear a Bible story, do a craft, have a snack & have loads of fun every Wednesday night from 7 to 8:15 PM. Its fun and it’s FREE!