Research Focus Area: 4. Secondary Use of EHR Data - Project Charter
Project Title/Name: / Project 4 - Infrastructure & Scalability
Project Sponsor: / Dr. Christopher Chute; Dr. Stan Huff
Project Leads: / J.Ferraro, M.Schor & T.Johnson
Project Manager: / L.Hart
Date: / July 2010-Dec 2010
To be completed during Project Approval Process
Mayo Clinic Research - BSI PMO / Program:
SHARP Area 4 / Project Number:
Project 4
Brief Project Description: (What will this project do?) (255 characters):
The SHARP Area 4 program requires architecture, infrastructure and scalability platform. Technical solutions were offered as options, however, it is desired that high-level requirements be gathered and confirmed in the next 60 days prior to proceeding with technical solution exploration.
· Provide shared SHARP system environment sandbox (development, test, pseudo-production) that will integrate the different area’s components into a uniform system pipeline.
· Provide network connectivity, security, system hardware, and software.
· Provide software repository with version control system.
· Provide operational support for the shared system environments.
Policy & Procedures
· Define Appropriate Use Guidelines
· Define Access Procedures
· Implement Shared Use Scheduling System
Project Approach: (list any approach or methodology that will be used for this project (e.g. PMBOK, DMAIC, etc.)
· Identification of “agreed” upon use-case across all project areas –provides a context to think within.
· Define use-case profile (what needs to be considered in a use case –i.e. data availability, tool availability, test-setting, …).
· Start thinking in terms of sharable components contra to individual site proprietary components –integration committee across all areas.
· Determine data sharing and exchange requirements across project areas.
· Individual areas operationalize towards the cross-cutting use-case (i.e. data availability, system components, clinical models, test-cases, timelines).
· Secure environment and sandbox
Project Scope:
IN Scope / OUT of ScopeList items/functionality to be accomplished here / List all exclusions (out of scope) here
Garner technical requirements for each project area. / Process flows or process validation
Capture, document & prioritize functional requirements with behavior and information that the solution must manage; capabilities of the system; specific information of technology application actions or responses. / Implementation guides
Capture, document & prioritize interface and any transition requirements.
Model various flows & conduct feasibility analysis; model Technology architecture/structure
Design stage
Modular and subsystem programming code
Roles and Responsibilities: (Enter the estimated resources needed to initiate the project)
Team Roles / Resource Skill Set Needed / Name / FTE neededTeam Lead / Jeff Ferraro (Utah) / 20%
Team Lead / Tom Johnson (Mayo) / 20%
Team Lead / Marshal Schor (IBM) / 20%
Project Manager / Lacey Hart / 10%
UIMA Consulting / TBN / 50-75%
IT Programmer(s) / TBN, Mayo / 50-100%
IT Programmer(s) / TBN, IBM / 50-100%
Preliminary Timeline: (Enter any applicable milestone or deliverable dates)
Milestone or Deliverable / Target Completion Date1 / Charter Approved / 7/23/2010
1.2 / Identify People Resources / 8/20/2010
2 / Capture High-level Requirements for each Project Area / 8/20/2010
2.1 / Meet with area leads to identify and agree upon cross-cutting use-case.
2.2 / Initiate high-level requirements gathering
3 / Inventory/Gap Analysis of Available Tools that are Shareable / 9/3/2010
3.1 / Inventory tools that can be shared
3.2 / Inventory data that can be shared
4 / Create Requirements Package / TBD
5 / Design Technical Environment Solution / TBD
5.1 / Perform Middleware Tools/Framework Assessment / TBD
5.2 / Design Data Repository -Sharing and Exchange / TBD
5.3 / Design & Develop Software Architecture / TBD
5.4 / Design & Develop Hardware Architecture / TBD
6 / Determine Physical Data Center Location/shared environment / TBD
6.1 / Hire Operational Support Personnel / TBD
6.2 / Provide shared SHARP system environment sandbox / TBD
7 / Quality Assurance / Testing / TBD
8 / Author Policy and Procedures Documentation / TBD
Dependencies/Assumptions/Risks/Constraints: (Enter any known or anticipated points to communicate)
· Barriers – proprietary information, cultural shift to sharing tools.
· Technologically shared environments are do-able; question of data use agreements.
· Identify physical location of the environment; System administration role needs funding to keep environment running.
· Security/ access stumbling blocks.
· Centerphase – role as helping to validate the algorithms being tested in this environment to provide ‘real-world’ value. Helping with development of tools, testing tools, - role in this group is to support the team at end of the day – meets needs/goals of projects. “Commercial perspective” Make sure use cases are valuable.
· Agilex – role with this team – advisory role on how architecture role dealing with external connections will need to be rolled out. Places where adaptor technology needs to be developed they can assist.
Endorsed Not Endorsed Deferred until ______
Comments (Enter endorsement mechanism and any other comments)
Title / Signature / DateProject Owner(s): / ______/ ______
Project Manager: / ______/ ______
Version 1.0 Page 1 of 3 7/20/2010